How My Boss Became My Hubby

  • 6 months ago
How My Boss Became My Hubby


00:03 Good morning, Mr. D.
00:23 Good morning, Allison.
00:24 Good morning, everyone.
00:26 Welcome to our quarter one meeting.
00:28 Before we get started, I want to show you
00:30 guys an important video from our user acquisition team.
00:36 Mr. Ager, here's your coffee.
00:47 I'm sorry about that text, Mr. Ager.
00:50 I was just trying to get my ex-boyfriend off my back.
00:53 So I said I was dating someone new.
00:57 So you were just using me.
00:59 I'm sorry, Mr. Ager.
01:02 OK.
01:04 I do that for you.
01:06 Now you're going to do something for me.
01:08 What do you need, Mr. Ager?
01:10 You're going to be my fake girlfriend.
01:12 Oh, well, this is my current girlfriend.
01:17 So if you want to replace her, we're
01:19 just going to have to set some ground rules.
01:21 Excuse me?
01:23 This is the first time I've come on a blind date
01:25 with three people.
01:27 Care to explain?
01:28 Oh, well, this is my current girlfriend.
01:30 So if you want to replace her, we're
01:32 just going to have to set some ground rules.
01:34 Excuse me?
01:35 First, you'd have to quit your job
01:37 and become a full-time housewife.
01:38 Second, I'm a CEO who makes a lot of money.
01:43 And so you'd have to sign a prenup.
01:45 Oh, lastly, I want a kid this year.
01:47 Two more by the time I'm 35.
01:49 So as long as you're OK with all that,
01:51 then we can start talking.
01:54 Let me get this straight.
01:56 You want me to give up my career to be a housewife,
01:59 then sign a prenup that offers no financial protection,
02:02 and give you three kids on top of all of that?
02:05 Yes, that's correct.
02:07 Seriously?
02:08 You put up with this shit?
02:11 You're an embarrassment to feminism.
02:13 And you, you're an asshole.
02:17 Oh, my god.
02:18 Oh, my god.
02:20 I'm going to go to the bathroom and clean up.
02:23 Order whatever you like.
02:28 Kyle, are you stalking me?
02:34 Please leave.
02:35 I'm here with my boyfriend, and we're here on a date.
02:41 Allison?
02:44 Kyle, are you stalking me?
02:46 Please leave.
02:47 I'm here with my boyfriend, and we're here on a date.
02:49 Bullshit.
02:51 I'll take your boyfriend anywhere.
02:52 And also, I got the photo you sent me.
02:55 It's your boss.
02:56 How could your new boyfriend be your boss?
02:59 Come on, let's go.
03:00 Let go of me right now.
03:01 I can't type you both.
03:03 Get your hands off my girlfriend.
03:08 Now you owe me another one.
03:15 Just look at her.
03:21 It's honestly sad.
03:23 Some girls just don't know their place.
03:26 So David said he saw Allison and Mr. Ager having
03:31 dinner together on Friday.
03:33 Really?
03:35 Do you think she's dating Mr. Ager?
03:37 Come on.
03:38 It's Mr. Ager, Forbes 30 under 30.
03:42 What could he possibly see in her?
03:44 Just look at her.
03:45 It's honestly sad.
03:47 Some girls just don't know their place.
03:49 Ugly ducklings will never be swans.
03:52 Mm, that tastes delicious.
04:00 Meeting in five minutes.
04:01 Don't you two have work to do?
04:03 Sounds like someone bullshitted on their resume.
04:11 What if the boss finds out?
04:12 How embarrassing.
04:14 All right, people.
04:16 We have some clients coming in from France tomorrow.
04:18 And I need a receptionist who speaks French to help out.
04:21 Anyone want to volunteer?
04:24 No?
04:25 All right.
04:26 Looks like it's going to have to be you, Miss Lam.
04:29 It's said on your resume you speak French.
04:31 Yes?
04:31 Great.
04:35 Settled then.
04:36 Thank you, Allison.
04:38 Sounds like someone bullshitted on their resume.
04:41 What if the boss finds out?
04:42 How embarrassing.
04:47 Mm, delicious.
04:48 I cannot believe she got that meeting.
04:55 Did you hear what she said?
04:56 They're fluent in French.
04:59 My ass.
04:59 Bonjour, Monsieur Toussaint et Monsieur Egger.
05:07 This way, please.
05:09 Merci.
05:09 Coucou.
05:15 Voulez-vous boire?
05:18 Espresso?
05:20 Oui, oui.
05:22 Merci.
05:22 I cannot believe she got that meeting.
05:28 Did you hear what she said?
05:29 They're fluent in French.
05:32 My ass.
05:33 If she screws us up with Mr. Toussaint--
05:35 She's still getting first.
05:39 Le café a un goût merveilleux.
