Proyek Jalan Tol IKN Terkendala Pembebasan Lahan

  • 7 months ago
Pembangunan jalan tol di Ibu Kota Negara Nusantara, seksi 6A dan 6B masih terkendala pembebasan lahan. Satgas pelaksanaan pembangunan IKN Nusantara memastikan, pemerintah telah berkoordinasi agar kendala tersebut segera selesai, dan pembangunan bisa dikejar sesuai target.


00:00 We go to the first information, the construction of toll road in the capital of Indonesia, section 6A and 6B is still subject to land liberation.
00:08 Satgas, the implementation of the construction of the IKN Nusantara ensures that the government has coordinated so that the obstacles are immediately completed and the construction can be pursued according to the target.
00:21 The construction of toll road in the capital of Indonesia, section 6A, Rekor Segment, Rencana Outer Ring Road and 6B Segment, Rencana Outer Ring Road, Simpang 3, Itji, is still subject to land liberation.
00:33 This condition is admitted to hamper the rapid progress of the IKN Nusantara construction target.
00:38 The problem of the location of the toll road has been designed in such a way that it cannot be changed just like that.
00:44 Regarding the obstacle, the head of the Satgas, the implementation of the construction of the IKN Nusantara, Dhani Sumadilaga, said that the government has coordinated to complete it immediately and the construction can be pursued according to the target.
00:55 If the land cannot be liberated, it will be hampered.
00:59 If the toll road has a starting point, it cannot be turned just like that. We hope there is a solution in the issue of land liberation in the region.
01:11 Meanwhile, the progress of the toll road in section 3A, 3B, 5A and 5B has exceeded 70% of the construction, where the toll road in section 5A is the fastest.
01:21 Currently, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing continues to accelerate the construction of toll roads to the central area of the IKN government.
01:27 Later, the road will be connected to the toll road Balikpapan and Rinda.
01:31 Thus, the distance from Balikpapan to the central area of the IKN will be reduced from 2 hours to 30 minutes.
01:38 Jakarta Tim Liputan IDX Channel
01:42 Jakarta Tim Liputan IDX Channel
01:45 (bell chimes)
