《988新闻线》:2023年03月07日 中国驻马公使:中国积极推动马中永久免签

  • 6 months ago
#988新闻线 |土团党斥政府错失邀泰勒丝来马开唱,青体部长杨巧双讥,別反对演唱会!
更多精彩新闻,请留守988新闻线!主播:#奕康 #冠贤


00:00 [Intro]
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00:21 [988 News]
00:23 We have 3 special times for you.
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00:27 As long as you are a lucky drawer, you can take home $150 in prize money.
00:31 It's really simple.
00:32 But today, I heard that we've got a bonus of $1650.
00:37 Oh my God, that's too much!
00:39 $1650 is so easy to get and bring home.
00:42 This is a gift from heaven.
00:43 If I don't have to work, I should hurry up and…
00:46 If you're not the DJ of Chinese Folk Dance, you should keep your hands free.
00:49 I should hurry up and keep my hands free.
00:51 I think it's very important.
00:52 Sometimes, when we are under pressure in our daily life,
00:56 participating in this kind of game can make you feel relaxed and happy.
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01:21 (Advertisement)
01:27 Nick Min went to Hong Kong for business trip.
01:29 He received a threatening leaflet from the government
01:31 telling him not to challenge Islam in his hometown.
01:35 The government asked the Muslim employees to stay away from contact
01:37 and started to discuss about the selling machine and the selling of alcohol.
01:43 The Chinese Embassy in Malaysia said
01:45 China is actively promoting the policy of permanent visa exemption for Malaysia.
01:51 The head of the Tu Group said
01:53 this is a waste of the opportunity to invite Taylor Swift.
01:56 Yang Xiaoshuang said
01:58 "Aren't you against the concert?"
02:00 (Advertisement)
02:03 Taylor Swift, the queen of American pop music,
02:06 held a concert in Singapore.
02:08 It was a solo concert in Southeast Asia.
02:10 The Filipino congressman said
02:12 "Good neighbors don't do this."
02:14 This made the surrounding countries very angry.
02:16 Because we can see
02:18 this concert brought a great economic effect to Singapore.
02:22 Even the whole country is covering Taylor Swift.
02:27 This incident caused our President Amofisah to sigh.
02:32 He said, "Look, if China missed Taylor Swift's concert,
02:36 it means that it missed a huge economic return."
02:38 He also accused the government
02:40 of thinking that China has the ability to attract top performers.
02:42 But they didn't do that.
02:44 His remarks made many netizens feel concerned.
02:47 Because the allies of the Tu Group,
02:49 the Islamist party,
02:51 have been opposing foreign artists coming to Malaysia to hold concerts.
02:54 Netizens even asked him
02:56 "Have you discussed this with the Islamist leader in advance?"
03:00 Yes, because Amofisah thought
03:02 it was a pity that Taylor Swift didn't come to Malaysia to sing.
03:05 His remarks not only erupted on the Internet,
03:08 but also accidentally triggered internal contradictions among the Tu Group.
03:11 The President of the Tu Group,
03:14 Shashalina, yesterday asked
03:16 Prime Minister Anwar and the Minister of Youth and Welfare,
03:19 Yang Xiaoshuang, to explain
03:21 why Taylor Swift gave up on her visit to Malaysia
03:23 and turned to Singapore instead.
03:26 According to the Free Today,
03:28 we can see some news.
03:31 Amofisah obtained the cabinet's approval
03:33 when she was the Minister of Youth and Welfare.
03:36 She discussed with a company
03:38 that promotes Taylor Swift's concerts, AEG.
03:41 She said she would attract top artists to Malaysia for concerts.
03:45 Therefore, Amofisah had the opportunity
03:47 to invite Taylor Swift to sing in Singapore.
03:49 In addition, the Malaysian sports company
03:51 signed a contract with AEG in 2022
03:55 to turn the 5G Jalil into a sports and live performance center.
04:00 So, Shashalina from the Tu Group
04:02 wants to know why she is now in a loss.
04:06 Her speech was immediately
04:08 dismissed by the young leader of the Tu Group,
04:10 Yuan Huaishou.
04:12 Yuan Huaishou said that
04:14 Shashalina is not the leader of the Tu Group.
04:16 Her statement does not represent the party's position
04:18 and has no power to speak on behalf of the party.
04:20 As for the dismissal of Yuan Huaishou,
04:22 Shashalina responded to the interview
04:24 with the Dama Newspaper.
