The Billionaire's Accidental Bride My Boyfriend & My Bestie Cheated While I Slept In The Same Room

  • 6 months ago
Her world turned upside down when she caught her fiance cheating on her. She took a huge step and on their wedding day she did something really unexpected. Find out how she took her revenge.
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00:10 Mr. Roberts, your fiancé didn't come.
00:14 My fiancé left me.
00:16 So why don't we get married instead?
00:18 Emma Miller woke up in her bedroom to find her fiancé Nathan
00:28 passionately kissing another woman dressed in Emma's wedding dress.
00:32 Nathan and Amber were kissing passionately at the entrance to the bedroom.
00:40 Nathan, with his arms around Amber's waist, asked her to be quiet
00:45 and stop fooling around so as not to wake Emma.
00:49 They didn't know that she had been awake for a long time.
00:56 Nathan offered to move to another room.
00:59 But Amber wanted to do it here, in front of Emma, in her wedding dress.
01:05 She quickly unbuttoned Nathan's shirt as her lips crashed into his again.
01:10 Emma tried to hold back the tears, but she could feel them slowly streaming down her face.
01:18 How could the man she was supposed to marry the next day be cheating on her right before her eyes?
01:25 [kissing]
01:27 Nathan and Amber stopped kissing.
01:29 Just be quiet. Emma just fell asleep.
01:33 Let's go to the bathroom. It's your favorite place anyway, right?
01:36 Okay. Well, I'll fill the tub.
01:39 Okay. Just be quiet.
01:43 Amber playfully pushed Nathan in the chest.
01:46 When the man left, Amber tiptoed toward Emma's bed.
01:51 [music]
02:03 Amber leaned down to Emma's ear and whispered,
02:09 "I'm not gonna let you and Nathan get married tomorrow."
02:16 "I'm pregnant, and he's mine."
02:23 [music]
02:43 Emma clenched her hands into fists.
02:46 Her head was buzzing from the words she had just heard.
02:49 "I'm pregnant, and he's mine."
02:53 These words echoed in her head for a long time,
02:56 drowning out the moans of the couple in the bathroom.
02:59 Emma's world fell apart.
03:03 Three years ago, Emma was a top model in New York City.
03:08 She sacrificed her career to pursue a relationship with Nathan.
03:12 The studio owner.
03:14 It was then that Amber took her place.
03:18 And now, she wants to steal what's hers again.
03:22 To steal the man of her dreams.
03:25 [music]
03:41 "No," Emma thought, trying to stop herself from spiraling.
03:46 "This must be a dream. A terrible nightmare."
03:50 But was it really like that?
03:53 [music]
04:02 [car driving by]
04:07 Emma arrived at the ceremony at City Hall at the scheduled time.
04:11 She looked for Nathan.
04:13 But he was nowhere to be found.
04:16 So, she decided to call him.
04:19 [music]
04:29 "Can I take this?"
04:31 [music]
04:37 "Hi?"
04:38 "Nathan, where are you?"
04:40 "Yeah, listen, here's the thing.
04:42 Amber just got injured on stage and she needs me."
04:46 "But
04:48 "Yeah, let's postpone the wedding until tomorrow.
04:51 Okay, bye."
04:53 [music]
05:00 "So I should
05:02 But there would be no tomorrow for Emma.
05:06 [music]
05:24 As she walked back to the car,
05:26 she felt tears streaming down her face.
05:29 She pulled out her sunglasses from her bag to cover her tear-stained eyes.
05:34 Suddenly, she heard a strong male voice that caught her attention.
05:40 It was a handsome tall man.
05:43 A dark blue fitted suit hugged his body.
05:46 A corner of a wine-red handkerchief peeked out of the front pocket of his suit.
05:52 His pants fit smoothly around his strong legs.
05:56 And his polished shoes glistened in the sun.
06:00 Although he was wearing sunglasses,
06:02 Emma could see his chiseled face and strong jawline.
06:07 Emma was sure that those full lips had driven more than one woman crazy.
06:13 Emma recognized him.
06:15 It was the CEO of Kaleidoscope Entertainment, Eric Roberts.
06:20 When she was a top model, she had met him at an event.
06:24 When Eric spoke, an aura emanated from him as strong as that of a king.