05:41 Merci.
05:42 J'espère que vous avez aimé.
05:44 C'est un café vient de la France.
05:47 Mon patron l'a préparé juste pour vous.
05:50 Monsieur Toussaint, regarde le contrat, s'il vous plaît.
05:55 D'accord?
05:55 Our clients want us to join them for a business party
06:01 tonight.
06:01 I need you to come with me.
06:04 Need to or have to?
06:07 [LAUGHTER]
06:08 Merci.
06:10 Merci.
06:11 Merci, madame.
06:12 A bientôt.
06:13 OK.
06:14 Your French is fluent.
06:19 Why did you ask me to be your receptionist?
06:22 I have faith in you.
06:26 Never mind.
06:27 Our clients want us to join them for a business party
06:30 tonight.
06:30 I need you to come with me.
06:33 Need to or have to?
06:37 Pick your pick six.
07:02 Not bad.
07:17 You clean up well.
07:18 Thanks for the dress.
07:20 How'd you know my size?
07:22 Not that hard to tell.
07:25 32B, right?
07:26 Sure.
07:27 Shall we?
07:28 We shall.
07:29 Can I borrow Mr. Ager for a dance?
07:38 I don't mind.
07:39 You can go.
07:40 That's the woman next to Mr. Ager.
07:50 Why is she holding Mr. Ager's arm?
07:53 I don't know.
07:54 Go ahead.
07:54 You can sit.
07:57 Can I borrow Mr. Ager for a dance?
08:01 I don't mind.
08:02 You can go.
08:04 Sorry.
08:05 Tonight I'm taking him.
08:08 Hey, that was rude.
08:10 Why don't you dance with me?
08:14 It's not that I don't want to.
08:15 It's just that I don't know how to.
08:18 I've never danced before.
08:21 Don't worry.
08:22 I'll be there.
08:26 Ready?
08:30 It's OK.
08:41 Follow my lead.
08:52 You can do anything with it.
08:54 Maybe this isn't the first time you've danced.
08:58 Yeah, I've been to a dance party.
09:00 You're stepping on my foot again.
09:09 Are you dating someone, Allison?
09:17 No.
09:18 Did you see who put this on my desk?
09:21 No, it was already there when I walked in.
09:25 Maybe it's from Kyle.
09:27 [MOANING]
09:39 [MOANING]
09:46 [MOANING]
09:49 [MOANING]
09:52 If it's not from Kyle, who else would know
09:58 about my favorite breakfast?
10:14 [MOANING]
10:18 Do you remember anything?
10:28 Do you remember who I am?
10:32 Of course.
10:33 Allie, you're awake.
10:41 How do you feel?
10:43 Did I just pass out?
10:46 Yeah.
10:46 Do you remember anything?
10:52 Do you remember who I am?
10:57 Of course.
10:58 You're my boss.
10:59 Yeah.
11:05 Must have been low blood sugar.
11:10 Thanks for letting me rest in your office, Mr. Ager.
11:12 I can get back to work now.
11:16 She still doesn't remember.
11:17 Did he just call me Allie?
11:25 What do you expect me to do?
11:31 You want me to give up on Allison?
11:32 Because I can't do that.
11:39 Hey, you might want to slow down, man.
11:42 Another one?
11:43 What's wrong with me?
11:49 You said that you wanted to talk,
11:51 so let's talk about it.
11:52 I don't know what to do.
11:54 Is this about Allison?
11:55 I just-- I know that if I push too hard, it's--
11:58 What?
11:58 Lucas, I've told you about this before.
12:01 Allison may never regain her memories.
12:04 We have to accept that.
12:05 What do you expect me to do?
12:08 You want me to give up on Allison?
12:09 Because I can't do that.
12:11 No.
12:12 That's not what I'm saying, all right?
12:15 I'm a doctor, and I have to tell you the truth.
12:17 Retrograde amnesia has no cure.
12:20 All right?
12:21 You can only hope for the best.
12:23 But as your friend,
12:25 I don't think that she has to remember you at all.
12:30 She's fallen in love with you before.
12:33 She can fall in love with you again.
12:36 [car horn honks]
12:38 Allison, you might as well go back into Wirth.
12:41 It's gonna take about two hours to get a car.
12:44 My boyfriend's coming to pick me up.
12:48 Daisy, did you need a ride?
12:50 Oh, my gosh, yes, please.
12:52 The queue for an Uber is two hours.
12:54 Allison, you might as well go back into Wirth.
12:58 It's gonna take about two hours to get a car.
13:01 [car horn honks]
13:02 Mr. Inger!
13:05 Get in.
13:07 Me?
13:09 Yes, you.
13:11 No, not in the back. I'm not your driver.
13:17 Get in the front.
13:19 Thank you for the ride, Mr. Inger.
