SMLE Ekspansi ke Industri Vape dan Tembakau

  • 7 months ago
PT Sinergi Multi Lestarindo Tbk (SMLE) menambah bisnis ke industri vape dan tembakau sebagai distributor bahan baku flavor untuk bisnis liquid vape dan memasarkan bahan baku flavor oleoresin di Indonesia. Dengan adanya ekspansi ini perseroan optimistis mampu mencapai target pertumbuhan pendapatan sebesar 50%.


00:00 PT Sinergi Multi Lestar Indo TBK added business to the vape and tobacco industry as a distributor of vapour-based goods for the liquid vape business and the market for the flavour-based goods, oleoresin, in Indonesia.
00:13 With this expansion, the optimistic audience is able to reach the income growth target of 50%.
00:22 PT Sinergi Multi Lestar Indo TBK added business to the vape and tobacco industry as a distributor of vapour-based goods for the liquid vape business and the market for the vapour-based goods, oleoresin, in Indonesia.
00:33 The expansion of this business is proven by cooperation with one of the largest supplier of fragrance and flavour from Guangzhou, China, namely City Flower,
00:42 which is known for having innovative technology to produce high-quality products that can be accepted by the public at a price that can compete with competitors.
00:52 Supported by a technical support team that can provide a solution from the formulation made by SMLA.
00:58 With this expansion, the optimistic audience is able to reach the sales target that can be exceeded,
01:04 considering that almost 90% of the samples given to SMLA customers have been well received in the Indonesian market.
01:12 When recorded in the stock market last January, the sales target for income growth up to 50%.
01:18 This will be achieved with the support of the market optimism of Indonesian vaping users, which continues to increase, while creating business opportunities for the liquid vaping producers.
01:27 For your information, the vaping industry in Indonesia generated an income of around 5.6 trillion rupiah in 2023.
01:35 This data provides a great opportunity for SMLA to grow in 2024, because the product test has been implemented by the producer since Q3 2023, which can be applied this year.
01:47 In order for the expansion to be more smooth, SMLA is also actively interacting with the community and the vaping producers, including participating in a number of vaping exhibitions in Jakarta.
01:57 Various sources of IDX Channel
01:59 Thank you for watching
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