How Long Adam Driver Thinks He Personally Would Have Survived In '65'

  • 6 months ago
Interview with Adam Driver
00:00 I'm curious how far you think personally you would have made it into this scenario.
00:04 I would have stayed on the ship. I'm like, surely it's a big ship. There had to be pretzels stashed
00:10 away somewhere. You know, there couldn't have made a, you know, some kind of like makeshift
00:16 shuttle to, you know, a launcher into outer space or something. You know, I don't know.
00:22 I don't have to be like head to toe protected with every, you know, laser at my disposal to
00:28 want to leave that ship. We actually shot this sequence where, that I don't think it did, it
00:34 didn't make it into the movie, but they did have guys that were in a like life-size dinosaur
00:40 costume like this really. And they put them in the distance and in the distance in the wild,
00:46 you, I was surprised how, I mean, it's obvious when you think about it, but when you're actually
00:51 in the woods in the middle of New Orleans and nowhere in the swamp, and you look over and see
00:57 a very realistic dinosaur, you know, doing something arbitrary, like eating a bush,
01:02 it's fucking terrifying. I can't say it, but it's terrifying.
01:05 That's all right. I broke the swear barrier.
01:08 Okay. All right.