04:26 She said that what she said was all common sense
04:28 and did not need to go through the party's negotiation.
04:30 Because this is an economic effect.
04:32 If you do it, you can bring a good return.
04:35 Yes, we can see that
04:37 the internal conflict of the Tu Group
04:39 seems to be getting worse because of the
04:41 "missing concert" incident.
04:43 But the "missing" statement
04:45 doesn't seem to be correct.
04:47 Because the Thales authorities
04:49 did not propose to hold a concert in my country.
04:51 This news was said by
04:53 the Deputy Minister of the Youth and Sports Department,
04:55 Adam Ali. He also clarified that
04:57 the application for the concert
04:59 does not belong to the Youth and Sports Department,
05:01 but other departments.
05:03 The concert venue is usually
05:05 held by the Sports Hall.
05:07 The Sports Hall is actually
05:09 managed by the Youth and Sports Department.
05:11 As for whether the concert will be approved or not,
05:13 it is announced by the Ministry of Communications.
05:15 The party opposes the concert,
05:17 and the Tu Group feels that it is a pity to miss it.
05:19 The internal affairs of the National Alliance seem to be in a mess.
05:21 The Minister of the Youth and Sports Department,
05:23 Yang Xiaoshuang, also seized the opportunity
05:25 to ridicule the National Alliance.
05:27 When issuing concert topics in the future,
05:29 we should keep the same view.
05:31 The party opposes the concert.
05:33 Yang Xiaoshuang is very happy to see
05:35 the benefits of the National Alliance's
05:37 public discussion of concerts.
05:39 He also reminded the President of the Tu Group,
05:41 Amor Feisha, that after the reunification government
05:43 took office, he had already started preparing.
05:45 For example, the cleaning of the sports field
05:47 as the venue of the concert.
05:49 So he asked the Tu Group
05:51 not to wrongly accuse the reunification government of
05:53 doing nothing.
05:55 Because they have been preparing
05:57 to welcome these concerts to Malaysia.
05:59 We must mention the
06:01 importance of concert economics
06:03 to promote tourism.
06:05 So visa exemption is also the same.
06:07 Since December last year,
06:09 China and our country
06:11 have announced that
06:13 the one-year protection visa exemption policy
06:15 allows people to travel to China
06:17 to do business, travel, sightseeing,
06:19 visit relatives and friends,
06:21 and not more than 15 days
06:23 can be exempted from visa.
06:25 This contributes a lot to the development
06:27 of tourism in China.
06:29 When I visited the headquarter of
06:31 the Maxin News Agency,
06:33 I was told that China is actively promoting
06:35 the permanent visa exemption policy.
06:37 He said this is to promote the development
06:39 of tourism industries in the two countries
06:41 and humanistic exchanges.
06:43 On the other hand, Zheng said that
06:45 the US-Western "fear of China" policy
06:47 in Anhua was highly appreciated
06:49 by the Chinese government.
06:51 He said that Anhua's statement
06:53 reflects the commitment of the Dama,
06:55 which is to pursue the development of the new life.
06:57 Zheng also emphasized that China's development
06:59 is the opportunity of the world,
07:01 not the threat of anyone.
07:03 In fact, Anhua's statement about
07:05 the US-Western "fear of China" policy
07:07 can be highly appreciated by China.
07:09 In fact, when Anhua was attending
07:11 the East Asian Summit,
07:13 he said that he felt that
07:15 some countries could not accept
07:17 the fact that another super power rose.
07:19 And here, the so-called "some countries"
07:21 are the US and Western countries.
07:23 And the so-called "rising super power"
07:25 is China.
07:27 Anhua also warned that if the Sino-US
07:29 relationship cannot be improved,
07:31 the world will face a global disaster.
07:33 In fact, we can see that
07:35 some countries and China are not only
07:37 more closely related to politics and economic and trade,
07:39 but also more deeply related to
07:41 the technological areas between the two countries.
07:43 In the Ministry of Science,
07:45 Technology and Innovation,
07:47 Zheng Likang said that
07:49 Malaysia and China should sign
07:51 the "Taiwan-China Relations Agreement"
07:53 to support sustainable economic growth
07:55 and technological innovation in the two countries.
07:57 The three agreements were signed
07:59 by the 2024 Mazong Technology Innovation Forum.
08:01 Zheng Likang believes that
08:03 Mazong cooperation can promote technological innovation
08:05 and provide more opportunities
08:07 for global cooperation for Mazong innovators.
