• last year
Check out how Promeet Ghosh added 15+bhp to his Maruti Suzuki Jimny. Also, checkout the 0-100km/h sprint comparison between Stock & modified Jimny.

#K&N AirFilter #MarutiSuzukiJimny #EngineTune #bhp #HorsepowerGain #Horsepower #EngineMod #BoltOnKit #GarageMod #DriveSpark

00:00 What's up, son?
00:01 Huh?
00:02 What happened?
00:04 Go!
00:05 Hi guys and welcome to DriveSpark, I'm Prameet and this is the second part of the Jimmy series.
00:16 Well, there is a surprise in this video and we are gonna, as promised, that we are gonna do a 0 to 100 test with the stock air filter and then a 0 to 100 test with the K&N air filter.
00:27 So let's quickly start this video.
00:30 So, in this video, the surprise is that a very dear friend of mine, his name is Pawan, he was in town.
00:41 He runs a workshop called Mates and Mods that is based out of Bombay and he's a dealer for Cote 6 Tunes.
00:48 So, since he was in town and since we already had installed the K&N air filter, he said that why don't we go ahead and tune the car because we have a very good and reliable tune for the Jimny.
00:59 So, we went ahead and we did a stage 2 tune for this car and yes, that is the surprise.
01:05 So, now this car is tuned, it is pushing out more power.
01:09 To be precise, once Pawan tuned the car, he told me that obviously, since it's an NA car, we are not gonna expect way much performance as compared to turbocharged cars.
01:20 But, what he told is that the power will increase by around 15bhp with the K&N air filter in sync with that and the car will definitely, definitely perform way, way better.
01:32 In this video, we are gonna do a 0 to 100 test, but now since the car is tuned, so in this video, we will test the 0 to 100 with the stock air filter and the tune and then the K&N air filter and the tune and see if there is a difference when we put the K&N air filter.
01:45 Now, in the previous video, I forgot to mention about the pricing of the air filter.
01:49 Now, the K&N OEM replacement filter is priced at Rs 7000, it retails at Rs 7000 and if you are gonna ask the price of the tune, so the tune, code 6 is around Rs 26000 for a stage 1 and Rs 30000 for a stage 2.
02:05 Well, so, if you really wanna get your car tuned or do anything with the car, you can contact Mates & Mods or you can directly hit up Pawan.
02:15 So, let's quickly start this video and let us see how this car performs a 0 to 100 test on a stock filter and then on a K&N filter.
02:24 So guys, this is a 0 to 100 test with the stock air filter and traction control is on, really don't need to switch it off and we'll be launching in 3, 2, 1.
02:42 So guys, now we're gonna do a 0 to 100 test with the K&N performance air filter and the
03:11 traction control is on, don't really need to turn it off.
03:15 So, we'll be launching in 3, 2, 1 and go.
03:23 So guys, we are back from the test and we have some exciting numbers here.
03:52 Some exciting numbers with us.
03:54 So, let me tell you that the stock Jimny, now we could not do a stock 0 to 100 test, but the stock Jimny, what we have seen around and online is that the stock Jimny from 0 to 100 is doing somewhere around 13.6, somewhere is doing 14, somewhere we even claimed 16, 17, 18, I don't know about all those figures.
04:12 But with the tune and with the stock air filter, as you saw, we did a 13.05 and once we install the K&N filter, then you saw we did a 12.48 and that is a significant improvement.
04:29 Well, this claims that this obviously the K&N filter does help and it helps the car breathe better.
04:35 And yeah, so these were the figures and actually the car really feels quick and peppy now with the tune and with the K&N filter.
04:44 So this is the right setup.
04:45 Well, there is one more thing that is left, actually not one, there are two more things.
04:49 So the next series will be about a throttle controller, that's the Wind Booster GT.
04:54 So we'll be installing it and that claims that it'll help improve the timing a little more bit.
05:00 Actually, that thing decreases the lag from the throttle and you have around 9 to 10 modes in that, starting from your Eco to your Drag mode.
05:10 So, yeah, it'll be pretty exciting.
05:12 And then we'll do a 0 to 100 test with the K&N filter, with the throttle controller in Eco mode and then in Drag mode and see the difference.
05:21 And we obviously have the normal mode as in without the Wind Booster, we have the 0 to 100 with the K&N filter, that's 12.48.
05:31 So yeah, guys, that was the video.
05:32 I hope you liked it.
05:33 Please give it a thumbs up, share and subscribe to our social media channels.
05:36 I'm Praveen signing out, see you next time.
05:37 Thank you so much for watching.
05:38 Take care, be safe and drive safe.
05:41 [Music]