13:24 You are welcome, but, um,
13:28 I think maybe you should call me Lucas from now on.
13:32 I don't want people to get the wrong idea.
13:35 What wrong idea could they possibly get?
13:39 I know we were putting on a show.
13:45 Uh-huh. Right, right.
13:47 But we don't have to do it anymore.
13:52 And I don't want our colleagues to get the wrong idea.
13:57 Oh, um, okay, yeah, I know what you mean, but...
14:02 Honestly, I wouldn't mind if they did.
14:05 Mr. Inger drinks coffee every morning.
14:13 Why would you bring him tea?
14:27 Second category, and third category.
14:32 Okay, that's pretty good. I'm just gonna keep going.
14:38 Mr. Inger, I went ahead and made you a coffee this morning.
14:41 Just the way you like it, one cream, two sugar.
14:44 Jessica, you are in the marketing department.
14:47 I don't need you to make me coffee, just do your job.
14:49 Oh, it's no problem. Allison went out to get the office delivery,
14:52 so I figured I would just help her out.
14:56 Mr. Inger drinks coffee every morning.
14:59 Why would you bring him tea?
15:01 Oh, he said he didn't sleep well last night,
15:03 so I thought herbal tea would help with relaxation.
15:06 This is perfect. Thank you.
15:09 Jessica, if you could leave and give Allison and I a couple minutes,
15:12 I have some things I need to discuss.
15:15 Allison, we are holding a press conference this Friday.
15:19 Do you think you could help me get the speech draft ready by then?
15:22 Yeah, of course.
15:24 [Dramatic music]
15:27 Hey Allison, could you help me with my shirt?
15:35 I think there's something poking me, but I can't see it.
15:37 Oh, yeah, sure.
15:39 Do you see it?
15:42 Oh, yeah, it's the tag. Is that better?
15:45 Much better. Thanks, Allison.
15:53 Sorry I'm late. I was helping Daisy with something.
15:55 You're fine. Come on, let's go.
15:57 [Applause]
16:01 Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for being here today.
16:05 It's great to see both new and familiar faces together.
16:11 [Dramatic music]
16:14 This is your draft?
16:20 No. This isn't the one I prepared.
16:22 Allison, how could you give Mr. Ager a blank draft?
16:26 The most exciting thing about this merger between...
16:30 [Applause]
16:33 What's going on? He's not saying anything from the draft.
16:36 He did good, though.
16:38 This is your draft?
16:41 Oh my God, no. This isn't the one I prepared.
16:47 Allison, how could you give Mr. Ager a blank draft?
16:52 Are you deliberately trying to embarrass our boss in public?
16:56 We cannot let her get away with this.
16:58 What do you suggest?
17:00 Fire her.
17:02 I would never do that.
17:05 Jessica, how did you know the draft was blank?
17:10 What?
17:12 I never said anything about it being blank.
17:14 Allison didn't say anything about the draft being blank.
17:16 You've never seen the draft. How did you know it was blank?
17:19 I guessed. I was... I was guessing.
17:23 Hm. Thank you.
17:27 For?
17:28 Such a great suggestion.
17:30 You're fired.
17:32 Jessica, you.
17:43 You think you are so much better than me.
17:46 And the truth is, everyone in this office knows how much of a dirty little skank you are.
17:52 Are you happy now?
18:03 That was a low one. Even for you.
18:05 You think you are so much better than me.
18:09 And the truth is, everyone in this office knows how much of a dirty little skank you are.
18:15 What the hell are you talking about, Jessica?
18:18 You're sleeping with Mr. Ager. Everybody knows it.
18:20 It's the reason he's picking favorites. I don't even know why I want to work for a company like this.
18:25 Well then just leave. Nobody's asking you to stay.
18:28 Okay.
18:30 What the hell?
18:33 [Dramatic music]
19:01 Where's Allison?
19:02 Did she come to work today?
19:03 Yes, she did.
19:04 Oh, shit.
19:05 [Siren]
19:07 [Coughing]
19:12 Is everybody out?
19:15 I'm counting right now.
19:17 I think everyone's out.
19:19 Where's Allison?
19:20 Did she come to work today?
19:21 Yes, she did.
19:22 [Humming]
19:28 Watch. She's not here.
19:30 Let's just give it a second.
19:32 Fuck this. I'm going in.
19:34 Give me this.
19:35 Mr. Ager?
19:36 What are you doing?
19:37 Okay.
19:38 What?
19:39 Come back here! Wait for the fire department!
19:43 [Gasping]
19:48 My nose hurts!
19:50 [Coughing]
19:51 [Dramatic music]
19:55 [Gasping]
19:57 [Gasping]
20:02 [Gasping]
20:04 Allison!
20:07 Allison!
20:11 [Gasping]
20:13 Fuck!
20:25 Allison, where are you?
