20240224_Damian_Cieślak_Droga Ruda_

  • 7 months ago
Przebudowa drogi w Rudzie Wieczyńskiej


00:00 Last year we started the repair of the road in Rudzie Wieczyńskie.
00:07 It is a road that connects the Voivodeship Road with the bridge on the river Prośnie.
00:13 The construction of the road began in September last year.
00:17 Unfortunately, the weather conditions made it impossible for the contractor to finish the project.
00:23 At the moment, one layer of asphalt is being built to the village hall, from the Voivodeship Road to the village hall.
00:30 The rest of the road will probably be built next week.
00:37 We had a construction council with the contractor and we decided that the project should be completed by the end of March this year.
