Minecraft's Most Amazing Builds...

  • 7 months ago
Minecraft's Most Amazing Builds...
00:00 In Minecraft, you can do anything.
00:04 At its core, the game is a sandbox, and with so many different blocks, items, and mechanics
00:09 at your disposal, players can create pretty much whatever they want.
00:13 And they have.
00:14 Today, I'll be covering some of Minecraft's most amazing builds ever.
00:18 But quickly, we're only 100,000 subscribers away from the big 500k, which seems like a
00:23 lot, but if every one of you watching this video hits the subscribe button, we'll get
00:27 there in no time and that'd be just incredible.
00:29 So please do consider it, it means the world to me, and I hope you enjoy the video.
00:34 You are probably familiar with the two types of temples in Minecraft.
00:37 You've got the basic desert temple and the jungle temple, which are decently sized structures
00:42 but absolutely pale in comparison to the temples built by others.
00:46 This enormous desert pyramid built by TrixieBlox is 400x400 blocks wide, 177 blocks tall, and
00:54 puts the desert temple to shame.
00:56 Not only does this insane megastructure have a beautifully designed outside complete with
01:00 several statues and runes, the inside is also kitted out with a lovely sarcophagus and patterned
01:06 floor.
01:07 But TrixieBlox doesn't stop there.
01:09 He also made this absurdly large jungle pyramid which I think looks even cooler than the revamped
01:15 desert temple.
01:16 This 200x200 behemoth is kitted with a lovely centerpiece as well as Aztec carvings running
01:21 their way around the base.
01:23 Not only that, the interior is full of Indiana Jones style traps as well as a golden idol
01:27 in the center.
01:28 I should also point out the amazing level of terraforming done for this build.
01:32 The mountains and scenery alone look absolutely stunning.
01:36 So I could ramble on and on about temples and their revamps, but let's look at something
01:40 a bit more true to life.
01:42 This is the entire country of Denmark in Minecraft.
01:47 In 2014, the Danish government decided "screw it, let's build our country in block game."
01:53 And they did.
01:54 This 1 to 1 scale recreation of Denmark is over 4 trillion blocks and its file size is
01:59 more than 1 terabyte.
02:01 That's insane.
02:02 Sadly, we can't have nice things though and American hackers got into the server,
02:07 blew it up with TNT and left flags all over the map.
02:11 Yeah, my country.
02:14 But why stop at just Denmark?
02:16 Showcase on the PippinF2S YouTube channel is the amazing BTE project.
02:21 Building the earth, 1 to 1 scale, in Minecraft.
02:25 By hand.
02:26 This absolutely monumentous undertaking is being carried out by dozens of builders working
02:31 all on one country or city at a time.
02:34 Since March 21st, 2020 when the project was announced, they've already constructed North
02:38 Korea, Singapore, Antarctica, and 4 more massive locations.
02:44 The project has gathered tons of attention and looks absolutely stunning so far.
02:48 It'll be very exciting to see how it turns out.
02:51 Now I mentioned before how the government of Denmark made a recreation of their country
02:55 in Minecraft.
02:56 But this next build is the complete opposite.
02:59 A build hated by several governments across the world.
03:03 This is the Uncensored Library.
03:06 Built by 24 builders and run by Reporters Without Borders, this gorgeous and unique
03:11 build gives voices to those living in oppressive regimes.
03:14 In several countries, the freedom of the press that we take for granted is banned.
03:19 But using Minecraft as a loophole, reporters and bloggers around the globe can share news
03:23 of their countries through this build.
03:25 There is literally an article from every country as well as a few specialized chambers with
03:30 sculptures reflecting that country's culture.
03:32 Not to mention the library itself has beautiful scenery and a world palette if you want to
03:37 explore it for yourself.
03:39 Definitely one of the coolest uses of Minecraft I've ever seen.
03:42 Mega builds are enormous and take hours even when built in creative mode.
03:46 I mean imagine building one of these things in survival, that would take ages right?
03:51 Well what about 5 years?
03:54 Undoubtedly some of the most impressive Minecraft creations are found in Philza's hardcore
03:59 worlds.
04:00 Filled with incredible builds such as Atlantis, the completely submerged n-dimension aquarium,
04:04 and Chaos Caverns, the man-made sprawling cave fitted with decorations ranging from
04:09 witch platforms to a custom stronghold.
04:12 The fact that Philza did all of this in survival and with only one life should prove how incredible
04:16 the whole thing is.
04:18 But imagine just how much more incredible it would be if people were constantly trying
04:22 to destroy Philza's builds and he built them anyway.
04:26 This is the case of 2b2t, the oldest Anarchy server in Minecraft where since there are
04:31 no rules, your base would be lucky to last a few weeks without being blown up.
04:36 And that's why Mew Megabase is so impressive.
04:39 Mew Megabase is perhaps one of the most beautiful survival bases I've ever seen.
04:44 And the fact that it was made all on 2b2t and lasted for nearly 3 years puts into perspective
04:50 how massive of an accomplishment it is.
04:52 The base is stunning, fitted with several temples, custom biomes, structures, and a
04:56 huge man-made mountain with a castle on top.
05:00 And the story doesn't end there.
05:02 After coordinates of the base were leaked because of an exploit, the builders submerged
05:06 the major parts of their build in water, protecting it from most incoming danger.
05:10 It's an incredible and admirable tale.
05:13 I don't know what exact players deserve credit for this masterpiece, but on screen
05:16 are some of the contributors to the project.
05:18 Kudos to you, it is amazing.
05:21 On 2b2t, Mew Megabase is pretty famous, but let's look at some other famous builds.
