为令吉贬值承担责任 韩沙: 安华应“炒掉自己”

  • 7 months ago
新闻报报看 | 国会反对党领袖韩沙在参与元首施政御词辩论时,调侃身为首相兼财长的安华“炒掉自己”,以对令吉贬值负起责任。安华还是在野党时,曾经在马币贬值时期狠批时任财长东姑扎夫鲁,因此安华如今也必须以相同的标准,对待出任财长的自己。(主播:梁宝仪、洪欣仪)


00:00 Although the National Bank of China called out the US dollar twice yesterday, claiming that it has fallen to the point of a percent, saying that the US dollar is severely underestimated, the US dollar still has no strength to continue to rise.
00:13 According to Bloomberg, the US dollar's exchange rate was 4.76 when it opened, which was 4.75 when it closed yesterday. However, when it closed, the US dollar's exchange rate further fell to 4.77.
00:27 In addition, the US dollar's exchange rate for the New Year was 3.54 when it opened, which was 3.55 when it closed yesterday. However, when it closed, the US dollar's exchange rate rose 0.29%, which was 3.54.
00:40 The other party cannot stand up.
00:41 When the leader of the opposition party, Han Sha, was in the debate on the "Political and Legal Discourse", he ridiculed An Hua, who was the prime minister and the chief of staff, for "firing himself" to take responsibility for the other party's depreciation.
00:52 Han Sha said that when An Hua was still in the opposition party, he was very critical of the then-prime minister, Donggu Zhafulu, for his "firing himself" during the depreciation of the Ma Bi.
01:00 Therefore, An Hua must now demand himself with the same standards. So what An Hua should do most is to fire himself as the prime minister.
01:08 In 1998, the dollar's exchange rate fell to 1.00. The current 4.88 and the current 4.83 are the same.
01:20 The exchange rate for the New Year has also recorded the worst record in 56 years.
01:25 He said that the depreciation of the dollar is a serious matter.
01:29 Because the victims will be the national economy and the people, this will lead to the price of imported goods, especially goods related to food, rising.
01:38 He doesn't understand why the government hasn't established a special committee to announce an emergency plan to save the country.
01:46 As for the depreciation of the dollar, the prime minister An Hua has also explained several times.
01:52 The current depreciation of the dollar cannot be compared with 1998.
01:56 Not to mention that China's current economic fundamentals are still good.
02:00 But for the prime minister to describe China's economic good,
02:04 the member of the Parliament, Mohammed Shasheer, said in a statement today that
02:08 if the national economy is really so good, why do Chinese people drive Grab on New Year's Day?
02:15 He said that he himself took a Grab electric car to the airport on New Year's Day.
02:20 When he was about to take the last flight back to Kedah, he found that the electric car driver was actually a Chinese.
02:26 In addition, Shasheer also said that he saw online messages from netizens saying that on New Year's Day,
02:33 the night market was full of Chinese selling food on the stalls.
02:37 So you can imagine how hard it is to make money now.
02:42 Shasheer emphasized that these people are really ordinary people.
02:46 They are not netizens.
02:48 But the government denied that and kept saying that the national economy is very good.
02:52 It doesn't care about these things at all.
02:54 He said that the people of Myanmar have no sympathy and no empathy.
03:00 It is hard to make money if the economy is bad.
03:03 This is what the member of the Parliament said.
03:05 However, Prime Minister Secretary Azman said in an interview with the online media "Today's Myanmar" today that
03:10 although there are some drawbacks to the declining economy,
03:13 this has brought advantages to exports and tourism.
03:17 Although the country must pay more to import goods,
03:22 the situation in the export industry is completely opposite.
03:25 For example, when the US dollar-based goods exports are exchanged for the US dollar,
03:31 the value of the exchange will bring profits.
03:34 This is why the company that depreciated the export of the currency can be said to be very happy.
03:38 At the same time, Prime Minister Secretary Azman also expected that
03:41 the depreciation of the foreign currency will promote foreign tourists to enter our country.
03:46 Due to the decline in the currency, our country will have an advantage in tourism.
03:50 Malaysia will also become the first tourist destination chosen by tourists.
03:55 However, he also emphasized that although it will bring a series of advantages,
03:59 this does not mean that the government is not worried about the problem of foreign currency depreciation.
04:02 He said that the government is currently closely monitoring the trend of foreign currency.
04:08 [Music]
