Amazing story

  • 6 months ago
Sunlight streams through the window, illuminating a cozy corner booth. AVA (20s), with fiery red hair and eyes that hold a universe of unspoken emotions, sips her coffee. Across from her sits ELI (20s), handsome and kind-faced, his gaze lingering on Ava with a tenderness that makes her heart clench.

You know, you put way too much sugar in your coffee.

Ava forces a smile.

Maybe. It helps balance the bitterness of life.

Eli's smile falters slightly. He reaches across the table, his hand hovering over hers for a moment before pulling back.

Life doesn't have to be bitter, Ava. Not all the time.

Ava looks down at their intertwined fingers, a phantom warmth spreading through her.

(Voice barely a whisper)
For some of us, it's all we know.

Ava, what's wrong? You haven't been yourself lately.

Silence hangs heavy between them. Ava sighs, tears welling in her eyes.

(Voice breaking)
There's something you don't know about me, Eli. Something big.

Eli leans closer, his eyes filled with concern.

Tell me. Whatever it is, I can handle it.

Ava takes a deep breath and begins to speak, her voice trembling as she reveals a secret illness that casts a long shadow on their future.


Months later, Ava lies in a sterile hospital bed, her hair thin and her face pale. Eli sits beside her, his hand tightly gripping hers. The machines surrounding them hum a constant, mournful song.

I'm scared, Eli.

(Voice thick with emotion)
Don't be. I'm here. I'll always be here.

A tear rolls down Ava's cheek.

Even when I'm not?

(Eyes filled with unshed tears)
Always. You'll be in every sunrise, every song, every beat of my heart.

Ava manages a weak smile. They share a look, a silent promise spoken in the language of love that transcends words.


Eli walks alone on the beach, the wind whipping at his hair. He stops, gazing at the endless horizon. He pulls out a seashell, its interior shimmering with a rainbow of colors. It's a seashell Ava used to love, a symbol of their time together. A tear rolls down his cheek as he whispers to the wind.

(To the wind)
I love you, Ava. Always.

The camera pans out, leaving Eli alone on the vast beach, forever carrying the memory of his love story with Ava, a love as beautiful and fleeting as a seashell's iridescence.
