رغم تراجع أرباحها في 2023.. أرامكو ترفع توزيعاتها 30%

  • 6 months ago


00:00 It seems that the oil prices were mainly due to the Saudi Aramco's 2023 returns.
00:11 Let's look at the details of these results during the past year.
00:15 Let's start with the net profits during 2023, which was more than 24% and recorded almost 454.7 billion Riyals.
00:31 These returns that came as a result of the company's work were for several reasons,
00:37 including the oil prices we saw during the past period, the sales quantities as a result of the global economic situation,
00:45 and especially the slow economic growth we saw in the Chinese economy and demand from China,
00:50 in addition to the low net profits of the returns.
00:54 These main factors were the reason for the pressure on Aramco's results in 2023,
00:59 which we compared annually in comparison with 2022.
01:03 Let's look at the revenues for the company. We notice that the revenues were 18% in 2023,
01:11 and therefore recorded 1.6 trillion Riyals in the past year.
01:17 Therefore, the oil prices were the main factor that pressured the company's business results.
01:23 But if we go back and focus on the cash distributions for the company,
01:27 the company was able to achieve cash distributions that rose in the last quarter of 2023 by 30% compared to the same period.
01:36 Therefore, we notice that the distributions in the fourth quarter were almost 48% for one share.
01:44 If we separate these distributions, first of all, the quarter quarter distributions, if we are talking about the total,
01:51 116.5 billion Riyals from the quarter quarter. 76 billion Riyals are the main distributions,
01:59 and we have about 40.4 billion Riyals, which are distributions related to performance.
02:05 Therefore, we notice that the distributions from the year in total in 2023 were 1.68 billion Riyals.
02:13 These cash distributions had a clear effect and reaction, especially on the shares in today's trading sessions.
02:20 Therefore, we noticed that the share price rose to its highest level in two months.
02:24 We also notice the movements of the share price and its performance during 2023.
02:29 We notice that it rose 13%.
02:32 There are some basic news related to Aramco.
02:36 8% of Aramco's shares were transferred to the General Investment Fund.
02:42 Therefore, the General Investment Fund has become the fifth largest holding fund in the world.
02:47 Therefore, the assets that have doubled five times since the launch of the 2030 Vision.
02:53 Therefore, the state's ownership of Aramco reaches about 82%.
02:59 Many of the basic news that were the main drivers of the share movement, in addition to the cash distributions,
03:05 had a clear effect on the results of the business that affected the price of oil.
