Commune forestière face au changement climatique

  • 6 months ago
Le bois était notre trésor : affaiblie par le déclin de sa vaste forêt de résineux, endettée, la petite commune forestière de Lemuy (Jura) prend soin de ses bois pour envisager l'avenir.
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00:00 The wood was our treasure.
00:01 Weakened by the decline of its vast forest of resinous,
00:04 endowed,
00:05 the small forest community of Lemuy, Jura,
00:07 takes care of its woods to consider the future.
00:10 At the foothill of the village, where live 244 inhabitants,
00:13 beyond the meadows,
00:14 cress trees and spruces spread out at a loss of sight.
00:18 This forest, made of resin by the 20th century man-alogue, covers 1,000 hectares,
00:21 that is, almost half of the surface of this community located at 670 meters
00:25 altitude on the first plateau of the Jura massif.
00:29 The exploitation of the 358 hectares belonging to the municipality has long been
00:32 a man-game allowing to finance 80% of its budget,
00:36 according to its mayor Damien Castella.
00:38 This good quality wood is essentially sold to local sawmills as
00:41 wood for carpentry or construction.
00:44 But from 2018,
00:45 the droughts of repetition are hurting the Epicea,
00:48 victim of a ravaging insect,
00:50 the Scolite,
00:51 then the tree that dies of thirst on a limestone soil not inclined to retain water.
00:55 According to a report of the Court of Accounts published on Tuesday,
00:58 70% of the community forest, of Lemuy, is affected,
01:02 30% is already destroyed.
01:04 Overindebted.
01:06 In the woods,
01:07 some cuttings arise at the detour of a plot of vertical trunks,
01:10 and throwing their thorny spruces towards the sky.
01:13 The clumps of Epicea without bark,
01:15 perched on galleries dug by the Scolites,
01:18 border the forest paths.
01:20 We try to treat all affected areas and limit the spread of the Scolites,
01:24 but given the quantity it is difficult.
01:26 It is the dry wood race,
01:28 confided Rafael Colombet,
01:29 Forestry Technician of the National Office of Forests,
01:32 ONF,
01:33 Public Forest Management,
01:35 on the sector.
01:36 The Lemuy village had invested 1.4 million euros to re-develop its main street in 2017.
01:43 But the resources of the community from the sale of wood,
01:46 between 130,000 and 140,000 euros in 2017,
01:49 were divided by 3 between 2017 and 2022.
01:52 Wood was our gold mine,
01:54 we had an incredible ability to repay.
01:58 A few years ago,
01:59 we did not ask ourselves any questions,
02:00 says Mr. Castella,
02:02 elected mayor in 2020.
02:04 Our investment capacity is now zero
02:06 and our municipality is over-indebted,
02:08 until 2038,
02:10 with a debt per inhabitant ten times higher than the departmental level,
02:13 continues this farmer by profession,
02:15 milk producer in Comté and Morbié.
02:18 Mahantis,
02:19 is the sub-duty of the village by the prefecture.
02:23 Diversified forests.
02:24 Since 2018,
02:26 forestry municipalities have been trying to sell dry wood
02:28 and to contingent the offer in non-scolite green wood,
02:31 to not saturate the market.
02:33 Today, more wood is harvested than the forest can produce,
02:37 which leads to a price drop.
02:39 These are harvests suffered,
02:40 we decapitalize,
02:42 worries Olivier Guéry,
02:43 responsible for the territorial unity of the ONF.
02:47 The fate of Lemuy is emblematic.
02:49 In the Jura,
02:50 about fifty of the 490 forestry municipalities,
02:53 that is 95% of the departments,
02:56 are facing financial difficulties,
02:58 says Michel Bourgeois,
02:59 president of the Association of Forestry Municipalities of the Jura.
03:03 In the 2024 finance law,
03:05 the aid to help forestry municipalities has doubled,
03:08 going to 2 million euros,
03:09 it's good but it's still far from our estimated needs
03:11 at more than 8 million euros at the national level,
03:13 notes Françoise Alric,
03:15 general director of the National Federation of Forestry Municipalities.