20:27 Look, it's...
20:29 I'm in here.
20:31 I'm in the copy room.
20:33 Allison.
20:38 Allison!
20:39 [Gasping]
20:41 It's okay.
20:42 Come on.
20:43 Come on.
20:44 Come on.
20:45 [Groaning]
20:49 You okay?
20:50 I think I sprained my ankle.
20:54 Okay, yeah.
20:56 I don't know.
20:57 You're gonna have to get on my back.
20:59 I was 15 floors.
21:00 Yeah, I came up 15 floors.
21:01 I could go down 15 floors.
21:02 Hey, listen, listen.
21:03 We don't have much time, okay?
21:04 Hurry.
21:05 Come on.
21:06 Did you come up here just for me?
21:10 Do you see anyone else on my back?
21:12 [Groaning]
21:17 [Groaning]
21:19 [Groaning]
21:21 [Groaning]
21:23 Don't you understand?
21:25 Understand what?
21:27 You're gonna be so dense.
21:32 Let me see.
21:33 Let me see.
21:34 Oh, it's swollen already.
21:37 We gotta get you to the hospital.
21:39 No, it's okay.
21:40 It'll be fine in a few days.
21:42 Damn it, Allison.
21:44 Let me at least take you home.
21:46 Yeah?
21:47 Yeah.
21:48 Okay, be careful.
21:53 Okay.
21:54 Thank you.
21:55 Mr. Eggert, you don't have to do this for me.
22:05 I'm just curious as to--
22:06 Why are you still calling me Mr. Eggert?
22:08 I told you.
22:11 I'm Lucas.
22:13 Don't you understand?
22:15 Understand what?
22:17 You're gonna be so dense.
22:21 You know that?
22:43 Strange.
22:45 What's strange?
22:47 I'm getting, like, deja vu.
22:49 How'd you know tiramisu is my specialty?
22:54 I, um...
22:57 I didn't know.
22:59 Just a lucky guess.
23:01 It feels like you've seen me make this a hundred times.
23:06 Like, even the ingredients.
23:08 You even got the same brand as mine.
23:11 Well, what can I say?
23:13 You and I are just, um...
23:15 meant to be.
23:17 Oh my God, my favorite creamy alfredo pasta.
23:21 Strange.
23:31 What's strange?
23:33 I'm getting, like, deja vu.
23:35 Like, I've eaten this pasta before.
23:38 [clink]
23:40 Did I ever tell you that
23:46 I always get this strange feeling when I'm with you?
23:49 Oh.
23:51 How so?
23:53 Did I ever tell you that
23:56 I always get this strange feeling when I'm with you?
23:59 Oh.
24:01 How so?
24:03 It just feels so familiar.
24:08 I can't explain it.
24:10 I don't know if this...
24:15 Does this feel familiar?
24:19 Oh, my God.
24:29 I'm on my period.
24:34 Oh!
24:36 Ha ha ha ha!
24:38 I'll, um...
24:40 I'll go get you some ice cream, then.
24:42 And...
24:44 take a cold shower.
24:46 [giggle]
24:48 There it is again.
24:53 He knows I like to eat ice cream on my period?
24:56 Hello?
25:01 Miss Leng, would you please come in here for a second?
25:05 [phone rings]
25:07 Hello?
25:09 Miss Leng, would you please come in here for a second?
25:12 I'm not hungry for food.
25:18 I'm hungry for you.
25:20 [moaning]
25:22 Let them see.
25:24 Let them see.
25:26 I don't want people to talk.
25:28 I don't care. Let them talk.
25:30 I'm not trying to hide you.
25:33 I got you something.
25:35 Happy birthday.
25:41 Thanks, babe.
25:44 I got you something.
25:46 Do you like it?
25:54 I made it myself.
25:56 It has your initials in it. L.A.
25:58 See?
26:00 I love it.
26:02 Thank you.
26:05 Mm-hmm.
26:07 [grunting]
26:09 [moaning]
26:17 Why'd you do that?
26:21 Why not?
26:24 I want people to know about us.
26:26 And I want to be a part of it.
26:29 And I want to bury myself in a hole.
26:32 Everyone, if I could have your attention for a moment.
26:50 I know there have been a lot of rumors about Allison and me these past couple weeks.
26:56 And I just want to say that they are all true.
26:59 And she has finally agreed to be my girlfriend.
27:03 And if you have any problems with that, you can take it up with Sally in HR.
27:07 That is all.
27:09 Why'd you do that?
27:14 Why not?
27:17 I want people to know about us.
27:19 And I want to bury myself in a hole.
27:23 How about I make it up to you?
27:26 How?
27:28 I'm going out with some friends tomorrow night for some drinks.
27:31 I'd like you to meet them.
27:33 That's it? That's what you call making it up to me?
