The 10 WORST Things Sephiroth Has Done

  • 7 months ago


00:00 Welcome to Mojo Plays and today we are looking at the 10 worst things Sephiroth has done.
00:16 No other Final Fantasy villain has ever had as much attention as Sephiroth and across
00:21 many games, spin-offs and movies he's done his fair share of evil.
00:26 Let's see how bad it can get.
00:28 Warnings ahead.
00:30 Before we continue, we publish content all week long so be sure to subscribe and ring
00:34 the bell to get notified of our latest videos.
00:39 Kills Barret, but not forever.
00:48 With the introduction of the Whispers in Final Fantasy VII Remake, beings who bordered on
00:53 breaking the fourth wall as they kept our protagonists from swaying too far away from
00:57 the trajectory and plot laid out by the original game, players felt safe to assume that there
01:02 weren't going to be too many major plot changes.
01:05 That was until we reached the top of the Shinra Tower and Sephiroth put his long-ass sword
01:09 through one of our favourite characters.
01:11 For those split moments until the Whispers resurrected him, both long-time fans and first-time
01:16 players were ready to charge Sephiroth themselves and give him the old Melbourne Stomp.
01:33 Soldier
01:51 Soldier represents the top-tier military force affiliated with the Shinra Electric Power
01:56 Company.
01:57 Shinra serves as the main antagonist faction in the game and it becomes evident that their
02:01 soldiers engage in questionable actions on their behalf.
02:05 Sephiroth is easily the most famous and esteemed member of the group and when working with
02:10 Shinra performed many atrocities in their name.
02:13 When he's trying to destroy the world he has motives, when he's taking part in the brutal
02:17 war of Wutai he's just following orders.
02:21 Somehow that's way worse.
02:33 Shinra Headquarters
02:34 Upon reaching the Shinra Headquarters and progressing through the numerous levels towards
02:38 its summit, players find themselves captured and thrown into a makeshift jail by the organisation.
02:44 Eventually the party is freed from their confinement only to discover everything that they'd seen
02:47 only moments ago is now in ruins with nearly everyone in the building now dead.
02:53 At this point in the game we wonder what kind of person could do something like this?
02:58 Sephiroth.
02:59 Evidently he harboured deep resentment towards the experiments conducted on him under the
03:03 President's orders and sought to free the remnants of his mother Jenova.
03:07 In pursuit of this goal he tears through the entire building without breaking a sweat.
03:23 Cloud's Mental Breakdown
03:25 Spoiler alert, spoiler alert, when discussing the events at Nibelheim the initial account
03:30 provided by Cloud doesn't align with later revelations in the game.
03:34 Why the disparity?
03:35 Turns out that the role Cloud remembers playing in those events was actually fulfilled by
03:40 a man named Zack.
03:42 Tifa arguably should have disclosed this information to Cloud earlier, but she didn't, leaving
03:46 room for Sephiroth to exploit the situation with more manipulation later in the game.
03:50 When Cloud eventually learns about the presence of Sephiroth's cells within him, his mental
03:55 state deteriorates and he goes into a state of psychosis as the game takes an unexpected
04:00 turn.
04:11 Haunting Cloud
04:12 As you can tell, Cloud's psyche proved to be particularly vulnerable to Sephiroth's
04:22 manipulation, a vulnerability highlighted in the storyline of the first game.
04:26 Although Cloud ultimately triumphs over this influence to ice Sephiroth like a warm drink,
04:31 their conflict doesn't conclude there.
04:34 In the Final Fantasy 7 film Advent Children set 2 years after the events of the game,
04:39 it becomes apparent that Cloud isn't immune to the effects of Geostigma, the widespread
04:44 affliction affecting children and others.
04:47 While his symptoms aren't as severe as some, he still grapples with the disease and fights
04:51 with haunting visions of Sephiroth, compelling him towards isolation and introspection throughout
04:56 the film.
04:57 Sephiroth puts a lot of mental strain on Cloud and it changes Cloud's life in irreparable
05:02 ways.
