Court métrageTranscription
00:00 *musique*
00:29 Hello !
00:30 *cri*
00:30 I'm anxiety. Where can I put my stuff ?
00:33 A new emotion !
00:34 Oh, I'm sorry ! We wanted to make such a good first impression !
00:38 What do you mean "we" ?
00:39 I'm envy !
00:41 Oh ! Look at your hair !
00:44 Oh yeah, not happening.
00:45 That's on "we".
00:47 On what ?
00:48 It's what you would call the boredom.
00:51 What's your name, big fella ?
00:54 That's embarrassment !
00:55 Welcome to headquarters, embarrassment !
00:57 *cri*
00:58 Oh, we're doing a fit... No !
01:00 Oh ! No ! Going high !
01:01 Oh ! You got a real sweaty palm there, buddy !
01:04 *cri*
01:05 Look, we all have a job to do.
01:08 I plan for the future.
01:10 You wanna sit with us ?
01:11 These girls are so cool !
01:13 We can't let her know we're excited.
01:14 I got this.
01:15 Uh, Joy, I'm just curious, maybe, um, I could...
01:18 Thank you, not now !
01:19 Yeah, yeah !
01:20 Hi !
01:21 That's not gonna haunt us for the rest of our lives at all !
01:23 Are you feeling alright ?
01:25 I know change is scary, but let's do this !
01:28 Riley !
01:29 But we need new friends or we'll be totally alone in high school.
01:31 That would be "hold in with the new".
01:33 Riley's life requires more sophisticated emotions than all of you.
01:37 You can't just bottle us up !
01:39 We are suppressed !
01:42 Emotions !
01:44 Let Operation New Riley begin.
01:47 You aren't packed yet ?
01:50 I'm the worst !
01:52 Well, that's a preview of the next ten years.
01:56 Come on ! Riley needs us !
01:58 Have I ever steered you wrong before ?
02:00 Many times.
02:01 What is that ?
02:06 It's a sarcasm !
02:07 Sarcasm ?
02:08 Boy, are we so lucky we ran into you guys !
02:11 Boy, are we so lucky we ran into you guys !
02:17 Wow, those guys are jerks !
02:19 Wow, those guys are jerks !
02:21 *Générique*
02:23 [Bruit de l'explosion]