
  • 7 months ago
▐ 全民来讲讲▐ 对一般马来民众来说,他们真的在乎肉骨茶被列入“国家美食遗产”这件事吗?肉骨茶是否是个“敏感”课题?


热点站主 |@Celes 美伶

#肉骨茶 #BakKutTeh #清真 #国家美食遗产
#发射热点 #84hotspot #热点短视频 #全民来讲讲


00:00 What is Bak Kut Teh?
00:01 I think it should be a Kee.
00:03 As long as it's not from the Middle East.
00:05 Because in the past,
00:07 there was Bak Kut Teh in the Sulawesi market.
00:09 But it never became a trend.
00:11 I don't know why it's a trend now.
00:13 I don't understand either.
00:13 Bak Kut Teh, the "Bak" in "Ronggu Cha"
00:15 does it mean pork?
00:16 So, is the "Ronggu Cha" made with pork
00:18 considered a national heritage?
00:20 But, it's a food that is eaten in the middle of the night,
00:22 but it's a battle of words
00:22 that political figures are fighting over.
00:24 Although some politicians
00:25 only have this topic,
00:26 it's a very heated topic.
00:27 But in the eyes of ordinary Malays,
00:29 do they really care about the fact that
00:30 the "Ronggu Cha" is considered
00:31 a national heritage?
00:33 For them,
00:34 is the "Ronggu Cha" really that sensitive?
00:36 In this episode of "The Full Malaysian Talks",
00:37 let's hear the thoughts of the Malays.
00:39 Let's go!
00:40 What is Bak Kut Teh?
00:42 I don't accept it.
00:43 Bak Kut Teh is not a food for Muslims.
00:45 We are Muslims.
00:47 Bak Kut Teh is Chinese food, right?
00:48 I think it's a non-Hala Chinese food.
00:50 It can be listed as a national heritage,
00:52 but it must be categorized
00:54 as a traditional food by the people.
00:57 I don't dare to say it.
00:59 If it's Halal, I don't mind.
01:00 But if it's Bak Kut Teh,
01:02 it's a non-Hala food.
01:03 Like us,
01:04 if it's a non-Hala food,
01:05 it's a sensitive topic.
01:06 I accept it because
01:08 as Malaysians,
01:10 we are all one.
01:12 So, I don't really care.
01:14 It's 50-50.
01:15 If you want to say it's 100%,
01:17 it's not allowed.
01:18 They respect Muslims,
01:19 Muslims respect Chinese.
01:20 We respect them too.
01:22 I think it should be a
01:23 traditional food.
01:24 It's not a traditional food.
01:26 So, if it's a non-Hala food,
01:28 they will know it's nasi lemak.
01:30 In India, we have chapati,
01:32 we have tosai, roti canai.
01:34 But for Malaysia,
01:37 we have to think about it.
01:38 If it's a non-Hala food,
01:40 the name is beautiful.
01:44 But maybe it's a traditional food.
01:47 So, it's not an issue.
01:48 In the past,
01:53 there was a Bak Kut Teh in the market,
01:54 but it never became an issue.
01:56 I don't know why,
01:57 but now it's an issue.
01:58 I don't understand.
01:59 I think it shouldn't be politicized.
02:00 Because now,
02:01 we eat Korean food.
02:03 The important thing is to know
02:04 what ingredients are used.
02:07 There are many other important things
02:09 that can be focused on
02:11 on small issues like this.
02:13 Nice.
02:14 Food?
02:18 Yes, food.
02:19 But I've never eaten
02:22 Chinese food.
02:25 So, I can't answer.
02:27 I like Huat Ah.
02:29 I eat a lot of it.
02:30 Oh, Yisang?
02:31 Yes, Yisang.
02:32 I like Tofu Yin Yong,
02:35 like Dapan Mee,
02:37 Hokkien Mee.
02:38 But Bak Kut Teh is off.
02:40 It's not Halal.
02:42 There's also Changi Tiao,
02:43 Hokkien Mee.
02:45 And then,
02:46 there are many Chinese food
02:48 that we eat,
02:48 but they're all Halal.
02:49 If I'm sick,
02:51 I'll go to a Chinese shop.
02:52 I trust Chinese medicine more.
02:54 Chinese New Year,
02:56 I really like that.
02:57 My husband sometimes
02:59 looks for Chinese food,
03:00 Muslim food,
03:01 like Mee Tanee.
03:02 If you like it,
03:07 it's true that it's a combination.
03:08 But if it's food,
03:09 it never happens.
03:10 If it's food,
03:11 it's a combination.
03:13 So, we can share each other.
03:14 So, we can try
03:17 Chinese food.
03:18 If it's Halal,
03:19 we can share recipes.
03:21 It's not wrong for me.
03:23 It can be a combination of all kinds,
03:25 but it's a combination
03:27 of three different cultures.
03:30 Because I'm a businessman,
03:31 I know that my customers
03:32 mix Chinese food.
03:35 There are many Chinese and Indian customers.
03:36 They're not just Malaysian,
03:37 even though they like
03:38 Malaysian traditional food.
03:40 But my customers
03:41 can say that it's the same.
03:43 The same percentage.
03:44 After visiting the city of Kuala Lumpur,
03:46 we found that Malays
03:47 are very accepting
03:47 of the Rumput tea
03:47 as a national heritage.
03:50 Based on the respect for each other,
03:52 some people respect each other
03:53 and accept this decision.
03:54 But some Malaysian visitors
03:55 think that Rumput tea
03:56 is a little sensitive
03:57 and need to be careful.
03:59 Do you think that Rumput tea
04:00 is considered a national heritage
04:02 and should not be considered
04:03 a political issue?
04:04 Or are there other important things
04:06 that you should pay attention to?
04:07 Remember to leave a message
04:08 and communicate with us.
04:09 If you like the video
04:10 of Hotpot,
04:11 remember to like it
04:12 and share it
04:13 to let more people see it.
04:14 See you in the next video.
04:15 (electronic music)
04:18 you
