Transport secretary refuses to call Lee Anderson’s comments ‘racist’

  • 7 months ago
Transport secretary refuses to call Lee Anderson's comments racistSource: Sky News
00:00 You say it was wrong, was it racist?
00:02 Well, it was wrong and I'm not going to get into arguing about the rights and wrongs of what he said.
00:08 It was wrong. In my book, wrong is a strong word.
00:10 It was not true.
00:12 It's a different word to racist.
00:13 As I said, Sadiq Khan's got a terrible record on his track record as Mayor of London.
00:20 That's not my question, Mr Hupp. You've already dealt with that matter.
00:23 My question is, was it racist what he said?
00:27 Well, I'm not going to get into a detailed analysis of what he said.
00:30 What he said was wrong and it wasn't true.
00:33 He shouldn't have said it.
00:35 He failed to take the opportunity to retract those comments and apologise.
00:38 That's why there was firmly...
00:39 Lots of people are wrong. I'm wrong on a daily basis. I'm not a racist.
00:43 No, but what he said about Sadiq Khan was profoundly wrong.
00:46 Those things were not true.
00:48 They're not true and what he said was wrong and he shouldn't have said them.
00:53 As I said, there's a range of things we can criticise Sadiq Khan for.
00:56 He's got a terrible track record on transport.
00:58 on transport.
