صادرات مصر.. إلى أين ستصل خلال السنوات القادمة؟

  • 6 months ago


00:00 With a massive growth of less than 1%, the Egyptian exports came to 2023, despite local currency refunds, which reached 25% during the same year, to reach $35.6 billion.
00:16 It acquired half of the construction materials, chemical products and food industries. The levels came less than the export ambitions, but it indicated the stability of global demand for Egyptian products in various production sectors.
00:31 Exports suffer, and this weak growth does not meet the country's and export industries' capabilities. In January 2023, we launched a vision for the business community on how to collect exports.
00:53 This vision is a comprehensive vision that says what should be done in all sectors that have a direct impact on the Egyptian exports.
01:06 The government and exporters are looking to increase exports through opening new markets and strengthening the competitiveness of Egyptian products through deepening local manufacturing of many ingredients and medium goods,
01:19 which are imported by import regulations to reduce the size of imports, in the hope of controlling currency fluctuations and the speed of export subsidies.
01:28 The currency price is one of them. The second important thing is the support for exports. It must be done on time, because the exporter relies on the cost of exporting.
01:47 The second important thing is the gold license for companies that want to work in Egypt. The investment is improving, but we are hoping for more.
02:02 The Egyptian government is aiming to increase exports to $145 billion in six years.
02:09 The government and companies are looking to open new markets to increase Egyptian exports, which is one of the key solutions to address the foreign currency crisis.
02:18 The exporters are looking to stabilize the price of exports and strengthen the levels of support they have.
02:25 Farouk Youssef, CNBC, Cairo.