27:37 I might have something else planned as well.
27:40 Hi, I'm Clara.
27:44 I've known Lucas for a very long time.
27:47 You look so pretty.
27:50 I see why Lucas likes you.
27:53 We can have a drink.
27:55 Hey.
27:57 Hey Lucas. There you are. You're late.
27:59 You know the rules.
28:01 What rules?
28:03 Alright, now that we got that out of the way,
28:09 let me introduce you to my lovely girlfriend, Allison.
28:13 Hey Allison, I'm Joe.
28:15 Hi, I'm Clara.
28:17 I've known Lucas for a very long time.
28:20 You look so pretty.
28:23 I see why Lucas likes you.
28:26 Thank you.
28:28 Nice to meet you guys.
28:30 I'm so sorry. Oh my god.
28:35 It's okay. I'm so sorry.
28:37 You're okay.
28:38 Let me show you to the bathroom.
28:39 Okay.
28:41 No, you don't understand.
28:45 Just tell me.
28:47 You do look similar with her, huh?
28:56 Maybe that's why Lucas likes you.
28:59 What are you talking about?
29:01 Well, Lucas had a girlfriend a long time ago.
29:04 For some reason they broke up, but he never got over that breakup.
29:07 They've been single ever since.
29:09 Well, clearly he's moved on.
29:13 No, you don't understand.
29:16 Just tell me.
29:18 Well, you look exactly like his ex.
29:20 I do think he's dating you.
29:22 Are you saying I'm a rebound?
29:23 More or less.
29:24 A placeholder until she comes back.
29:27 I would run if I were you.
29:29 Why should I believe you?
29:31 I can prove it.
29:32 Meet me tomorrow.
29:34 Where'd you get these photos?
29:42 They were on his social media once.
29:44 Then they broke up, he deleted them.
29:46 But he can, I'm sure, find them in his office somewhere.
29:50 Here's the pictures of them being together.
29:54 Where'd you get these photos?
30:01 They were on his social media once.
30:03 Then they broke up, he deleted them.
30:05 But he can, I'm sure, find them in his office somewhere.
30:08 He used to put them up everywhere.
30:12 Look at the face.
30:14 And the figure.
30:16 You have a twin sister or something?
30:19 No, I don't have a twin sister.
30:23 Well, double ganger maybe.
30:25 Ellie, I miss you.
30:29 He wasn't talking to me.
30:31 He was talking to her.
30:33 You do her.
30:35 I love you.
30:37 [music]
30:40 [music]
30:43 [music]
30:46 [music]
30:49 [music]
31:16 Your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice message system.
31:19 Zero. One.
31:21 Absolutely.
31:26 Of course, Mr. Ager.
31:28 I'll get it done.
31:30 We were just in the phone with Mr. Ager.
31:34 Yeah, I'm preparing something for him.
31:37 Can I help you with anything?
31:39 Actually, yes.
31:42 I quit.
31:44 [music]
31:46 You want another drink?
31:56 Yes.
31:58 Why are you suddenly quitting your job?
32:02 What's going on?
32:04 Allison, please talk to me.
32:06 Is it because people are gossiping about us because I can fix that?
32:09 Or is it because I didn't pick up the phone yesterday because I'm just trying to--
32:12 Lucas, stop it!
32:14 I don't like you anymore.
32:16 I don't believe that.
32:19 You want another drink?
32:20 Yes.
32:22 Kyle came back to me.
32:26 And after being with you, I realized I missed him.
32:30 And that you were just a rebound.
32:33 I don't like you anymore.
32:41 Well, let's see how easy she is.
32:45 Can we buy you a drink?
32:50 Rome.
32:51 Rome.
32:52 He was out until 2 a.m.
32:54 And he had woken up butt naked on the street.
32:57 So she's alone.
33:01 What's that?
33:02 You guys see that girl over there?
33:04 She's my co--
33:05 Was my colleague.
33:08 Total slut.
33:11 Really?
33:12 She doesn't look like one.
33:13 She's so easy.
33:15 Slept with like half the audience.
33:17 Well, let's see how easy she is.
33:24 Can we buy you a drink?
33:29 Why you look so blue?
33:31 I bet I can cheer you up.
33:33 Two Cosmigos, please.
33:36 Don't call me Cosmigo.
33:40 Okay, well, maybe we go.
33:42 She said don't touch me.
33:44 Mr. Aker.
33:48 These guys with you?
33:49 They were just chatting.
33:52 Who the hell are you?
33:53 I'm her boyfriend.
33:54 Back off.
33:55 Come on, Allison. We're going home.
33:58 Where did they go?
34:08 [Gasp]
34:09 Mr. Aker.
34:12 These guys with you?
34:13 They were just chatting.
34:16 Well, you better tell your little friends to stay the hell away from Allison.
