দুর্নীতিমুক্ত Vote করতে বড় পদক্ষেপ Election Commission-এর, অ্যাপের মাধ্যমে মুশকিল আসান!

  • 6 months ago
ভোটে কোনওরকম কারচুপি, সন্ত্রাস হলে অ্যাপের মাধ্যমে সরাসরি জানানো যাবে। সেই স্থানে ১০০ মিনিটের মধ্যে অ্যাকশন নেওয়া হবে। জানালেন মুখ্য নির্বাচন কমিশনার
00:00 Another important application is C-Vigil, Citizens Be Vigilant.
00:06 We need your support in this.
00:10 If a person is complaining, if there is a problem,
00:14 if there is a preparation for violence,
00:17 if there is a preparation to distribute money,
00:19 preparation for liquor, preparation for drugs,
00:21 if there is a campaign going on at irregular times,
00:23 then either write to us or click a photo and send it to us.
00:29 Wherever it is sent from, we will take the location from the longitude and latitude.
00:37 And within hundred minutes, our team will reach there,
00:42 will investigate, take action and will also tell us
00:45 what was partially right and what action was taken.
00:50 So please popularize this.
00:51 I would request the...
00:54 I request all the aware citizens and voters of Bengal,
01:00 if there is any problem, please help us.
01:04 And we guarantee that our team will reach in right time
01:06 and let you know what is happening.
01:08 The candidates, the political parties told us
01:11 that they should get the facilities in equal proportion,
01:14 that was their demand.
01:16 We will fulfill their demand through the facility portal.
01:20 Whoever applies first, will get it first.
01:23 First in, first out.
01:25 If a political party asks for a ground at a time,
01:31 that we want this date at this time,
01:35 he will get it at the same time, the second person will not get it.
01:38 So this will establish the level playing field in allotment of all the entitlements
01:45 to the political parties and candidates.
01:48 Friends, this is another very important right which the citizens have,
01:53 to know your candidate.
01:55 If a candidate has a criminal background,
01:58 then in this application, their photo,
02:00 what all criminal activities they have, all this will be known.
02:06 Citizens can go to this app and see
02:09 that their assets and liabilities can also be seen,
02:12 their affidavits can also be seen in this place.
02:15 They can see that there is no criminal charge on their candidates.
02:19 The candidate has to be given this advertisement in the newspaper three times
02:24 that I have criminal charges on me.
02:25 The political party has to be informed through advertisement on their website
02:30 that why they could not choose a candidate who has a criminal background.
02:36 There are some polling stations which will be established only by women, by women workers.
02:42 We will try that there is a police force of women in it.
02:46 This is a way to show their empowerment.
02:49 Similarly, there will be some polling stations
02:51 which will be established only by persons with disabilities.
02:55 So that we can present an example in the society
02:59 that they are no less than anybody else
03:01 and they can conduct elections and do anything in life.
