On a rainy morning in Tokyo, Takao Akizuki, a young aspiring shoemaker, makes a spontaneous decision to skip class and seek solace in a picturesque garden. It is here that he crosses paths with Yukari Yukino, a captivating and enigmatic woman. Despite their differences, a unique connection begins to form between them amidst the tranquil beauty of the rain-soaked garden.
The Bond Through Shoemaking
Takao, eager to express his admiration for Yukari, offers to craft her a pair of shoes. Their encounters in the garden become a regular occurrence, providing them with a sanctuary from the challenges of everyday life. Through the art of shoemaking, they find a common passion that strengthens their bond and deepens their connection.
Awards and Recognition
1. Winner of the Tokyo Anime Award for Best Animated Film
2. Nominee for the Japan Academy Prize for Animation of the Year
The Bond Through Shoemaking
Takao, eager to express his admiration for Yukari, offers to craft her a pair of shoes. Their encounters in the garden become a regular occurrence, providing them with a sanctuary from the challenges of everyday life. Through the art of shoemaking, they find a common passion that strengthens their bond and deepens their connection.
Awards and Recognition
1. Winner of the Tokyo Anime Award for Best Animated Film
2. Nominee for the Japan Academy Prize for Animation of the Year