Three Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: A boy is going through a mental health crisis, prompting his mother to seek help from an unlikely man. This man must set aside his Western thinking to save her son through an intense ritual.
Short filmTranscript
00:00 (children playing)
00:03 - Hello, doctor.
00:04 He hasn't been himself lately.
00:07 (children playing)
00:09 - Would you say Ahmed suffers from depression?
00:12 (children laughing)
00:15 Mood swings?
00:16 (heart monitor beeping)
00:20 And how about a history of violence?
00:23 (woman screaming)
00:26 - For sure not.
00:28 (speaking in foreign language)
00:32 (woman screaming)
00:46 - The answers to his problems
00:56 do not lie in ancient superstition and witchcraft.
01:00 - Sometimes the old ways are the best.
01:03 (dramatic music)
01:05 (speaking in foreign language)
01:09 (woman screaming)
01:14 (dramatic music)
01:17 (woman screaming)
01:23 - One by one, they all fall down.
01:26 - He has a psychological condition
01:30 and he needs immediate hospitalization.
01:34 - Do you truly think that this is what we saw up there?
01:37 - What I saw up there was three men torturing a child.
01:42 (dramatic music)
01:45 (speaking in foreign language)
01:52 (dramatic music)
01:54 - This is crazy.
01:55 (dramatic music)
01:58 - What did they say?
01:59 (speaking in foreign language)
02:03 (woman screaming)
02:05 (speaking in foreign language)
02:09 - Are you afraid of him?
02:13 - He's my son.
02:15 (dramatic music)
02:18 (speaking in foreign language)
02:22 (woman screaming)
02:25 (electronic beeping)
02:28 (whooshing)