• last year
We demo the new $3,500 Apple Vision Pro. Here's why these tech goggles could be the future of computing β€” but may not be worth the price.
00:00 So we've been playing around with the Apple Vision Pro and learning a few things about it.
00:05 And what we've learned is...
00:07 Basically, it's a great way to mix your virtual reality with your real reality, pretty much.
00:13 You can have all of your apps like I have right now, a browser tab open,
00:18 about two inches away from your face while you're on the New York City street.
00:22 And with the turn of this dial at the top, the crown dial, everyone kind of disappears.
00:27 And I'm now on a sand dune with Twitter pulled up in my background.
00:30 I wish I was there.
00:33 It looks warmer here where I am.
00:35 And now we're back.
00:37 Hi, Katie.
00:38 Oh, hello.
00:39 Are you like worried you're going to like trip on the curb up here?
00:41 Should I be like, "Watch out, there's a curb."
00:43 So I can't really see my feet right now.
00:44 Oh my gosh, there's a car.
00:48 Did you see that car?
00:49 No, I did not.
00:50 Yeah.
00:52 There's a car turning like right there.
00:54 I know, I have to like fully turn like...
00:57 I know, I'm like, I have to...
01:00 You're not seeing everything, right?
01:01 It's a bit limited, yeah.
01:02 Okay.
01:02 It's a bit limited.
01:03 See, now I'm using it and I have a browser open of people passing through Twitter right now.
01:08 We got the green light now, we can walk.
01:10 We can walk.
01:13 Great.
01:14 I'm Katie Nutopolis.
01:23 I'm a correspondent here at Business Insider.
01:25 I'm with Jordan Hart, a trending technology reporter.
01:29 And we're here to talk about the Apple Vision Pro.
01:32 Yeah, let's do it.
01:36 Oh, your thing went blue.
01:37 You're looking at like an Apple's display of my eyes.
01:40 They're tracking my eye movements.
01:42 They're tracking my hand gestures.
01:43 Your eyes are like the cursor here.
01:45 So like what I look at is what's kind of highlighted for me to select.
01:48 And with the click of my fingers like this, I can select it.
01:52 This thing is jammed pack with 12 cameras, 6 microphones.
01:55 So it is not missing a beat here.
01:57 Some of my favorite features.
01:58 I'm a movie watcher.
02:00 I'm a show binger.
02:01 It's a tough one for me because I'm a social movie watcher as well.
02:04 You know, I want to comment to my friends about it and like we're all watching the same thing.
02:07 So that part was a little bit isolating and I would also say working in it, you know,
02:12 it's a little bit sci-fi to think about working through the Vision Pro all day long.
02:16 Yeah, but it's pretty convenient to have all of my windows and whatnot that I need
02:21 or want to be looking at all day pulled up right here next to me.
02:25 You know, it really refined my work from home experience.
02:29 Like what were things that were fun or useful for it other than watching movies and doing work?
02:36 Yeah, so I did cooking it at home.
02:39 So that was really cool to have like my timers kind of floating off to one side,
02:42 my playlist pulled up and then like my text messages pulled up.
02:46 While I was still able to see my hands and see what I was doing.
02:50 It was a little bit difficult to kind of like focus outside of the headset on like those fine motor skill tasks,
02:56 like cutting something. I want to look at my hands and look at what I'm doing.
02:59 It was kind of hard to like focus on the real world and like kind of get out of the virtual a little bit.
03:06 And you don't have to like touch your iPhone or an iPad with like a dirty, raw chicken hand.
03:11 That's a really good point.
03:13 I'm definitely the person who's like always like rinsing my hands after I touch like everything in the kitchen.
03:17 I mean, Apple really thought of like the spatial computing of it all.
03:20 So why is Apple selling this and like what is spatial computing?
03:26 Here is like a chance to blend in the things you love about your iPhone,
03:32 your iPad, your Mac into this headset and it kind of combines those things and combines it with the world around you.
03:40 And that's kind of what spatial computing is as well.
03:42 But it's also, you know, helping me look at you and showing me. Hello.
03:48 Right now, like you're right next to my Apple window.
03:53 I kind of wish that we both had them and we could be seen the same screen together.
03:59 That would be really cool. So that we could be in like dual VR.
04:01 The ultimate like dream, right, is to be able to like see the world through somebody else's eyes.
04:06 Like someone puts it on and you can just be like watching their thing from your goggles sitting in your house
04:11 and like someone else is out there in the world doing something interesting.
04:14 That's actually really pathetic when I'm saying that.
04:17 No, I get it. I understand.
04:18 Like I just want to sit at home and someone else does something interesting. That's sad.
04:23 What's your phone number?
04:25 There we go.
04:29 It looks so weird.
04:36 Yeah, no, I can imagine.
04:38 It's like I'm turned into a ghost.
04:40 I'm a little bit, you know, a little bit aged on here.
04:44 That's the first thing I noticed.
