Ilya Gambashidze : Soldat de la désinformation ou roi des trolls russes ?

  • 7 months ago
Bien qu'il ne soit pas un nom connu du grand public, Ilya Gambashidze semble être impliqué dans presque toutes les dernières opérations de désinformation russes à travers le monde.
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00:00 Although it is not a well-known name of the general public, Ilya Gambachid seems to be
00:04 involved in almost all the latest operations of Russian disinformation around the world.
00:08 His disturbing actions on cyberspace earned him a place last year on the list of
00:13 European sanctions.
00:14 However, a profile of France24 verified on the man of mystery of manipulation in Russia
00:20 reveals an agent with a stature in the field of much more modest disinformation than the
00:23 former tsar of the Kremlin trolls, was Wagner's boss, Yevgeny Prigozin.
00:28 And emerged from anonymity in the West in the summer of 2023.
00:32 Ilya Gambachid's name first appeared on the July 2023 Council of the European Union's
00:38 list of Russian nationals subjected to sanctions.
00:41 The list which translated his last name from the original Cyrillic text to Gambachid's
00:46 noted that he was the founder of Structura Nationale Technologie and Social Design Agency
00:50 and was a key actor in Russia's disinformation campaign targeting Ukraine and a number of
00:55 West European countries.
00:58 By November, the US State Department was seating Gambachid's in a media note on the Kremlin's
01:02 effort to covertly spread disinformation in Latin America.
01:06 The tactic cited in the US and EU document details a disinformation strategy employed
01:11 in a vast operation dubbed "The Pelganger" by EU official, which cloned and created fake
01:15 websites impersonating government organizations and mainstream media.
01:19 The Social Design Agency, SDA, and Structura were described by the US State Department
01:25 as "influenced for higher firms with a deep technical capability, experience in exploiting
01:29 open information environment, and a history of proliferating disinformation and propaganda
01:34 to further Russia's foreign influence objective."
01:37 The SDA fulfilled a dual role, according to Colleen Chavan, threat research analyst at
01:42, a French cybersecurity company.
01:46 The SDA acted both as a coordinator of the various players involved in this disinformation
01:50 campaign, and an operator, creating false content, she explained.
01:56 Exploiting Kris from Ukraine to Gaza War.
01:59 In addition to being a prolific disinformer, Gambachid's is also an opportunistic one.
02:04 Mont after his name appeared on the European Sanctions List, Gambachid's was busy trying
02:09 to fan tension between French-Muslim and Jewish communities following the Gaza War launched
02:13 by Israel in response to the October 7 Hamas attack.
02:17 The French Foreign Ministry H.S. Lincoln and anti-Semitic Star of David graffiti campaignant
02:21 in the Paris region to Opel Ganger.
02:24 Viginom, the French government agency for defense against foreign digital influence,
02:30 H.S. accused the SDA of seeking to amplify the surging anti-Semitism in France by using
02:34 both two proliferate Star of David posts on social networks.
02:39 The Kremlin H.S. even cited Gambachid's as a chief organizer of a new anti-Western propaganda
02:43 campaignant in Ukraine, according to document detailing a disinformation plan signed by
02:48 the SDA boss and leaked to Ukrainian media.
02:51 In the leaked document, Gambachid's presented a one-off The Man's Shadow Advisors to the
02:56 Other Ukraine, a massive Kremlin propaganda operation targeting Ukrainian President Volodymyr
03:01 Zelensky.
03:02 One reason for talking about Gambachid's is a look very central.
03:06 H.S. name keeps cropping up including with respect to Ukraine said Andrew Wilson, a professor
03:11 of Ukrainian studies at University College London.
03:15 When contacted by France 24, the Council of the European Union declined to comment on
03:19 the importance that Brussels attaches to this Russian propagandist, citing the confidentiality
03:24 of preparatory work in deciding whether to sanction an individual or a company.
