Burnley meeting for cavity wall insulation victims

  • 7 months ago
Burnley MP, Antony Higginbotham, speaks to around 100 cavity wall insulation victims at a public meeting in the town following the collapse of SSB Law.
00:00 I'm so sorry that all of you find yourselves in this room, victims through no fault of
00:07 your own, because you thought you were doing the right thing, in fact you were doing the
00:11 right thing. You were insulating your homes, trying to decarbonise, trying to reduce your
00:17 energy bills, using government schemes that you thought were safe and secure and well
00:22 thought through. And because of nothing you did, you now find yourself a victim of this
00:29 horrible, horrible scandal. So I'm sorry. But well done, because you've all come together.
00:40 And actually I can imagine when you first opened those letters as they came through
00:44 your letterbox, you all felt totally alone and isolated. And I can only imagine the thought
00:51 you had as you went, what on earth is this about? How on earth am I going to pay it?
00:58 What does it mean? Who's there to help me? And if I can reassure you, whilst I might
01:04 have been the first Member of Parliament to raise this in the House of Commons, I certainly
01:08 haven't been the last. There are lots of Members of Parliament from different parties who have
01:14 all, since the BBC and the Burnley Express and others have done a brilliant job of highlighting
01:19 it, who have come forward and told their Members of Parliament about this utter, utter scandal.
