Ramadan new song 2024

  • 6 months ago
A song written by me that reflects tolerance between religions on the occasion of the month of Ramadan for Muslims
00:00 [Music]
00:08 In the holy month of Ramadan,
00:12 fasting begins anew.
00:16 Hearts adorned with tolerance and mercy,
00:19 true Islam and Christianity,
00:22 hand in hand we strive
00:25 to build a world of peace where love does thrive.
00:28 Hands raised in prayer, we supplicate and plead
00:32 to the One Almighty who created you and me.
00:40 For fasting and prayers unite our hearts so pure.
00:44 In tolerance and love,
00:49 we aim for a higher lure.
00:52 We pray for peace in every corner.
00:57 Every land.
01:01 For we're siblings in faith,
01:03 bound by morals and respect.
01:06 Understanding, cooperation we extend.
01:13 As children of earth,
01:15 hopes torch we do defend.
01:17 Let's gather in silence and prayers embrace.
01:21 Forgiving, smiling,
01:25 extending mercy's grace.
01:29 For in this month,
01:33 forgiveness and mercy we embrace.
01:37 Building bridges of love,
01:42 our mission we retrace.
01:45 Let's possess confessionate hearts and so kind.
01:49 Working tirelessly, goodness we seek to find.
01:53 To be a beacon for the world, shining bright.
01:57 With tolerance and love, we dispel the night.
02:02 So let's make Ramadan a time to converge
02:06 between Islam, Christianity,
02:12 all faiths to urge, celebrating diversity.
02:18 Tolerance and unity's reign
02:22 with love and peace.
02:26 A tapestry of safety we'll attain.
02:30 (music)