08:09 In fact, if we hurry up
08:11 the technological advance,
08:13 we believe that the economy can definitely be better.
08:15 But when it comes to the economy,
08:17 we can't leave out the OPR,
08:19 whether it is rising or falling,
08:21 it still has a certain impact on the market.
08:23 Today we also saw the news of OPR.
08:25 The National Bank of China
08:27 announced the latest monetary policy statement today,
08:29 which is that the OPR policy interest rate
08:31 is maintained at 3%.
08:33 This is also the fifth time that the national bank
08:35 has not moved the ice.
08:37 The last adjustment rate was on May 3 last year.
08:39 At that time, the OPR was adjusted from 2.75% to 3%.
08:41 The national bank again maintained
08:43 the OPR in line with market expectations.
08:45 According to the market survey of Reuters,
08:47 in fact, the 31 economists
08:49 who were interviewed before
08:51 all felt that this time the national bank
08:53 may maintain the OPR,
08:55 and it may continue until 2026
08:57 without any adjustments.
08:59 We can see that the OPR in China is maintained.
09:01 Then the US Federal Reserve Chairman Powell
09:03 said that this year
09:05 it may be slightly down.
09:07 This statement caused the US dollar to fall.
09:09 The gold price was instead
09:11 raised by the strain.
09:13 Today's gold futures price
09:15 rose 0.8%
09:17 to US$2145.49 per ounce.
09:19 And earlier today,
09:21 it broke the record
09:23 and hit the US$2152.09 price.
09:25 Let's talk about the accident
09:33 that happened in the Sapa Ligas
09:35 Sports Center.
09:37 Two people speculated that
09:39 because they ride the amusement facility,
09:41 if you go to the amusement park,
09:43 you will see a rotating amusement facility.
09:45 As a result, they accidentally fell and were injured
09:47 and sent to the hospital for treatment.
09:49 And this amusement facility was also suspended.
09:51 From the photos on the scene,
09:53 you can see that the man and woman
09:55 who were thrown away were covered in blood.
09:57 It was very scary.
09:59 One of the men was seriously injured
10:01 and was being treated in the intensive care unit.
10:03 The other woman was injured in the head.
10:05 The fire department of the Yabit Fire Department
10:07 and the Director of the Emergency Department
10:09 Aldin Giroud said that the authorities
10:11 immediately sent medical teams to the scene
10:13 to rescue the injured people.
10:15 The two injured people were also sent
10:17 to the hospital for treatment.
10:19 [Music]
10:21 [Music]
10:23 [Music]
10:25 [Music]
10:27 It's going to be discussed in the next topic of our news.
10:30 In order to attract Muslim shoppers, the government may launch an automatic selling machine to sell alcohol.
10:37 What do you think of this?
10:38 You can go to 988.com's official Weibo account to participate in our post-message voting.
10:42 If you think this is a good suggestion, and it's very sensitive to religion, you can leave a comment.
10:46 If you think this is a good starting point, but are worried that it will be more religious, you can leave a comment.
10:51 Go to 988.com's official Weibo account to vote.
10:54 We will continue to talk about this news later.
10:56 This is Lin Junjie, Mu Nanyi.
10:58 988 News Line
11:05 Hello, I'm Alton Kwan.
11:07 Good evening, I'm Yi Kang.
11:08 We can see many kinds of automatic selling machines in our daily lives.
11:12 There must have been many kinds of automatic selling machines when you were studying in college.
11:15 There are some for selling drinks, food, and daily necessities.
11:18 There are also automatic selling machines downstairs in my apartment.
11:21 They sell daily necessities, right?
11:23 But will convenience stores sell alcohol directly with automatic selling machines in the future?
11:30 The prime minister and deputy minister in charge of religious affairs, Feli Ha-Shan, said
11:34 the government may discuss this suggestion
11:36 to let the Muslim consumers in convenience stores
11:39 not to touch alcohol products when they work
11:42 through automatic selling machines.
11:44 This is actually a suggestion from Su Hai-Shan, a member of the Paraguayan Congress of the Chongqing Party.
11:49 The deputy minister replied
11:50 that the government welcomes all kinds of ideas to take appropriate measures,
11:54 including social media,
11:55 to let Muslims in our country understand the rules and dangers of alcohol.
11:59 Yes, in addition to the topic of alcohol,
12:01 which is a bit of a topic that we have a little bit of a glimpse of today,
12:05 someone continued to raise the idea of Chinese New Year's Eve
12:09 and the meat and bone tea as a national food heritage topic in Congress.
