Children who are due to start secondary school in September are finding out today which one they'll be going to.
78% have been offered a place at their first choice.
Graham Jones is an education lawyer at Whitehead Monckton solicitors in Maidstone.
78% have been offered a place at their first choice.
Graham Jones is an education lawyer at Whitehead Monckton solicitors in Maidstone.
00:00 The first thing to say is don't panic.
00:02 Check the school that you have been offered.
00:06 Hopefully it'll be one of the ones on your list.
00:09 Go and visit it if you haven't already done so.
00:13 Look at the Ofsted, make some more inquiries
00:15 about the school, maybe go and meet the teacher,
00:18 but the head teacher.
00:20 But what you must do is accept it
00:23 because if you don't accept the place by the 15th of March,
00:28 you will lose it and there's no guarantee, absolute,
00:32 that you will have a place at a school come September.
00:35 Now, there's no prejudice in accepting it.
00:37 You're still entitled to lodge an appeal
00:40 for the school of your choice,
00:41 but you really need to accept where you've been offered
00:44 as a safety net.
00:45 You need to submit an appeal
00:47 by the 28th of March this year.
00:49 And if you do submit the appeal by the 28th of March,
00:52 it will be heard by the 17th of June.
00:55 So you will know in good time before the start
00:58 of the next academic year where you're going.
01:01 If you don't meet that deadline,
01:03 they will try and hear your appeal
01:06 within 40 days of the deadline,
01:08 or if not, within 30 days of the date you file the appeal.