04:47 You do it like weirdly. You look 20 years older.
04:52 The positive thing is like I can see you just fine.
04:55 You look normal. This is like regular face time.
04:57 You're floating in my sea of windows, but you're you and I'm, you know, a ghostly,
05:04 hopefully slightly okay looking version of myself.
05:10 What do you think that the Vision Pro is missing right now?
05:13 For me, it's all about the apps. I need YouTube. I need Netflix.
05:17 I would predict that they're waiting to see about the hype
05:20 and about the drive of people to get this Vision Pro before they really invest in their apps,
05:26 but it's kind of a tough situation because those are things that I need the Vision Pro to have
05:31 if I'm going to reach for the Vision Pro instead of other pieces of technology that already exist.
05:37 All right, I'm gonna hang up on you.
05:41 Go for it. I'd like let me float off into the, do you see my floating hands?
05:45 Wait, are you seeing my hands? Oh, there they are.
05:49 There they are. Oh my God.
05:52 They look so bad. I'm like, I'm like worse than a sim right now.
05:59 I'm like an emoji. So the battery life, how is it?
06:04 So this battery pack here, it connects right here into the Vision Pro.
06:09 If you have it off, the Vision Pro is off. You'll put it on and just see nothing, see black.
06:13 And then when you connect the battery pack, that's when it comes to life.
06:18 You definitely have to have it on. And it's about like two hours or so, two and a half hours of active use.
06:23 You can use it while it's plugged in. So the battery pack here has a charger port.
06:27 You plug in the charger to the wall and you can, it'll be probably close to the wall a little bit,
06:31 but you can sit and still use it. Is the weight really heavy?
06:35 It's about the same as that iPad Pro, the 12 inch one.
06:39 This is an iPad, you know, on my face, you know, and it's a bit cumbersome after a while.
06:45 I've had a bit of like headaches when I first was wearing it.
06:48 It's like an eye workout, you know, you're really got to focus, you know,
06:50 I can't really like mindlessly scroll like I would on my laptop with a trackpad.
06:56 You don't think you could do like your full eight hour workday in this thing? Probably not.
07:01 Or like it would be uncomfortable. I might need a nap at lunchtime probably to like rest my eyes, recharge.
07:06 They definitely should work on making it lighter if they want people to be using this for hours on end.
07:11 Do you think that wearing that is like isolating?
07:14 When I'm in the headset, it is a little bit isolating.
07:17 People can't see what I'm seeing and share the experience with me.
07:20 It's kind of like I have to do it on my own. You know, it's distracting in conversation.
07:24 It's definitely not as social of a device as I would want for my daily life.
07:33 I've been hearing that there's actually been quite a few people who were really excited by the headset.
07:39 I actually know a guy who's super passionate about all Apple products,
07:44 so excited to get this and then tried it out for a while and decided actually I'm going to return it.
07:51 I could see the average consumer returning it only because like for me,
07:55 I was wowed by it in the first 48 hours. But for me, I was kind of like after a week, I've done it all on it.
08:01 The possibilities aren't endless in the Asian Pro, I would say.
08:05 So I do think big tech companies are coming out with these kind of AR, VR, spatial computing things right now.
08:12 I think it pays to be on the new frontier.
08:15 I think these big tech companies, you know, are looking for ways to kind of plant their flag on the moon here
08:20 and really have a real expertise in the area.
08:25 If it catches on and people love it and you're like the godfather of the VR headset, then you know, you've won.
08:33 What do you think this is meant to replace?
08:35 I think that's the cool thing about it is it's like not meant to replace anything,
08:38 but it's also meant to replace everything at the same time because it has the familiarity of an iPhone or an iPad,
08:45 but it's a completely different way of experiencing those same apps that you know and love.
08:50 So you've had it now for a week and you've been testing it and using it.
08:54 What's your verdict?
08:56 I think Apple is onto something here.
08:59 Do I think it's ready for that $3,500 price tag for people to run out and go grab it right now?
09:05 Probably not.
09:06 What's that thing about like a dollar for every use you get out of it or something people do for budgeting?
09:10 This, I don't know if I'm going to use this 3,500 times.
09:13 Yeah, I feel like for that price point I needed to wash my dishes, be my computer, do my laundry.
09:20 Do my taxes.
09:21 Drive me around.
09:23 But this is something people were probably saying about you know computers and whatnot at one point.
09:27 You know, knowing Apple, they're going to keep working on it.
09:30 They're going to keep refining it and you know, who knows one day maybe we'll all be existing in the Vision Pro world.
09:36 Okay.
09:38 Jordan, I do have a question.
09:40 Yes.
09:40 Can I try it?
09:41 Of course you can, yes.
09:43 Okay.
09:47 I love how you're like physically reacting to it.
09:51 Whoa, okay.
09:54 Okay.
09:55 Oh, help.
09:56 Oh no.
09:57 Oh no.
09:59 It's hard for me.
10:00 I'm like, what are you seeing right now?
