Cermati Saham Pilihan: PGAS, INDY, Hingga BRPT

  • 6 months ago
"Saksikan tayangan kami Official Youtube IDX Channel di Program 2nd Session Closing, Senin (04/03/2024) dengan Tema Cermati Saham Pilihan: PGAS, INDY, Hingga BRPT".


00:53 with Mr. Muhammad Wafi, Research Analyst at RHB Securitas Indonesia.
00:58 Mr. Wafi, let's go straight to the first example.
01:01 Gas is recommended by support in the 1990s, resistance up to 1180.
01:08 At what level is it recommended for gas?
01:11 Actually, for current levels, it is possible if you want to start using gas.
01:16 Because I see this is the second day, just the MA5 breakout.
01:20 We see some indicators, both lagging and leading, have shown an oversold signal.
01:26 Even some leading have shown a golden cross signal.
01:29 So I see there is still a rebound potential for gas and continue the leading up pattern to the resistance sideways channel.
01:38 So yes, in terms of trend, it is still moving sideways since December 2023.
01:43 Your resistance at 1180, it seems this level has been touched by the previous gas before it experienced a correction in the last few days.
01:53 That's right, David. And it also becomes a resistance sideways channel.
01:59 Okay. From gas, we move to the second example from the mining of barap stone, there is indi.
02:05 Your analysis for indi, what level is it recommended by?
02:09 Yes, for indi, at the current level, it is still possible if you consider it for indica entry.
02:17 But if you want to wait at the support level, it is still possible because the correction potential is still there.
02:23 Although today is just the first rebound day, but the price position is already close to the MA50 resistance.
02:30 So for the short term, I see that the increase is already limited, there is a potential correction first.
02:36 But for the medium term, the rebound potential is still there, considering the price is now moving above the MA20 for indi.
02:46 Okay, we move to the second option from the mining of barap stone, there is cepin.
02:50 Today it was closed at 4900, weakening at 0.61%. Analysis and considerations to recommend cepin.
02:58 Yes, today's correction is still considered a fairly normal correction.
03:02 Because if we look at the previous candle or on Friday, the closure has made a new higher high level in about the last three months for cepin.
03:13 So this is included in the face correction and the price has moved above MA20 and MA50.
03:20 So it shows that cepin is currently entering the bullish phase.
03:24 So the correction that happened, I see this is more on the face correction to test the bullish channel support before it rebounds again.
03:31 And continue the bullish trend.
03:34 Okay, the last option from the Raya Gopeng Estupa BRPT stock.
03:38 Today it closed at 1.00%, at 1015, from the valuation side it is also premium. Analysis for BRPT.
03:46 Yes, if we look at the BRPT for today's closure, it is the MA20 breakout.
03:52 And I see that the bottoming up pattern has also been confirmed with the MA20 breakout.
03:58 I see this has the potential to continue to rebound towards the resistance level.
04:05 Anticipation after the breakout, there may be a correction first.
04:11 So if you want to wait at the level, maybe around level 1000 or maybe around 990, it is still allowed.
04:19 Because the possibility in the next 1 or 2 days will be a correction first before it continues to rebound.
04:28 Okay, there is a firm, Indy, Cepin and BRPT and again the investment decision is still in the hands of the IDX Channel.
04:35 Mr. Wafi, today there are quite a lot of questions on our interactive WhatsApp.
04:39 I will try to start first.
04:41 There is a question from Ibu Sarah from North Jakarta, asking about the VKTR share, it is already -25%. Is it okay to stay in the hold or just cut loss?
04:51 VKTR.
04:53 Yes, for VKTR, if we look at the correction that happened, it seems to be approaching the support level.
05:02 I see this is around level 140 for VKTR.
05:08 However, after reaching level 140, I have not seen any signs that this share will then do the same rally as when it happened at the end of February yesterday.
05:20 The probability that the price of the share will be more stable in the range of 130 to the resistance level at 180.
05:29 So maybe from there it can be considered whether it is really wanted to be held first or should be cut from this share.
05:38 Okay, next there is Mr. Diki from Malaysia, it seems to be watching our live streaming, sir.
05:43 Asking for shares from Energi this time, there is Medco, which has taken a position at 1.195 for Medco. Is there a potential to 1.500, Mr. Wafi?
05:52 Okay, for Medco 1.500, it is still there, Mr. Diki, although it seems that the time frame itself, 1.500, may not be achieved in the next few months.
06:04 Because for now, the position of level 1.390 is quite high, there is anticipation of correction first.
06:13 Correction up to level 1.300 is a fairly normal correction.
06:18 So if you want to consider averaging down, it can be considered from level 1.320 to 1.300, Mr. Diki.
06:26 Okay, please continue, sir.
06:29 Yes, please.
06:30 Okay, actually there are still some other questions, Mr. Wafi. We still have one more segment, later we will try to review quite a variety of various sectors and also from some.
06:40 Later we will continue, Mr. Wafi and Mr. Mirza, we will be back soon.
06:44 We have arrived at the last segment and thank you for joining us, Mr. Wafi.
06:50 Let's go to the next question, Mr. Wafi, there is an in-debt from Bali, can it be included in the BBYB now or more towards the WNC first, especially today, it is again pressed deep at 6.61%.