12:12 This time, the speaker is the former prime minister, Ismail Shabili.
12:16 He said that the two methods mentioned in the letter will not promote the unity of the ethnic group,
12:21 but will cause long-term controversy.
12:23 He quoted the head of state, Sultan Ibrahim, who once said
12:27 that he did not fully master the language and understand the culture of other ethnic groups,
12:31 which led to a situation where the relations between the different ethnic groups could not be perfect.
12:35 He said that he thought that the leader needed to take responsibility,
12:38 and at all times maintain ethnic sensitivity,
12:40 speak carefully, and respect the majority of the native people of the five countries.
12:44 Shabili also said that it is sad that
12:46 there are still many people who cannot master the language of the Paraguayans
12:49 in the Maldives.
12:51 On the other hand, the leaders of the Action Party and the Paraguayan Meat and Bone Tea Association
12:54 went to the Paraguayan meat and bone tea with their hands in hand this morning.
12:58 They used their actions to support the Ministry of Tourism to put meat and bone tea into the national cultural heritage.
13:02 In order to highlight that meat and bone tea is not just pork and vegetable,
13:05 they also specially ordered chicken and vegetarian meat and bone tea,
13:09 and invited reporters to enjoy them together.
13:11 The head of the Action Party, Lin Qixiang, specifically reminded that
13:13 the most important thing in Malaysia at present is to unite and look to the future.
13:17 The leader of the Action Party, Lin Liying, also mentioned that
13:20 look at Indonesia as a Muslim country.
13:22 They have actually put the barbecue pork and vegetable barbecue on the island of Paris
13:25 as the national food heritage.
13:30 So he thinks that meat and bone tea is the same reason.
13:33 It should be able to attract tourists to Malaysia,
13:35 and thereby drive the economy of the country.
13:37 Yes, we can also see that
13:39 the Mahua Basang District and the Mahua Jopu District
13:42 will also invite the people to defend Baguddeh
13:45 as the national food heritage
13:48 at 7 p.m. next Wednesday.
13:50 to participate in this meat and bone tea banquet.
13:52 The head of the Mahua Jopu District, Song Qicai, said
13:55 this event will be held at the Fujian Museum in Basang.
13:59 People can enjoy meat and bone tea
14:01 by donating money.
14:03 He also said that food is an important factor
14:06 that attracts foreign tourists.
14:07 So as a unique delicacy that only exists in Malaysia,
14:11 everyone should defend the status given to meat and bone tea.
14:13 And the head of the Mahua Basang District, Lin Wenxiang, said
14:16 that some places also have chicken and bone tea sold by their owners.
14:20 In East Malaysia, they even sell beef bone tea.
14:22 It can be seen that Baguddeh is a national delicacy.
14:26 In fact, there are more and more topics
14:29 about race and religion in China.
14:31 In this atmosphere,
14:32 we see this incident again.
14:34 It's hard not to be a little nervous.
14:36 The Minister of Housing and Local Government, Nikemin,
14:38 was suddenly thrown into a terror ship
14:40 in the hometown of Aida Hua.
14:43 It is written in Malay,
14:45 "Ngakomin, jangan caba Islam"
14:48 which means "Nikemin, don't challenge Islam."
14:50 After Nikemin's mother found this flyer this morning,
14:52 she went to the police station to report the case.
14:53 She said that she went out to get the newspaper
14:55 at around 7 a.m.
14:58 and saw some white flyers
15:00 scattered on the road outside the house.
15:03 She found out that it was a terrorist flyer.
15:05 In fact, Nikemin's cousin, Nikahan's house
15:08 was set on fire in January this year.
15:10 Now it's in the hometown of Nikemin,
15:12 and it's been put on the terrorist flyer.
15:13 It's very scary.
15:15 Yes, Nikemin immediately responded.
15:17 He said that Malaysia is a country of law.
15:19 This matter is left to the police to deal with.
15:22 He also urged everyone to believe in the law and the law.
15:25 Nikemin is currently on a business trip in Hong Kong.
15:28 He responded to the media via text message
15:30 that he is doing his best to serve the country and the people.
15:33 He urged the public to not disturb his family,
15:35 especially his parents.
15:37 The police chief, Mohamud Nordin,
15:39 also confirmed that the police received a report.
15:41 The current original criminal law article 507
15:44 is a criminal offense to investigate a case.
15:47 It is not clear yet what the perpetrator's motive is.