06:29 Curiosity got the better of her.
06:31 So, Emma decided to eavesdrop.
06:34 "If my fiancé can't make it to the wedding on time,
06:39 then she should not come at all."
06:42 "But sir, your father insists that you must get married today no matter what.
06:48 Honestly, it doesn't really care who you marry."
06:51 "Then just pick someone else from my contact list.
06:54 I give you half an hour."
06:56 Eric Roberts was one of the most desirable bachelors in town.
07:01 But he didn't want anyone in particular.
07:04 For him, this marriage was primarily an opportunity to please his father.
07:08 This was Emma's chance.
07:11 Wiping her tears with the sleeve of her dress, she boldly approached the man.
07:15 "Mr. Roberts, your fiancé didn't come."
07:19 "My fiancé left me. So, why don't we get married instead?"
07:24 The assistant was shocked by the woman's courage.
07:28 Eric took off his sunglasses, revealing a pair of inky dark eyes.
07:34 The sun glinted in his eyes, making them shine like diamonds.
07:39 After looking over Emma, he turned to his assistant.
07:43 "Give me our data now."
07:46 "Okay.
07:49 Emma?" "Miller."
07:51 "Right."
07:53 Grabbing his cell phone, the assistant quickly found Emma's data and showed the information to his boss.
07:59 "Here she is, sir."
08:01 Two minutes later, Eric's lips twitched slightly, and he said only one word.
08:07 "Okay. Let's go."
08:11 [â™Șâ™Șâ™Ș]
08:14 The wedding was like a haze.
08:20 In less than 30 minutes, Emma was holding her marriage certificate.
08:25 From now on, she was a wife, and Eric Roberts was her husband.
08:30 A man who didn't demand that she love him because he was not lacking in attention from other women.
08:36 And most importantly, marrying him would make Nathan regret what he had done.
08:43 The newlyweds were strolling slowly down the street.
08:47 Emma looked nervously at her new husband.
08:50 "Thank you for marrying me.
08:52 If there is something you need from me in return, just let me know.
08:57 And I have two simple requests for you."
09:01 Gently unbuttoning his shirt collar, Eric listened to Emma carefully.
09:07 "First, if you have no choice, please, don't tell anyone about our relationship for now.
09:14 And secondly, I would appreciate it if you would stay out of my personal affairs.
09:22 But don't worry, I have no intention of having a relationship with another man."
09:28 A slight smile appeared on Eric's face, and Emma felt his powerful aura filling the entire car.
09:35 "Okay.
09:37 For now, I can promise you these two things.
09:40 But after a six-month trial period, I will publicly announce our marriage.
09:45 Besides, I don't think a married couple should live apart.
09:50 Take a few days to pack your things, and then I want you to move in with me.
09:55 My assistant, Luke, will contact you with the address.
09:59 You're welcome."
10:00 "Okay, thank you."
10:01 Emma agreed to the conditions set by her new husband.
10:05 She bid farewell and walked to her own.
10:08 Her story was just beginning.
10:11 Luke, Eric's assistant, was sitting in the driver's seat.
10:15 He looked at his boss in the rear-view mirror.
10:18 He suggested that they return to Eric's family mansion to announce the good news to all the relatives.
10:24 Eric interrupted Luke and instructed him to follow Emma and report back on her every move.
10:30 After this order, he glanced at his fiancée.
10:34 Eric followed Emma closely as she walked slowly to her car.
10:38 As the president of an international entertainment agency, he had heard of Emma before.
10:43 He remembered that she had once been a famous model.
10:47 And that three years ago, she had turned down an offer from the leading entertainment agency, Star King,
10:54 signing with Global Pictures Entertainment instead.
10:58 A little later, rumors began to spread in the industry about her relationship with Global's boss, Nathan Davis.
11:08 Eric wondered where this spontaneous marriage would lead.
11:13 He put on his sunglasses and walked away.
11:24 Emma got behind the wheel of her car.
11:26 She never realized she was so brave.
11:30 Her heart was pounding like crazy.
11:32 She had married a stranger.
11:34 But now she is Mrs. Roberts.
11:37 I'm Mrs. Roberts.
11:42 She repeated this several times and she loved it.
11:46 The euphoria was interrupted by a phone call.
11:50 It was Nathan.
