U.S. Forces Fly in to Embassy in Haiti to Evacuate Nonessential Personnel

  • 6 months ago
State Department Spokesman Matthew Miller says the Secretary of State Antony Blinken is in Jamaica for urgent meeting with CARICOM members hoping to find a compromise for the spiraling crisis in Haiti.
00:00 So the Secretary is in Kingston, Jamaica today to attend the CARICOM high-level meeting on
00:04 Haiti to advance a compromise to the ongoing political stalemate threatening the country's
00:11 citizens and security.
00:12 The proposal that is on the table that CARICOM has developed over the past several days in
00:18 consultation with Haitian stakeholders and consultation with the United States would
00:23 expedite a political transition through the creation of a broad-based independent presidential
00:28 college to steer the country toward the deployment of a multinational security support mission
00:32 and free and fair elections.
00:34 And that's what I expect the Secretary will be discussing with his colleagues.
00:37 We have been on order departure status since last July where we have ordered a certain
00:45 number of embassy personnel to leave.
00:47 Since we went to that status last July, there have been embassy personnel that have left
00:51 at different times and at times we have moved additional personnel in.
00:54 So we had a number of embassy personnel that left over the weekend.
00:58 We had additional security forces that deployed to the mission because of the security situation
01:03 there and we'll continue to assess the situation and make whatever appropriate decisions we
01:08 need to to protect our staff and personnel there.
01:11 We are in contact with a number of American citizens in Haiti.
01:14 I do want to reiterate that we have had a level four travel alert for Haiti for more
01:20 than four years now, making very clear to American citizens that number one, they should
01:24 not travel to Haiti, that it is not safe to travel to Haiti, and number two, that if they
01:29 are in Haiti, they should leave as soon as it's safe for them to do so.
01:32 Now obviously that's a warning that has been in place for four years.
01:35 It's not safe for a number of them to leave right now and they're not able to leave right
01:39 now because the airport has been damaged and commercial carriers have suspended flights.
01:44 So what we are asking U.S. citizens to do today is to register through our crisis intake
01:49 form which you can get to through the embassy's website and we will communicate with them
01:54 the best information we have when we have it.
01:56 We are committed to the success of the MSS.
01:59 You have seen not only the United States commit money to the MSS but also the Secretary has
02:04 met with his foreign counterparts to seek to raise funds from additional countries to
02:08 fund the MSS.
02:09 The Secretary spoke to the President of Kenya on Friday to discuss the deployment of the
02:14 MSS and we continue to look to expedite that mission as soon as possible.
02:21 So that's something we're in conversation with the government of Kenya about and something
02:24 we're in conversation with other countries around the world and I can assure you that
02:29 the United States will do its part to fund that important mission.