05:08 Geostigma
05:09 Geneva Convention, nope Sephiroth only abides by the Genova Convention, he he, that's a
05:16 good joke.
05:17 Despite being decisively defeated and cast into the lifestream during the climax of Final
05:21 Fantasy 7, his hatred proved too potent to allow complete death.
05:26 Imagine that, being so grumpy you can't die.
05:29 Instead of dying he utilizes the lifestream as a conduit to disperse his essence, resulting
05:34 in the emergence of the Geostigma, a disease comparable to leprosy.
05:39 This affliction manifests in the masses through symptoms like skin lesions and fatigue, with
05:44 the Genova cells dispersed by Sephiroth ultimately proving fatal to most victims.
05:49 Essentially he farted as he got off the elevator, sure he feels a lot better, but what about
05:53 all those poor people that have to get on after him?
05:58 Meteor
06:03 During one of these times when Sephiroth takes control of Cloud's mind and actions, Sephiroth
06:07 forces him to surrender the Black Materia, a powerful artifact capable of summoning Meteor,
06:13 an enormous celestial body destined to collide with the planet and bring about its destruction.
06:18 Although Sephiroth manages to initiate the summoning of Meteor, the player party confronts
06:23 and defeats him at the North Crater.
06:25 This victory triggers the release of the spell Holy, which ultimately neutralizes Meteor
06:30 and preserves the planet from annihilation.
06:33 On paper you'd think almost successfully destroying the entire world would be the worst thing
06:37 a person can do.
06:39 Not quite.
06:41 Saving Kadaj
06:48 Following Sephiroth's disappearance, the primary antagonists in Advent Children shift to the
06:52 trio of brothers Kadaj, Loz and Yuzu.
06:55 Much like Sephiroth in the main storyline, they fervently pursue Genova cells, longing
07:01 for reunion with their mother.
07:03 Unbeknownst to them, Sephiroth is manipulating them from within the lifestream.
07:07 This manipulation reaches its climax when Sephiroth emerges from Kadaj's body, seizing
07:12 control and assuming his original form.
07:24 After being vanquished by Cloud, Sephiroth vanishes, leaving Kadaj to meet his demise
07:28 in his place.
07:30 This revelation reveals Kadaj's role as a simple pawn in Sephiroth's grand scheme, misled
07:35 into his relentless pursuit.
07:38 We certainly didn't need any proof, but Sephiroth will walk through whoever he needs to in order
07:42 to achieve his goals without batting an eye.
07:45 Nibelheim
07:59 One of the most infamous and enjoyed sections of gameplay ever developed is this flashback
08:03 sequence of Final Fantasy 7.
08:06 With the gameplay being arbitrary, the player feels no weight on their character progression
08:10 as it doesn't affect the main game, so they simply enjoy the story that unfolds, and the
08:15 story that unfolds shows us just how evil and powerful Sephiroth actually is.
08:20 After seeing Sephiroth as a kinder man, we witness the downfall of his mental state as
08:26 he learns of his own origins.
08:28 The aftermath of this revelation sees Sephiroth burning down the town they are currently in,
08:33 Nibelheim, which happens to be the hometown of Cloud and Tifa.
08:37 Sephiroth brutally murders everyone in sight as he makes his way to the reactor, and this
08:41 includes Tifa's father and Cloud's mother.
08:45 The brutality is instant, unrelenting and shocking, and sets up one of the most infamous
08:50 villains in gaming history.
09:00 Killing Aerith
09:07 In reality, brutally slaughtering an entire innocent town or attempting to destroy the
09:11 world are probably far worse than killing one single person, but for a generation of
09:17 gamers, no character death has been quite as shocking or quite as heartbreaking as the
09:22 now infamous death of Aerith Gainsborough.
09:25 Originally attempting and almost succeeding to make Cloud do it himself, Sephiroth eventually
09:30 takes over, impaling Aerith in front of Cloud and her friends, removing her from the players
09:34 party for the rest of the game, and creating the saddest death in video game history.
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