La Chine prévoit de nouvelles lois pour assurer sa sécurité nationale

  • 6 months ago
La Chine adoptera en 2024 de nouvelles lois relatives à la sécurité afin de "sauvegarder sa souveraineté", a indiqué vendredi un haut responsable, sur fond de volonté constante du président Xi Jinping d'éliminer toute menace à son pouvoir.
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00:00 China will adopt new laws on security in 2024 to safeguard its sovereignty,
00:05 said the chief executive on Friday,
00:07 on the basis of President Xi Jinping's constant will to eliminate any threat to his power.
00:12 The third in the Communist government, Zhao Lijian,
00:16 made this announcement in Beijing during the current annual session of the National People's Assembly,
00:20 ANP, of which he is the president of the Permanent Committee,
00:23 the body of about 170 members who write and vote on the laws.
00:27 In his presentation of the legislative agenda for next year,
00:30 Mr. Zhao promised on Friday that legislators would work, among other things,
00:33 to safeguard the sovereignty, security and interests in the development of China.
00:39 In order to modernize the system and the capacity of China in terms of national security,
00:44 China will adopt a law on emergency management, a law on energy,
00:48 a law on atomic energy and a law on security vis-à-vis dangerous chemical products,
00:53 he detailed in his speech.
00:56 The ANP, in the very dependent effect of the Communist Party in power,
00:59 also plans to revise the law on education, national defense and the law on cybersecurity,
01:05 he stated in front of the deputies.
01:07 Anti-espionage
01:09 Zhao Lijian did not give more details on the content of these new laws,
01:13 nor on the exact date of their adoption.
01:15 The annual session of the parliament constitutes an opportunity for the media,
01:20 observers and ordinary Chinese every year to have an overview of the government's strategy for the coming year.
01:26 The ANP must also introduce and modify laws in areas that are in the interest of financial stability and health.
01:32 "Education, national defense and cybersecurity are obvious priorities for Chinese legislators,"
01:38 said Jean-Pierre Cabestan, a professor and expert in Chinese policy based in Hong Kong.
01:43 "They want to strengthen the legal framework in these areas,
01:46 this is one of Mr. Onze's priorities."
01:49 Last year, China passed a revised law against espionage
01:53 that considerably broadens its definition,
01:56 giving Beijing more power than ever to punish what it considers as threats to national security.
02:01 Priority areas
02:03 A law on state secrets adopted in February added new categories of sensitive information,
02:09 including work secrets,
02:11 that is, information that is not classified as state secret
02:14 but which could hinder the normal activities of the state's organs or work units if they were disclosed.
02:21 One of the main characteristics of parliamentary work under Xi Jinping,
02:25 started in late 2012,
02:26 and to emphasize laws related to national security,
02:30 said FP Chang Gaowei,
02:31 founder of the website NPC Observe,
02:34 specialized in the Chinese parliament.
02:36 He recalled that more than a dozen legislative texts on national security
02:40 have been adopted in China since 2014,
02:43 including laws on anti-terrorist struggle,
02:45 information or data security.
02:48 "There has been significant work to implement all the legal infrastructure necessary
02:52 to safeguard the most national security +"
02:55 underlined Chang Gaowei.
02:56 Under Xi Jinping,
02:58 national security is a priority area of ​​legislation
03:02 and will probably remain so in the near future.
