Halep set to see lawsuit against supplement company through, says lawyer

  • 6 months ago
Simona Halep's lawyer says she is thrilled her doping ban has been reduced, meaning she can return to tennis.
00:00 She was obviously thrilled with the result.
00:02 You know, this is the result we were hoping for all along.
00:07 I think Simona has, you know,
00:11 she's known all along that she didn't dope on purpose.
00:16 You know, this was an inadvertent issue with the supplement
00:18 and she's been unwavering in her belief
00:22 that the results at the end would be a just result.
00:26 And so it took a long time to get there,
00:28 but she was happy to finally see it.
00:31 Yeah, so we've already filed suit
00:32 against the supplement company.
00:34 That's in the very early stages.
00:37 And so she intends to see that through,
00:42 whether there will be any other,
00:45 anyone else or any other entities
00:47 that we seek to hold to account,
00:52 we don't know yet, we haven't discussed that.
00:54 We didn't, that wasn't the focus
00:55 of our discussion earlier today,
00:57 but you know, she's had good support among the players
01:00 throughout the whole case.
01:02 So I don't think that she's worried
01:03 about coming back on the tour.
01:05 You know, fans will say what they're gonna say,
01:09 but she knows that she's clean
01:12 and she's looking forward to coming back.
