Sanità, Albergo: “Sistema Drg non efficiente. Grazie a Lum ora c’è definizione tariffe”

  • 6 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “Attualmente in Italia, Il sistema tariffario, quello dei Drg, che determina di fatto i prezzi delle prestazioni ospedaliere, fa acqua da tutte le parti, nel senso che ad oggi non è stato mai determinato il reale costo della prestazione sanitaria ospedaliera. Io posso prezzare, ma per poter prezzare devo conoscerne i costi. Qualche anno fa, è nato questo lavoro di ricerca dell'Università Lum, che ha determinato una metodologia in grado di determinare esattamente i costi, cioè una tariffa”. Sono le parole di Francesco Albergo, docente di Risk Management e controllo nelle aziende sanitarie alla Libera Università Mediterranea, a margine della conferenza stampa ‘Modello di analisi dei costi delle prestazioni sanitarie ospedaliere e ambulatoriali’, organizzata all’Auditorium del Ministero della Salute.


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00:20 of the hospital's health performance.
00:23 I can appreciate it, but in order to appreciate it, I have to know the costs.
00:27 A few years ago, this research work of the LUM University was born,
00:33 which aimed to determine a methodology
00:38 able, from the North to the South of Italy and in all the hospital structures,
00:42 in their diversity, in the diversity of their organizations,
00:47 to determine exactly how much it costs me.
00:50 Determining how much it costs me means then being able to determine a price.
00:55 The study objects were four of the six Asres Pugliesi,
00:59 two polyclinics, two ERCs and the hospital Miulli.
01:03 So an extremely significant champion,
01:05 with almost 50 particularly complex critical pathologies,
01:09 where a real trade union was found,
01:12 basically a thread that manages to combine all the diversities
01:19 of the pathologies with a logic in determining their costs.
01:24 This, in short, was the objective of the research, it has been realized,
01:29 and today, thanks to a multinational partner of our university,
01:34 a software has also been able to be realized,
01:38 able to determine costs regardless of pathology,
01:42 regardless of the department in which it is analyzed,
01:47 with significant and important data.
01:50 This will also help better
01:53 the distribution of the regional health fund.
01:58 The question we asked ourselves is,
02:00 but why, and I don't say it, the Court of Auditors says it,
02:04 the health companies and the IMF are the most indebted companies in Italy.
02:09 This continuous and structural shift
02:14 of financial flows between in and out has been curious to me
02:18 and a group of young researchers at the university since 2017
02:22 in getting to this research, which has been realized
02:25 and which has determined this software.
