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Ghostbusters Frozen Empire Final Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: In Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire, the Spengler family returns to where it all started -- the iconic New York City firehouse -- to team up with the original Ghostbusters, who've developed a top-secret research lab to take busting ghosts to the next level. But when the discovery of an ancient artifact unleashes an evil force, Ghostbusters new and old must join forces to protect their home and save the world from a second Ice Age.

US Release Date: March 22, 2024
Starring: Bill Murray, Paul Rudd, Carrie Coon, Finn Wolfhard
Director : Gil Kenan
00:00 For the first time in New York history, a womb full of people
00:05 froze to death in July.
00:09 It's an unimaginable evil.
00:12 It's the power to kill by fear itself.
00:15 Like, literally scared to death?
00:18 Now it's headed straight for us.
00:23 Is something trying to get out?
00:27 Many things.
00:30 It's commanding an army of the undead.
00:33 I think we're all going to die.
00:36 Hold on to your ass!
00:38 This could bring about the end of humankind.
00:57 Disgusting.
00:59 Available October 20th.
01:01 Available October 20th.
01:03 Available October 20th.
01:05 Available October 20th.
