Court métrageTranscription
00:00 Le premier épisode est un peu plus long que le premier. Je vous invite à aller voir la première partie.
00:06 Le premier épisode est un peu plus long que le premier. Je vous invite à aller voir la première partie.
00:10 Le premier épisode est un peu plus long que le premier. Je vous invite à aller voir la première partie.
00:15 Le premier épisode est un peu plus long que le premier. Je vous invite à aller voir la première partie.
00:19 Hey, lady, you got a sonner.
00:20 Do I look like such a threat?
00:22 Don't blame me. You got procedures.
00:26 You hold that?
00:41 I'm sorry.
00:42 Thanks for your help.
00:45 Don't mention it.
00:47 I'm sorry.
00:48 This is not good.
01:07 Why is elevator 6 in inspection mode?
01:11 Come on, man.
01:13 What's happening?
01:15 Nothing. Just relax.
01:17 What was that?
01:18 You're alright?
01:24 You're bleeding.
01:25 Oh my God.
01:26 It feels like something bit me.
01:28 Does anybody have anything sharp on them that might have cut her?
01:31 No.
01:32 You mind if we search your pockets?
01:33 Yes, I do mind. You mind if we search yours?
01:36 What was that?
01:38 Something's jamming it. It's stuck.
01:42 Oh, oh, oh!
01:43 Don't come near me.
01:46 Any of you.
01:47 Back away from each other now!
01:48 Oh my God!
02:03 Oh my God!
02:04 Turn on the lights!
02:21 Who are you?
02:26 To be continued...
02:29 [Bruit d'explosion]
02:31 Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'