• last year
Sebanyak 2 ton beras SPHP Bulog ludes terjual dalam kegiatan operasi pasar yang diselenggarakan Komando Distrik Militer/0413 Bangka di Pasar Pagi Kota Pangkalpinang, Sabtu (2/3).
00:00 [Bullo Gludes]
00:03 As many as 2 tons of rice from the Stabilization Program of the SPHP, Bullo Gludes,
00:09 were sold in 20 minutes at the market operation held by Kodim 0413 Bangka
00:16 in Pagi City, Pangkal, Pinang on Saturday, March 2.
00:19 Hundreds of people were enthusiastic about eating the cheap rice.
00:23 The SPHP rice was sold at the highest price, which was 53,000 rupiah per 5 kilograms.
00:31 Kodim 0413 Bangka Commander Colonel A.R.M. Fristia Andrian Gitrias said
00:37 the market operation was carried out in a rush by Kodim throughout Indonesia
00:42 to help the local government to maintain the stability of food prices.
00:47 Hopefully, the public can know directly
00:54 how the actual price condition is on the ground.
00:59 And how the people react to the purchase of the rice.
01:05 The public is very enthusiastic.
01:08 This is a good example of how the people are enthusiastic about the government's action.
01:15 This is 53,000 rupiah.
01:18 I get this every week.
01:21 I get this every week.
01:24 I only get one.
01:27 I get this every week.
01:29 I only get this once a week.
01:32 We saw the rice was sold out in a rush.
01:36 The public is very enthusiastic.
01:41 The government is doing a market operation at a relatively low price.
01:51 The public is very enthusiastic.
01:55 At this event, Kodim 0413 Bangka and the local government
02:00 also carried out a price monitoring of staple goods.
02:03 From Pangkal Pinang, Bangka Belitung, Candrika Purnamadewi,
02:08 Kantor Berita Antara reported.
02:12 We will continue to monitor the situation.
02:16 Thank you.