Tuvalu’s New Prime Minister Seen as Favoring Taiwan Ties

  • 7 months ago
Feleti Teo has been named the new prime minister of Tuvalu, receiving unanimous support from the Pacific island nation's 16 lawmakers. Taiwan's foreign ministry says Teo is a friend to Taiwan and that relations with Tuvalu are stable.


00:00 One of Taiwan's few remaining diplomatic allies, Tuvalu has elected a new prime minister.
00:06 The election has been closely watched by Taipei as well as China and the United States as
00:11 the two superpowers wrestle for influence in the Pacific.
00:15 Louise Wat is following developments for us and joins us now from Taipei.
00:18 Louise, is this a win for Taiwan?
00:21 Yes, I think it is a win for Taiwan.
00:25 Tuvalu's new prime minister is Valete Deo.
00:29 He's a lawyer, a former attorney general, but more importantly for Taiwan, he's seen
00:36 as favoring continuing diplomatic relations with Taipei rather than exploring switching
00:42 allegiance to Beijing.
00:45 Now this is important because Tuvalu, while it's a small nation, it has a population of
00:50 just 11,000, it doesn't have much land and that's at risk of rising sea levels, but it
00:57 is one of Taiwan's 12 remaining diplomatic allies.
01:01 And Tuvalu's neighbor, Nauru, just last month ditched Taipei in favor of Beijing, which
01:07 promised to spend more money in development help for the nation.
01:12 So Taiwan's foreign ministry seems happy with the new pick.
01:17 It says that Deo is a good friend to Taiwan, who's been here several times.
01:23 The foreign ministry has sent its congratulations along with those of President Tsai to Deo,
01:29 and it says that it will send a delegation from Taiwan in the near future to show its
01:35 support for the new government.
