• last year
In the first part of this article we looked at the first two common mistakes namely not having a clearly defined campaign strategy and not testing QR codes. Here are 3 more mistakes and how to avoid them.

1. Not having mobile-friendly website or landing page.
It's a shame to invest time and resources into a QR Code campaign yet not optimize your website for mobile users. If your mobile customers land on a page that they have difficulty viewing, they will hit the cancel button and forget about you. To improve their experience, make sure you create mobile friendly versions of your website with easy to click links and test how your mobile friendly site looks on different mobile phones. You can do this using mobile simulator software online if you canít access different phones

2. Not implementing a tracking system
Most offline business owners are not used to tracking their marketing campaigns because most offline marketing methods cannot be tracked. However QR Codes are computer generated so they can be tracked. Without a tracking system, a business is unable to monitor which codes are working best and if they are achieving the desired campaign goals. There are various free and paid code management tools that offer both basic and advanced statistics such as how many people landed on a website, how many scanned a code, where they did so and at what time.

3. Using long URLs
One of the mistakes business owners make when generating QR Codes is using long website address URLs. The result is that when someone scans the code, their mobile browser finds it difficult to open that address. The best way to handle long URLs is to use link shorteners like bit.ly or owl.ly. By first shortening your website or landing page url and then generating a QR Code, scanners will get directed faster and smoothly to your website on their mobile phones