07:01 Perception, maybe it can be solved, the shares that are worthy of correction are already deep enough or there is still room for further correction?
07:11 Yes, I see there is still room, why? Because today the correction that happened is making low level, so there is still room for decrease, towards the support level that was formed in October 2023, it can be checked in October, the support level is around level 210.
07:27 So if you want to enter, you can consider level 210, while for the nearest resistance level, currently there is level 244, then the next one is at level 278.
07:40 From Bali we go to Bandung, there is Mr. Nongki, thank you for joining us, asking the WNTR, sir, it has a price position of IDR 24,000, the closing level today?
07:50 Yes, level IDR 24,000, this upside potential is still there, Mr. Nongki, because if we look at the closing price, this has created a new higher high level, so this has confirmed the bullish phase, towards resistance IDR 25,000.
08:08 The nearest support level is currently at level 23,800, then the next one is supported by the bullish channel, it is at level 23,200.
08:19 Okay, this time still from digital banking, Mr. Budiman from Surabaya asks Arto, is it already the right entry? How much is it?
08:28 The same question as the BBYB stock earlier, is the correctional space for Arto still open wide enough? The ideal entry level that is recommended for Arto, or vice versa?
08:39 Yes, until now, if we look at Arto, it seems a little different from BBYB, where the correctional situation is followed by a rebound for two days.
08:50 So I see the correction that is happening right now is still included in the normal correction, there is still a support level at IDR 2,600, as long as it stays above IDR 2,600, there is still a potential to rebound back to level IDR 2,950 for Arto, that is the bearish resistance channel.
09:07 Okay, next, there is a Mr. Victor from Malang, asking Astra International, Mr. Wafi has taken a position at IDR 5,175, has actually profited from the closing level today, weakening at IDR 5,200.
09:19 Can the next resistance target or profit-taking area still be held?
09:23 Yes, for Astra, it can still be held. I see that the support level is actually close to IDR 5,100, up to IDR 5,000, that is the psychological support level for Astra.
09:37 And it seems that the channel is also moving sideways, the rebound potential is still there, towards the resistance level of IDR 5,500, that is the closest resistance area for Astra.
09:47 Okay, Ibu Lestari from Jakarta, asking INKP, if you want to enter, what is the price? Previously, INKP has risen to IDR 9,000, but in recent times it has been more tense. Is it a good moment or a bad moment, Mr. Wafi?
10:00 This is just the first correction, it should grow at around level 8,400 to level 8,200, that is the support area for INKP, it can be more profitable by on-weakness in that area.
10:15 The resistance level, I see, is still at level 9,500 to level 9,900. So at this time, it seems that it has entered the bullish phase.
10:25 Okay, Mr. Asam Ekto from Surabaya, for details, Mr. ERA, it just wants to enter, is it recommended?
10:31 Yes, for ERA, today rebound, it remains above IDR 20, the trend is quite good, at the current level, IDR 4,700, if you want to consider entering, you can.
10:42 The support area itself, I see, at IDR 4,700, up to level 460, that is the support area for ERA. The resistance level, I see, is at IDR 500.
10:53 Okay, Mr. Siaotang from Medan, asking for the balance, sir, today the correction is quite deep, at IDR 6,900, it is stuck, quite far, Mr. Wafi, at IDR 8,200, sir.
11:04 Yes, it seems that the balance has not yet been paid, from this balance share, sir. If we look at the trend, it still tends to move sideways, with the indication of tendency towards correction first,
11:17 to support sideways channel, at around level 5,900, with the resistance sideways itself at IDR 8,400, breakout at IDR 8,400, just confirming the bullish phase for the balance, sir.
11:31 What kind of recommendation, sir, stuck at IDR 8,200, averaging down, or just in the hole for the balance?
11:38 Yes, for now, if we look at it, because the valuation is quite expensive, so it seems that the balance will tend to move sideways in the next few long enough time, unless there is a fundamental catalyst.
11:52 Catalyst or what, sir?
11:56 Yes, maybe it can be considered to look for other alternative shares, from the market.
12:01 Okay, last, sir, without mentioning the name of the deallocation, asking about the telecommunications infrastructure, there is XL, today it is going back to a weakening at 2.73%, earlier it was the intraday at IDR 26,200, and it seems that this is also the highest level in the last few years, Mr. Wafi.
12:18 The normal correction, I see, this is the first correction, after the last two days, it did a fairly high rally. The correction, I see, can reach level 2.430, that is the support area, 2.430 to level 2.380, if this is a move to buyback or just want to enter the area.
12:39 The resistance level, I see, is at level 2.700, which is the resistance bullish channel of XL.
12:44 Yes, it seems that Samsung Telecommunications is also in a race to collaborate with the creativity and response of the regulators is also quite good.
12:52 The answer for XL, earlier did not mention the name of the deallocation, it seems that at the same time, our time together for today, Mr. Wafi, our time is quite limited, thank you for those who have participated in our interactive WhatsApp, and thank you also for Mr. Wafi who has been present this afternoon, always be healthy, Mr. Wafi.
13:08 You're welcome, Mr. David, thank you.
13:10 Thank you also to Mr. Mahmoud Wafi, Research Analyst for Indonesia's Security Research Institute.
13:14 Finally, I am David Sandoval and all the staff who said thank you and see you again.
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