How to Restore Coin98 Crypto Wallet and Fix Errors.

  • 4 months ago
Have you lost access to your Coin98 Wallet, or maybe you had it backed up and now can't seem to restore it.
Whatever the case may be, we're here to help. The good news is that Coin98 has made it incredibly easy to recover your crypto assets via Web Restore.

Please note that CloudFlare will need to verify that the connection is secure before landing to the Restore Portal.
If you're refreshing or restoring an existing wallet to fix wallet issues you'll need to enter your seed phrase. This is a sequence of words that serves as the private key for your wallet.

In this video, we'll show you how to find your 12-word recovery phrase so you can use them to restore or refresh your wallet via a Web portal.
Connections are End to End encrypted and your 12-word phrase is Hashed from your browser. However, it’s crucial that you keep this phrase safe and secure, as anyone with access to it can gain control of your funds.

We hope you found this video helpful. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to Coin98 support team for assistance. Thanks for watching.

Click the link below to access Push Restore Portal. If the link is not functional then, copy and paste or type into the web browser of your choice. Like google, Edge, Brave, Opera, Firefox, Vivaldi, Falkon, etc…

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