15:50 The public should not make wild guesses
15:52 to avoid affecting the police's investigation.
15:54 According to the criminal offense,
15:56 the highest sentence is
15:59 not more than two years in prison or fine or two people are involved.
16:02 The police have also strengthened security measures,
16:05 including the establishment of a police mailbox in the hometown of Nikemin
16:09 to be a place for police to locate patrols.
16:11 Yes, these three R topics
16:13 have caused the people to feel a little uneasy.
16:15 So the police also intensified the investigation
16:17 of people involved in the three R topics,
16:19 including the ruling Xi Jinping.
16:22 The Minister of the Interior, Saifuddin, said
16:23 that after the 15th National Election,
16:25 there were two cases involving Xi Jinping's three R topics.
16:28 In addition to the Shandong Law and the case investigated under the Telecommunications and Multimedia Law,
16:32 the investigation report has been submitted to the General Procuratorate
16:35 and can only wait for the authorities' decision.
16:37 On the other hand,
16:38 the Minister of National Unity, Allen Dagan, revealed
16:41 that last year the police received a total of 638 complaints
16:44 involving racial topics.
16:47 The Schellaner state is ranked first.
16:49 There are a total of 170 complaints.
16:51 The following are the Rofo state, 110
16:54 and the Pili state, 97 and the Bincheng state, 80.
16:57 He said that the police received
16:59 these complaints involving racial topics,
17:01 including black society, noise interference,
17:04 drunk driving and traffic accidents,
17:07 criminal offenses,
17:08 and the use of vulgar language and behavior,
17:11 religion and racial provocation.
17:13 In other words, these crimes
17:15 may also involve some content related to race.
17:18 That's why there are so many complaints.
17:21 So you see, in this country,
17:23 one of the challenges we are facing now
17:25 is this kind of three R topics.
17:27 He also said that the United Nations will solve the problem of unity
17:29 through community advisers.
17:31 And community advisers
17:33 play an important role in racial unity
17:36 and maintaining community harmony.
17:37 I think it's not just the so-called community advisers.
17:40 Every citizen has the right to do this.
17:43 Because we have to take the initiative to understand others,
17:46 so that others can also take the initiative to understand us.
17:48 I think many times we can't be passive
17:50 in maintaining national unity.
17:53 Because if you rely on others,
17:55 hello, you are also a member of this country.
17:57 How can you rely on others to say
17:59 we want to make the country better,
18:01 make the country more harmonious.
18:02 In fact, each of us is very important.
18:06 Now vote!
18:08 So today's Now Vote
18:10 is actually related to unity.
18:12 Because the government is concerned about the Muslim shopkeepers,
18:15 the government may launch an automatic sales machine to sell wine.
18:18 So what do you think?
18:19 We saw the official Facebook of Chupapa.
18:21 More than 55% of the people
18:23 think this is a good starting point.
18:25 But they are worried that this policy
18:28 may be more religious.
18:30 But some people think
18:31 45% of the people say
18:33 this is a good suggestion.
18:34 Very religiously sensitive.
18:37 In general, half of the people are very close.
18:41 Because I think many people think
18:44 that the automatic sales machine is already a trend.
18:46 Even if we have a no-man's shop,
18:48 is it possible that in the future,
18:50 you can also set up a no-man's shop to buy something you don't have?
18:53 Right?
18:53 Like some netizens left a message saying
18:56 that the automatic sales machine is very good and convenient.
18:58 In Japan, almost everything has an automatic sales machine.
19:01 But I also saw that
19:02 some people may think
19:04 this will become a kind of legal loophole.
19:07 Some people think it's a one-time thing.
19:09 It's a bit boring.
19:10 It's a bit too much.
19:12 Because if you are sensitive to everything now,
19:16 you will avoid it.
19:19 It feels like you are really
19:21 catching some limits.
19:24 Thank you all for participating in our voting.
19:30 Tomorrow, Friday,
19:31 I will also give you a preview.
19:33 It's the last time that Yikang is hosting in the newsroom.
19:34 Temporarily.
19:35 Because next week, our Cindy
19:37 - is coming back. - She's coming back.
19:40 So welcome everyone to tune in at the same time tomorrow at 7.30 pm.
19:43 988 News.
19:44 Of course, Yikang has not finished his work yet.
19:46 You can still hear my voice in the live broadcast later.
19:49 I am Yikang.
19:50 I am Austin.
19:51 See you tomorrow.
