• last year
Directed by S. Mathan, this cybercrime thriller featured a power-packed cast of Mano, Yasmin Nadiah, Sri Kumaran, Thasha Krishnakumar and Parvin Nair.
00:00 Phone
00:02 We had a phone, but it was a lie
00:04 Now we are the ones who are turning into a phone
00:08 Do you believe that the same phone will stab you one day?
00:22 Do you?
00:24 It's gonna happen soon
00:38 The phone will stab you one day
00:41 The phone will stab you one day
00:44 The phone will stab you one day
00:47 The phone will stab you one day
00:49 The phone will stab you one day
00:52 The Phone Stabbing Series