11:53 Yes?
11:54 Emma, listen.
11:55 Um, Amber is supposed to be performing tonight and I really need you to fill in for her.
12:00 Please come over here.
12:01 Makeup artists will give you a mask so no one's gonna recognize you.
12:05 But you said that she was hurt on stage.
12:09 The media should know by now that she's injured.
12:11 Yeah, but I kinda told everyone that she's still going on stage with the injury.
12:15 So please, honey, come over here, okay?
12:17 I just told you what needs to be done.
12:20 Please do it.
12:21 Emma remained calm, at least outwardly.
12:24 She agreed to come immediately to the venue.
12:27 This reassured Nathan.
12:30 He reminded her again about their wedding, which he said was to take place tomorrow.
12:36 But Emma knew that was a lie.
12:39 Instead, she replied,
12:41 Okay.
12:42 Okay.
12:43 I'll help you.
12:44 Okay.
12:45 Good.
12:47 Yeah.
12:48 Okay, girls.
12:49 Chop, chop.
12:52 In the past, Emma had filled in for Amber on set many times without even realizing she was being used.
13:00 But she wasn't going to do it again.
13:13 Emma called the only person she still trusted, her manager, Lisa.
13:18 Emma told her everything.
13:20 About Nathan's infidelity, Amber's pregnancy and how they were using her as a puppet.
13:26 And most importantly, how she would take revenge on them.
13:31 Emma was going to do to them what they had done to her.
13:35 Yes, she had a plan.
13:40 [Sigh]
14:08 Everyone in the studio was actively preparing for the important event.
14:17 Gathering all her inner strength, Emma made her way to the studio.
14:22 She already had a plan being sure Nathan wasn't going to like it.
14:33 Amber's assistant, Harry, a man with a muscular build and a sneaky character, was in charge of the process.
14:41 When she walked into the studio, everyone forgot what they were doing for a few seconds because they were mesmerized by her beauty.
14:50 Harry had been waiting for Emma for a long time.
14:53 The process of preparing a model for a show is very complicated and troublesome.
15:03 What kind of show is tonight?
15:06 Emma's question puzzled Harry.
15:09 He thought for a second and quickly replied that it was nothing special and walked towards the dressing room.
15:15 But Emma knew it was much more than nothing special.
15:19 It was a fashion show for the famous French jewelry brand, Belle Aime.
15:25 This show was very important for Amber's career because she could become the ambassador for Belle Aime.
15:31 Harry lied, but now Emma didn't let herself be fooled.
15:40 Harry took Emma to Amber's private dressing room, which Amber kindly allowed Emma to use.
15:46 At the same time, Harry showed the show schedule and explained that Emma would appear, instead of Amber, in the grand finale, during the presentation of the jewelry.
15:57 Harry opened an expensive velvet-lined box and presented Emma with an incredibly beautiful diamond necklace with a large pendant on it.
16:07 Harry ordered the makeup artist to start working.
16:10 Then he walked out.
16:13 And hurry up, girls. The show starts in an hour.
16:20 While the makeup artist was working with Emma, Eric's assistant, Luke, was carefully following his boss's orders and watching Emma's every step.
16:31 He overheard that Emma was to replace Amber during the show.
16:35 And of course, he reported this to Roberts, who ordered Luke to make sure that Emma would take part in the show.
16:44 Eric wanted to see his new wife in action.
16:55 Emma stood in front of the mirror in her dressing room.
16:58 Her white dress was simple but elegant. White and form-fitting, it perfectly emphasized Emma's waist.
17:06 With her hair tied back, Emma looked absolutely stunning.
17:11 Even the diamond hanging around her neck faded in comparison to Emma's beauty.
17:20 Harry, Amber's assistant, brought a golden mask that would hide Emma's face, and everyone would think it was Amber.
17:29 When he saw Emma, he was simply speechless.
17:33 Even if Emma stood absolutely motionless, she would still be the center of attention.
17:39 Now Amber will definitely get the contract.
17:42 Emma took the golden mask from Harry's hands and put it on.
17:47 Now her image was complete. Did all of them, even Nathan, really think that the mask would hide her identity?
17:55 We'll see.
17:57 Although what she had planned was a bit extreme, Emma was going to give those lovers the surprise of their lives.
