Commodity of the Day (05/03/2024)

  • 6 months ago
Harga batu bara masih melaju kencang, dengan menumbus level tertinggi di sepanjang 2024. Harga emas melemah tipis, setelah kembali mencatatkan rekor tertinggi di sepanjang masa. Sementara harga minyak mentah gagal rebound, terdampak kembali melemahnya permintaan.


00:00 We move on to the development of the commodity price, where the price of coal is still fast,
00:05 by climbing to the highest level throughout 2024.
00:09 The price of gold has fallen slightly after re-recording the highest record in the world.
00:13 Meanwhile, the price of raw coal, Garibond, has been affected by the decline of demand.
00:23 The price of raw coal continues to climb, recording an increase for 10 consecutive trading days,
00:30 by strengthening significantly up to 16%.
00:32 This strength is driven by the hindrance of Indonesian production due to rain,
00:34 the surge in China's demand due to the cold weather that is re-emerging,
00:38 and the hot Indian season that will soon be over.
00:40 According to data from Refinitiv, on Monday trading time,
00:46 the price of the April contract New Castle Ice coal was closed at $140.1 per ton,
00:52 climbing 3.01%.
00:54 This closing position is the highest since December 26, 2023.
01:00 Meanwhile, the price of coal is still bright,
01:06 after breaking the highest record in the history of Monday trading closing at $2,114.99 per troy ounce,
01:14 strengthening 1.52% due to the increase in the price of the Bunga Devec plant.
01:18 This achievement is the highest closing price in history.
01:22 Meanwhile, in the morning trading, the price of gold declined in the market,
01:26 the spot decreased slightly and was still leveled above $2,114.13 per troy ounce.
01:32 The price of raw oil was opened uncompact at the beginning of today's trading.
01:42 Raw oil WTI was opened stagnant at $78.74 per barrel.
01:46 While the price of brand raw oil was opened at a drop of 0.08% at $82.73 per barrel.
01:54 Continuing the correction in the previous trading day,
01:57 due to the lack of demand even though OPEC Plus extended production deadlines.
02:02 Previously, in Monday trading, WTI was closed at 1.54% and brand raw oil was 0.9%.
02:10 Various sources of IDX channel.
02:12 [music]
02:20 And how is the latest update on the price movement of the amount of commodities
02:24 accumulated by our team until this afternoon in West Indonesia.
02:28 Why don't you watch the graphics on your TV screen?
02:31 WTI oil price dropped by 0.53% at $78.31 per barrel.
02:37 Nickel increased by 1.51% at $17,929.50 per ton.
02:43 Gold decreased by 0.09% at $2,124.25 per troy ounce.
02:50 While the CPO contract May 2024 increased by 1.06% at Rp3,942 per ton.
03:00 [music]