34:19 Oh, and by the way, that little stunt you pulled at the office, yeah, I know about that.
34:25 And if you think you can get away with arson, you got another thing coming.
34:29 Dude, what the hell's your problem here? You got something to say to us?
34:31 No.
34:33 That guy? Which side he won on, left or right?
34:37 I saw the way you were acting, Lucas.
34:41 Did you guys break up?
34:43 Why can't you just give us another shot, then?
34:46 Thanks for your help today, Kyle.
34:57 Yeah, don't worry about it.
34:59 Good night, then.
35:01 Wait, so, you're not going to invite me in for a drink?
35:04 I appreciate your help today, but it's over between us.
35:10 I saw the way you were acting, Lucas.
35:12 Did you guys break up?
35:14 Why can't you just give us another shot, then?
35:17 Kyle, for the love of God, it's over between us.
35:23 Fine. Whatever. It's your loss.
35:30 [phone rings]
35:32 Fuck this. I'm going to tell her.
35:41 Fuck! Is that Kyle in there?
35:48 Fuck this. I'm going to tell her.
35:58 [phone rings]
36:00 It's been two years. She still doesn't remember me.
36:03 Why can't I just fucking tell her?
36:05 Look, I'm your friend, but I'm also a doctor.
36:09 I can't sugarcoat this for you.
36:11 Allison is in the most vulnerable stage right now.
36:13 If you tell her, I can't guarantee anything.
36:17 What do you mean by that?
36:19 If you tell her and you push too hard, she might lose more memories.
36:23 I'm just telling you, you can't be too aggressive about this situation.
36:27 I can't do this. I can't do that. Is there anything that I can fucking do?
36:30 Well, maybe you can cook her favorite meal.
36:34 Do something that you used to do together.
36:36 See if gently nudging would help.
36:39 We broke up.
36:46 I know. That's why I'm pursuing you again.
36:49 I have a boyfriend now.
36:51 I don't believe that. I've been here literally every single day and I haven't seen him once.
36:54 I know. I'm sorry.
36:56 I've been here every single day.
36:58 I don't believe that.
37:00 I've been here every single day.
37:02 I've been here every single day.
37:04 I don't believe that.
37:06 I've been here every single day.
37:08 I've been here every single day.
37:10 I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
37:12 I've been here every single day.
37:14 I'm sorry.
37:16 I've been here every single day.
37:18 I'm sorry.
37:20 I've been here every single day.
37:22 I've been here every single day.
37:24 I'm sorry.
37:26 I've been here every single day.
37:28 I'm sorry.
37:30 I've been here every single day.
37:32 I'm sorry.
37:34 I've been here every single day.
37:36 I'm sorry.
37:38 I've been here every single day.
37:40 I'm sorry.
37:42 I've been here every single day.
37:44 I'm sorry.
37:46 I've been here every single day.
37:48 I'm sorry.
37:50 This is the engagement ring Kyle gave me.
37:56 He proposed and I said yes.
38:00 [music]
38:02 Alice, I didn't expect you to come.
38:22 Do you want to come inside?
38:24 No, I don't want to come inside.
38:26 I have all the gifts you gave me in my car and I need you to take them out.
38:28 No, those are for you.
38:30 Do you see this?
38:32 This is the engagement ring Kyle gave me.
38:34 This is the engagement ring Kyle gave me.
38:36 He proposed and I said yes.
38:38 He proposed and I said yes.
38:40 So please stop sending me gifts and stay away from me.
38:42 No, I saw the way you look at him.
38:44 You don't love him.
38:46 It's none of your business.
38:48 I'd rather marry someone I don't love
38:50 than be someone's substitute.
38:52 Substitute?
38:54 What the hell are you talking about?
38:56 You don't know who she is.
38:58 I know who she is.
39:00 Your true love.
39:02 Who is this girl?
39:04 We look so alike.
39:06 Have you ever loved me?
39:08 Or have I just been a replacement for your ex-girlfriend?
39:10 Really, you have nothing to say?
39:12 You don't know who she is.
39:14 I know who she is.
39:16 Your true love.
39:18 So just get your shit out of my car and go find your ex.
39:20 I don't want to see you again.
39:22 I don't want to see you again.
39:24 Get your shit out of my car and go find your ex.
39:26 Allison, damn it.
39:28 You're the girl in this photo.
39:30 You're kidding, right?
39:32 You think I remember taking a photo like this?
39:38 It's you.
39:42 It's always been you.
39:44 I've only ever loved you.
39:46 You just don't fucking remember.
39:52 You're saying I lost my memory?
39:54 That's impossible.
39:58 I don't believe you.
40:00 You're saying I lost my memory?
40:02 That's impossible.
40:06 I don't believe you.
40:08 Stay right here. I want to show you something.
40:10 It's a pair of cufflinks that you made me for my birthday.
