প্যারিস অলিম্পিকে বাড়বে ভারতের পদক সংখ্যা , আশাবাদী Leander Paes

  • 6 months ago
প্যারিস অলিম্পিকে আরও বেশি পদক জিতবে ভারত। আশাবাদী টেনিস তারকা লিয়েন্ডার পেইজ। কলকাতায় এক প্রতিভা অন্বেষণ অনুষ্ঠানে যোগ দিতে এসেছিলেন তিনি।


00:00 excellent performance. It's the first time in the history of Indian sport that we won
00:05 seven medals. I think that performance also showcased the new talent we have, Neeraj Chopra,
00:12 shooters. Also, you saw the badminton players came out and played well. So in that I feel
00:18 like the Olympics is a great vehicle to showcase talent. I personally feel that the Paris Olympics
00:25 is very important for the whole world. Because post COVID, a lot of countries have been trying
00:32 to revive their economy. Today, the world is going through a lot of war and a lot of
00:37 tough times. I'm really looking forward to the Paris Olympics being a great showcase
00:43 to unite the people. World War Two was stopped for the Olympics in 1972. When my father played,
00:50 also the games were shut down for four days, but we came back again and played in the Olympics.
00:54 The game started again and continued. So I think sport really is a unity of people. Sport
01:01 brings the world together. And I'm hoping that the Paris Olympics reignites the world
01:06 and the economy in Europe, especially in the areas that are playing and brings the people
01:11 together in a celebration of mankind. For me, that is the important part of sport is
01:17 to unify people and bring happiness to the world.
01:20 And did you like to tell about Rohan Bapanna? I think it's fantastic. Rohan getting to number
01:25 one in the world after what, 25 years that he's been on tour. He gets to win his first
01:32 men's Grand Slam. I think that is fantastic. And that we did it with my last partner, Matthew
01:37 Abedin, who was also number one in the world at the moment. So to get to see them win Grand
01:42 Slams is a wonderful thing. And I hope that that momentum can continue because that's
01:48 really where the magic happens.
01:51 For me, I feel like sport in the rural areas at the bottom of the pyramid is not being
01:57 done enough. I feel that a lot of people are looking at the Olympics. A lot of people are
02:02 looking at athletes who are world champions or Wimbledon champions or world championship
02:07 champions. So they're looking at the top of the pyramid. But when you look at sport in
02:12 India, where is the feeder system? The feeder system for younger athletes who play the under
02:17 17s, under 18s, under 19s, under 23, to then come into the national teams. Also, if you
02:24 look at that feeder system, also if you look at the grassroot level, when you look at Singapore,
02:31 every real estate community, every real estate township has sport facilities. When you look
02:37 at China, every community has sports facilities. When you look at Australia, every community
02:44 has sports facilities. So in Srachi Sports, what we are planning on doing is that through
02:50 their real estate projects, through their educational schools, is to put down sports
02:55 facilities with world class coaches.
03:02 That's the beauty of life, is that you have different perspectives. There's a freedom,
03:07 we live in a great democracy. In that you have different reasons you like different
03:11 players. Some people will like Roger Federer because of his classic, easy, smooth style.
03:16 Some people like Rafa Nadal because of his passion and his hard work. Some people will
03:20 love a Djokovic because of his mental aptitude and the way he uses Eastern and Western philosophies.
03:26 And I think sport is exactly that, is you celebrate people for different reasons. But
03:31 the key word is celebration.
