Trump wins Colorado ballot disqualification case at US Supreme Court

  • 6 months ago

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00:00 With more, here's Fraser Jackson reporting from outside the US Supreme Court.
00:04 Quite a big moment but arguably something that we saw coming. When you heard the oral arguments
00:12 about a month ago it was kind of obvious which way this ruling was going. It was just a matter
00:16 of time until that was handed down and ultimately it was almost a last minute decision. We were made
00:21 aware of this ruling very early on Sunday, just 24 hours notice given that a decision was going
00:27 to be given in some argument. They didn't say which one it was but it was obviously going to
00:31 be this Colorado ruling and it is a significant victory for Donald Trump. All nine justices at
00:36 the Supreme Court behind me ruling that this was not an issue for the states but rather something
00:40 for Congress to decide. Although even some of those justices stopped short of saying that
00:45 themselves. They also steered clear of getting involved in politics. Although the timing,
00:50 you could argue that they did have an eye on the political calendar given that Super Tuesday
00:55 is tomorrow and two of the states where Trump was off the ballot in Colorado and Maine are both
00:59 voting tomorrow in Super Tuesday. Justices also avoiding a key argument by Donald Trump's
01:05 attorneys that he was not listed, the President, as an officer under the United States. That was
01:09 one of their key arguments but that was ultimately dodged by the justices. And it's also not the last
01:14 entanglement that Donald Trump will have with the Supreme Court in the next couple of months.
01:18 There's of course perhaps the bigger question of his immunity when it comes to the January 6th
01:22 federal case taking place here in Washington DC. That has now been decided. The Supreme Court
01:27 will hear arguments on that. That's happening at the end of April. It's almost a surprise to a lot
01:31 of legal analysts that that was going to happen, pushing back the start of Donald Trump's trial
01:35 further. And that is definitely something that his legal team is wanting. Donald Trump for his
01:41 part welcoming this victory on Monday morning he said, "The unhinged Democrat plan to erase my name
01:47 crashed and burned but our fight to make America great again is far from over." But of course his
01:52 legal troubles definitely not far from over.