40:20 Yeah, so?
40:22 You said you only made one, right?
40:24 You said you only made one, right?
40:26 Give it back to me if you don't want it.
40:28 That's impossible.
40:34 How can there be two pairs of cufflinks?
40:36 Do you believe me now?
40:38 How would I know that you can speak French?
40:40 Or that you like to dance?
40:42 Or that your favorite breakfast is pancake with mangoes?
40:44 Or that your favorite pasta is fettuccine with creamy alfredo?
40:46 Or that your favorite pasta is fettuccine with creamy alfredo?
40:48 Do you believe me now, Allison?
40:50 Louis,
40:52 Oulé, bou, fair,
40:54 et que poilé, projet.
40:56 Louis.
40:58 Louis.
41:00 Louis.
41:02 Louis.
41:04 Will you make me breakfast every day?
41:08 Louis, from now on,
41:10 my favorite pasta will be
41:12 alfredo pasta.
41:14 Do you understand now, Ally?
41:16 Oh, Allison.
41:18 Is there anything I can do?
41:22 The best thing that we can do is wait.
41:26 How can you tell her, man?
41:28 I know.
41:30 I told you not to do it.
41:32 I know, I know. I just...
41:34 I couldn't take it anymore.
41:36 I mean, look at that ring on her finger.
41:38 Kyle proposed,
41:40 and she said yes.
41:42 How am I supposed to let that happen?
41:44 She doesn't love him.
41:46 She loves me.
41:48 She just forgot.
41:50 I'm so sorry to hear that.
41:52 Is there anything I can do?
41:54 The best thing that we can do is wait.
41:56 Yeah.
41:58 Lucas, I'm gonna have to be honest.
42:04 Based on her situation right now,
42:06 there's a chance that she's gonna wake up
42:08 and not remember anything at all.
42:12 She might not even remember who she is.
42:14 God, this is all my fault.
42:16 And then you disappeared
42:22 and never came back.
42:24 Ally, you remember the first time we met?
42:32 I see them all.
42:34 It was my first day of college,
42:36 and I was completely lost in finding the right classroom.
42:38 Your French was so broken back then,
42:40 and I was nowhere better than you.
42:42 And for our first date,
42:44 I took you stargazing.
42:46 It was hot in the summer,
42:48 and there was no A.C. in Paris.
42:50 We took cold baths together to cool down.
42:52 That's the most vivid
42:54 and beautiful two years of my life.
42:56 And then you disappeared
42:58 and never came back.
43:08 I was mad at you.
43:10 You know,
43:12 how could you just walk out on my life like that?
43:14 I was mad at you.
43:16 You know,
43:20 how could you just walk out on my life like that?
43:22 But I was wrong, Ally.
43:24 It wasn't like that.
43:28 You didn't leave me.
43:32 You just...
43:34 You just...
43:36 You just...
43:38 lost all memories of me.
43:40 Yeah, come in.
43:42 Yeah, come in.
43:44 Mr. Baker, the candidate for your personal assistant
43:46 is here for the interview.
43:48 Thank you, Sally.
43:50 You can send her in.
43:52 Hi, I'm Allison Lang.
43:56 When you walked through my door that day,
43:58 I thought,
44:00 the universe is finally listening to my prayer.
44:02 God,
44:04 why does everything
44:06 have to be so hard?
44:08 But as long as you're happy...
44:12 Goodbye, Ally.
44:18 I did everything I could to make you remember
44:24 what happened between us.
44:26 The French client, I arranged that on purpose.
44:28 I asked you to dance at the dinner party
44:30 to remind you that you could dance.
44:32 I made you your favorite breakfast.
44:34 I asked you to make tiramisu.
44:36 I don't mind doing it over and over again
44:38 for the rest of my life as long as I can be with you.
44:40 Even if you never remember.
44:42 But Ally,
44:44 how can I watch you marry someone else?
44:46 That's why I had to say something.
44:52 I couldn't hold back anymore.
44:54 I'm so sorry.
44:58 I'm so sorry.
45:00 But if you think you found the right person,
45:04 then
45:06 I have to let you go.
45:08 I lost you once,
45:20 and I know it's going to kill me if I lose you again.
45:26 But as long as you're happy...
45:28 Goodbye, Ally.
45:32 I love you.
45:38 Louis?
45:42 There's nothing short of a miracle.
45:52 You remember everything?
45:54 Yeah.
45:56 I just...
46:00 can't figure out why I had a memory gap
46:02 of two years in my life
46:04 and completely not know about it.
46:06 Well, my guess is
46:08 after the car accident
46:10 and you lost your memory
46:12 is you were in a car accident
46:14 and you lost your memory.
46:16 I don't know why you're so upset.
46:18 I'm not upset.
46:20 I'm just...
