রাজ্যে আইনশৃঙ্খলা নেই, এখানে রাষ্ট্রপতি শাসন দরকার, লোকসভা ভোটে মুছে যাবে TMC: Abhijit Ganguly

  • 6 months ago
রাজ্যে কোনও আইনশৃঙ্খলা নেই, এখানে রাষ্ট্রপতি শাসন দরকার: অভিজিৎ গঙ্গোপাধ্যায়
00:00 I have come here as a politician.
00:02 Yes.
00:03 Yes.
00:04 In the circuit.
00:05 In the circuit bench.
00:06 Tell me, today you will give a speech in the political party.
00:10 What will you say?
00:11 I will not give a speech.
00:12 I will go to the stage first.
00:13 Then I will follow the responsibility that I have been given.
00:16 What will you say about the state's riots?
00:19 The state is in a bad situation.
00:21 There are no riots in the state.
00:23 The police are seeing how the ordinary people are being harassed.
00:26 And they are doing it in the opposition.
00:29 How are the journalists harassing?
00:31 They are doing it in the opposition.
00:33 Is this called good?
00:35 They are not able to face the anger of the people, the fear of the ordinary people.
00:42 The journalists are taking it away.
00:44 The journalists are attacking.
00:46 This is a completely unpolitical situation.
00:48 This cannot go on for long.
00:50 Yesterday, you asked me in an interview if the situation is like the 356 of the National Government.
00:59 I clearly said that it is there.
01:01 The 356 must be done.
01:03 What happened in the evening?
01:04 The Chief Minister of the Mahabalipuram Obrotta State did not go for a day.
01:07 The MP of that area did not go for a day.
01:10 Right?
01:11 Absolutely.
01:12 Right?
01:13 He was not singing.
01:14 He was not singing.
01:15 What is this?
01:16 The Chief Minister is not going for a day.
01:19 You can say it.
01:20 I can say it.
01:21 Big zero.
01:22 How many seats can you get in the 24th election?
01:26 I will not say that.
01:27 You can ask a sephalogist.
01:28 I am not in that position.
01:29 How can you get it in Bangla?
01:30 In Bihar?
01:31 I am saying that.
01:32 In Bihar.
01:33 I am not talking about Bangla.
01:34 I cannot say that.
01:35 You can ask a sephalogist.
01:36 You will understand.
01:37 You are the sephalogists.
01:38 How can it happen?
01:39 How can the fall happen?
01:40 I have decided that the fall will happen.
01:41 I have decided that the fall will happen.
01:42 I have decided that the fall will happen.
01:43 I have decided that the fall will happen.
01:44 I have decided that the fall will happen.
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01:58 I have decided that the fall will happen.
01:59 I have decided that the fall will happen.
02:00 I have decided that the fall will happen.
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02:02 I have decided that the fall will happen.
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03:25 I have decided that the fall will happen.
