First reaction to Dune Part 2

  • 6 months ago
00:00 Evening, it's about five to midnight and I'm at the Showroom Cinema in Sheffield.
00:04 I'm about to see Dune Part 2. You can just see the poster there behind me.
00:07 It's the sequel to the 2021 film directed by Denis Villeneuve. The first
00:12 movie went on to win six Academy Awards at the Oscars 2022, all of them in
00:18 technical categories and of course Hans Zimmer for Best Score. This one's been
00:22 hyped up quite a lot. It's got a massive cast. Zendaya, Timothy Chamolet, Christopher
00:28 Walken, Stan Skarsgård, Florence Pugh and many many more and I'll let you know what
00:33 I think when I come out but very much looking forward to it. I loved the book
00:37 by Frank Herbert and I'm keen to see how the second half of that is
00:42 adapted into this film. See you in three hours.
00:46 Hi, so I've just come out of the film and I thought it was pretty good, really good sci-fi epic. A few
00:52 problems, a little on the nose in parts and well Timothy Chamolet's acting wasn't
00:58 fantastic but the story was really good. It was pretty faithful to the Frank
01:02 Herbert book. As you can see behind me it was quite a popular screen, quite a lot
01:06 of people turned up and I think most people were probably quite happy with it.
01:09 The pacing for a 2 hour 45 film was pretty good and of course with it being
01:15 a Denis Villeneuve sci-fi epic, the visuals, the cinematography, they were all
01:19 fantastic. Yeah, the story, I'll have to go and think about it a little bit but I
01:23 think in places a little too obvious, a little too spelt out but in terms of
01:31 films that have come out this year it's probably up there. It's probably
01:34 going to be the film of the first half of this year and I'm sure a lot of
01:37 people are going to enjoy it. Really good sci-fi, really good visuals but story
01:42 maybe needed a little bit of work dialogue wise.