05:26 This Mario may look pretty basic and old, and that's because it is.
05:31 This is actually the first pixel art and the second Minecraft video ever uploaded to YouTube.
05:36 It was posted by JWOP in 2009 on alpha version 0.0.11.
05:42 It's surreal to see how the game has progressed since then.
05:45 But this build is puny compared to the largest pixel art ever.
05:50 This thing used to be the first result for Minecraft pixel art until it was recently
05:54 begun by Among Us.
05:56 This absolutely gigantic 1.13 million block pixel art depicts an image published by Blizzard
06:02 for an event, and is actually a world record build.
06:06 Larger pixel arts have been made with software, but this enormous creation was built completely
06:10 by hand over the course of several live streams.
06:14 Going back to 2b, another very famous base is this one.
06:17 A base that lasted not one week, not one month, and not even one year, but a whole 8 years
06:25 on the oldest Anarchy server in Minecraft.
06:28 From 2012 to 2020, the monastery persisted.
06:33 Founded by Marcus, Asobo, and Fractal, and continued by Zapama, this now gorgeous base
06:39 has a rich history that I can barely cover in one video.
06:42 It has a ton of oriental style buildings, a railway system down below the surface, and
06:46 even supposed interference from the admin of the server, Housemaster.
06:50 It's an incredible base even without the 8 year lifespan.
06:54 Speaking of monasteries, check this out.
06:57 This stunning Japanese valley was built by JeraCraft and it looks absolutely amazing,
07:03 I can't put it in words how good it looks.
07:05 A huge Japanese style castle, surrounded by village houses, and protected by enormous
07:10 guardian statues all stand on a beautiful custom made mountain range.
07:15 This is probably my favorite building style and JeraCraft did a, for lack of a better
07:19 word, super duper incredible job creating this build.
07:23 It's one of my personal favorite builds ever and I could spend my whole life here
07:26 if I didn't have other commitments.
07:28 JeraCraft has a ton of other legendary builds, one of which is the Lost City of Atlantis.
07:34 It has a beautiful underwater castle surrounded by buildings, jellyfish, schools of fish,
07:39 and a custom subsurface coral reef.
07:42 Keep in mind this was before coral was actually added as a block into the game.
07:46 Atlantis aside though, perhaps JeraCraft's most epic and admirable build is this one.
07:52 A revamp of one of his subscribers worlds.
07:55 One of JeraCraft's fans got scammed for $250 for a poorly made transformation of their
08:01 build.
08:02 No matter how awesome guy he is, JeraCraft took it upon himself to make a free transformation
08:06 of the subscriber's build and it was 100 times better than the scam revamp.
08:11 The newly constructed kingdom has lovely terrain including a volcano, a sprawling frontier
08:16 of houses, towers, and ships, and a glorious castle sitting atop it all.
08:21 This noble build looks stunning and it's context makes it all the more lovable.
08:25 But let's quickly take a break from more traditional buildings and look at something
08:29 a bit more wacky.
08:32 Optical illusions.
08:33 This map made by Bigger contains 8 different and weird looking illusions.
08:38 For example, this one.
08:40 This ball and stick illusion seems okay at first until you look at it more and it just
08:44 becomes confusing.
08:46 I mean how is this stick on this ball also connected to this ball?
08:48 I just don't know.
08:50 Or this one that looks fine at first until you realize this staircase just keeps going
08:54 up but never gets anywhere.
08:56 Somehow you always end up starting at the same place even when you keep going upwards.
08:59 I just don't understand.
09:01 Same with this water sculpture that makes it look like water is flowing nowhere and
09:05 yet somehow ends up above itself.
09:08 Next what can only really be described as an infinity bagel that crosses under and over
09:12 itself all while being seamlessly connected.
09:15 And finally this super cool moving T-Rex that looks like it turns its head to look at you
09:20 as you pass by it.
09:21 I genuinely have no idea how this works and it boggles my mind.
09:25 Oh and there's also this really weird one.
09:28 Apparently there's this red subscribe button that when you click it it turns grey somehow.
09:32 Not really sure how that one works but I definitely recommend trying it out for yourself and see
09:35 how it goes.
09:36 But seriously please subscribe it means a ton thank you.
09:40 Pokemon we all love them.
09:41 Right?
09:42 Well if you do or don't you're still sure to appreciate and love these giant pokemon
09:47 mega builds.
09:48 A youtuber named inostupid or ino stupid I know how to say it inostupid has been churning
09:54 out pokemon related mega builds over the course of more than 4 years and they look great.
10:00 I mean this father son duo has some of the best looking pokemon mega builds I've ever
10:04 seen in my whole life.
10:06 They look amazing.
10:07 Also they're really close to 10k subscribers so if you made it this far and you like what
10:10 you see then you should also definitely subscribe to them.
10:12 They totally deserve it.
10:14 The pokemon movie took place in a massive city.
10:17 And you know what else is a city?
10:18 Sokovia.
10:19 Smooth transition I know.
10:21 Undoubtedly out of every minecraft build I've ever seen in my life, one of the absolute
10:26 most incredible is this recreation of a scene from age of ultron where the city of sokovia
10:33 is ripped out of the earth.
10:35 Built again by the wizard that is Trixieblox, this absolute behemoth of a build towers over
10:41 everything around it and it's impossible to fit it all in one shot.
10:44 From the detail today to the lovely mountainside to the actual floating island centerpiece,
10:49 everything about this build is just stunning.
10:52 It's beautiful, it's incredible, you can even say it's…
10:57 Marvelous.
10:58 Eh, okay you have to admit that was funny.