46:22 and you lost your memory is
46:24 your parents had a doctor practice hypnosis
46:26 to protect you from
46:28 painful memory triggers.
46:30 Oftentimes you'll have seizures
46:32 or you'll faint
46:34 and memories start coming back.
46:36 Ally,
46:38 should I call Kyle and let him know you're awake?
46:40 Why?
46:44 He's your fiancé, right?
46:46 Well...
46:48 Um...
46:50 There...
46:52 is no Kyle.
46:54 I...
46:56 bought the ring myself.
46:58 Louis...
47:04 I'm sorry I forgot about you.
47:08 No, no. You don't have to be sorry.
47:10 It's not your fault.
47:12 If you want...
47:16 maybe...
47:18 we can...
47:20 Say no more.
47:22 No, I love you.
47:24 You don't deserve Lucas.
47:30 And his family will never accept you
47:32 because you're nobody.
47:34 So, why did you ask to see me today, Allison?
47:46 See?
47:48 I told you, you're just a replacement.
47:50 Really?
47:52 Look, there's a needle in the back.
47:54 See the name right there?
47:56 Nesilla? That's my name spelled backwards.
47:58 It's an inside joke
48:00 between Louis and I.
48:02 I don't know if you told me
48:04 on accident or on purpose,
48:06 but...
48:08 it doesn't matter.
48:10 I just wanted to clear things up with you.
48:12 You don't deserve Lucas.
48:14 And his family will never accept you
48:16 because you're nobody.
48:18 Excuse me?
48:20 My parents love...
48:22 Seriously? This again?
48:26 Your mom's still mad at you.
48:34 At me? What did I do?
48:36 I'm sorry.
48:38 Are you sure about this?
48:46 Once I'm moving in, I'm not moving out.
48:48 Yeah, you're right. It's too soon.
48:52 Let's take these back to your apartment.
48:54 I've never been more sure
49:00 of anything in my life.
49:02 Your mom's still mad at you.
49:04 At me? What did I do?
49:06 Remember the day I quit my job?
49:10 I called you and you didn't answer,
49:12 but you spoke with Sally from HR?
49:14 Were you ignoring my calls?
49:16 Oh, that!
49:18 Um, I was planning
49:20 a surprise for you.
49:22 What is it?
49:24 Why don't you come back to work and find out?
49:26 Find out?
49:28 Ruby, I can't accept this.
49:36 Yeah, see, I thought
49:38 you might say something like that.
49:40 So, let me rephrase it in a way
49:42 that you might be able to say yes.
49:44 You changed the company name to Ager & Lang?
49:52 Yeah.
49:54 The construction crew's coming later today
49:56 to switch out all the logos.
49:58 That's why I called Sally a few days ago
50:00 to make all the arrangements.
50:02 What did you do that for?
50:04 I want to share my life with you, Allie.
50:06 This company,
50:08 I started it from the ground up.
50:10 And you know what
50:12 got me through the most difficult times?
50:14 You did.
50:16 So, I'm signing over
50:20 half my shares to you.
50:22 Ruby, I can't accept this.
50:24 Yeah, see, I thought
50:26 you might say something like that.
50:28 So, let me rephrase it in a way
50:30 that you might be able to say yes.
50:32 Will you marry me?
50:36 Are you proposing to me with your company shares?
50:40 Well, um,
50:42 I am still technically your boss.
50:44 Because you never signed that severance.
50:46 And, I mean, you already bought yourself a ring.
50:48 So, I'm proposing to you.
50:50 And, I mean, you already bought yourself a ring.
50:52 So, I figured I'd go with something more original and fitting.
50:54 So, I figured I'd go with something more original and fitting.
50:56 You know?
50:58 So,
51:00 what do you say?
51:02 I say,
51:04 I love how my boss
51:06 became my hubby.
51:08 Is my breath that bad in the morning?
51:14 Your breath is fine.
51:18 It's just
51:20 my morning sickness.
51:22 Oh my god.
51:30 Ow.
51:32 Why are you looking at me like that?
51:34 Nothing.
51:36 Actually,
51:38 I have something to tell you.
51:40 I can't wait till after.
51:42 I can't wait till after.
51:44 Is my breath that bad in the morning?
51:52 Your breath is fine.
51:54 Your breath is fine.
51:56 It's just
51:58 my morning sickness.
52:00 No.
52:04 Oh my god.
52:06 Oh my god. I'm going to be a father?
52:08 Oh my god.
52:10 Wait, wait, wait. Is this okay?
52:12 Is this going to hurt the baby?
52:14 I bet it's a girl. I know it's a girl.
52:16 Oh my god.
52:18 Don't judge me if I cry.
52:20 Oh my god.
52:22 Baby, you're going to have to forgive your dad.
52:24 You just didn't have to.
52:26 [Music]