土团党修改党章为吓阻党员变心 阿兹兹:还有很多土团议员要变节!

  • 6 months ago
八点最热报 | 为了阻止更多自家人员倒戈叛党,土团党昨天就召开了特别代表大会,修改党章第10条文的动议。但倒戈的土团党话望生国会议员阿兹兹指出,土团党修改党章其实是为了达到恐吓的效果,要党内其他国会议员不敢转态支持首相。他甚至透露,土团党内其实还有很多其他国会议员,准备要宣布支持安华,只不过是在等待合适的时机而已。(主播:梁宝仪)


00:00 Before watching the video, I remind you that there is more content on the Hotline.
00:03 In order to prevent more of his own members from "douge" and "sue" the party,
00:08 the party revised the party chapter yesterday,
00:11 stipulating that if the members of the TPP violate the party's position and instructions,
00:15 they will automatically lose their party rank and must cancel relevant meetings.
00:20 Although the TPP has taken action to hope that the reformed members can return to the new transition,
00:24 one of the "douge" members, Azizi, said,
00:28 "If the TPP's registration office approves the revised party chapter,
00:32 he will go to court to challenge it."
00:35 When he was interviewed by Meiren News, he pointed out that
00:38 the TPP's revision of the party chapter is actually to achieve the effect of intimidation,
00:42 so that other members of the TPP in the party dare not turn to support the prime minister.
00:46 He even revealed that there are actually many members of the TPP
00:49 who are ready to announce their support for Anhua,
00:52 but they are just waiting for the right time.
00:55 As for the dead opponent of the TPP, Wu Tong,
00:58 he is also ready to deal with the possible re-election.
01:03 After the TPP revised the party chapter yesterday,
01:06 because of the members' transformation,
01:07 the "douge" members, Anhua's supporter, Jilandan, and Hua Wansheng,
01:10 may have a chance to be elected.
01:13 For this, the head of the district of Hua Wansheng, Sha Buding, revealed that
01:17 the grassroots have been ready to win back the election in the last term,
01:21 only by a slight margin of victory.
01:24 I think we accept any decision that involves a small number of people,
01:31 we accept it as it is.
01:33 And we at UMNO are definitely hoping that
01:35 the National Barisan will win back this P32 seat,
01:39 because this seat is the traditional seat of the National Barisan in Hua Wansheng.
01:44 In addition, the Supreme Leader of the TPP, Amo Maslan,
01:46 believes that it is very important to set up an election in the district of the TPP
01:49 where six members of the TPP have been re-elected.
01:52 Because according to past experience, the community registration office
01:55 will approve the party bill after the TPP is revised.
01:57 Once these will be in the air,
01:59 UMNO can prepare in the district early to deal with the election that will happen at any time.
02:04 The purpose of the TPP's revision of the party bill has reached the air.
02:12 The Supreme Leader of the TPP, Amo Maslan, believes that this is very difficult to achieve.
02:15 However, if the election is really necessary,
02:18 he will make suggestions to the leaders of Prime Minister Anhua and the TPP government
02:22 to let the TPP send troops to the battlefield.
02:25 Because the six districts of the TPP used to belong to the TPP's positions,
02:29 so it should be prioritized to consider the candidates of the TPP
02:33 in order to recover the lost territory.
02:35 [Music]
02:39 [Silence]
