• 7 months ago


00:00:00 [Sounds of a thunderstorm]
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00:22:11 Okay, pull up the harness!
00:22:13 [Music]
00:22:22 Whoa, that's never happened before.
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00:22:36 Get this thing off us!
00:22:38 [Music]
00:22:47 No!
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00:22:54 I got him!
00:22:55 Zap, use the grappler ray!
00:22:57 The grappler won't take that weight, it'll overload!
00:23:00 [Music]
00:23:05 Whoa, do you work out?
00:23:07 [Music]
00:23:10 Do it, Zap!
00:23:11 Dex, if it overloads the grappler, it'll take the whole ship down with it.
00:23:15 Maybe I can reroute some power from somewhere.
00:23:18 [Music]
00:23:19 Come on, Jenny, hurry!
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00:23:34 Ugh, I told him, it's too much weight!
00:23:36 [Music]
00:23:39 In time, Jenny!
00:23:41 [Music]
00:23:54 Okay, you're in!
00:23:55 [Music]
00:24:04 Everything went perfectly.
00:24:06 Make the call.
00:24:08 [Music]
00:24:17 That thing came this close to eating me.
00:24:21 Now I know how pizza feels.
00:24:23 Look what it did to my ship!
00:24:25 [Splash]
00:24:26 You couldn't just leave it, could you?
00:24:28 I didn't have a choice.
00:24:29 You didn't have a choice?
00:24:31 That thing destroyed a mining outpost.
00:24:33 It almost killed all of us, and now you want to bring it into the habitat?
00:24:36 You had a choice.
00:24:38 You just chose to put all of us at risk.
00:24:40 Last I remember, helping bugs is what we do.
00:24:47 We don't know anything about this bug, except that she's hurt.
00:24:50 If we left her there, she wouldn't stand a chance.
00:24:53 Is that really what you want?
00:24:55 Whatever you say.
00:25:02 I think we should keep this bug a secret.
00:25:04 Just for now, okay?
00:25:05 We don't need any more bad publicity.
00:25:07 We just got her.
00:25:08 Who's going to know?
00:25:10 This is Sally Keener, live at Hamilton's Habitat,
00:25:13 where celebrity bug man Dex Hamilton is expected to return any minute now with the insect on board.
00:25:19 But is it just another specimen?
00:25:21 Maybe not.
00:25:22 An anonymous expert tipster suggests that it's a ticking time bomb waiting to blow.
00:25:27 I think--
00:25:28 Yes!
00:25:29 I see them coming now.
00:25:33 How could they know already?
00:25:35 That's impossible.
00:25:36 Get out of the way!
00:25:37 I'm landing here!
00:25:39 114 incoming comm requests.
00:25:41 Everybody wants an interview.
00:25:46 Fine, fine.
00:25:47 An interview with Dex?
00:25:49 I knew that.
00:25:51 Dex, you've got to get these people out of my way, or I'll never get us on the ground.
00:25:55 Put me on a public channel.
00:25:56 I'll make a statement.
00:25:57 I hope you know what you're doing.
00:26:02 Hi, everybody.
00:26:04 I can see there's a lot of excitement about our latest catch, and boy, she's a beauty.
00:26:10 Now, you probably heard she caused some damage earlier today,
00:26:13 but if you come with me, I'll show you that she's really, really harmless.
00:26:19 Now, I'll have to be quiet because she's sleeping like a little baby.
00:26:23 Shh.
00:26:34 Did you notice the interior labrum?
00:26:36 Amazing!
00:26:52 Okay, everything's under control.
00:26:53 My chief engineer, Jenny Ten, has her in a stasis field so she can't possibly move.
00:27:04 Tang!
00:27:19 Now, if you'll clear a path, please.
00:27:21 We'll get her inside where she's safe.
00:27:23 We've got secure containment tanks inside.
00:27:26 Everything's A-okay.
00:27:28 Go, go, go!
00:27:38 Here we go.
00:27:41 It's okay.
00:27:42 She didn't even wake up.
00:27:45 Isn't she beautiful?
00:27:47 What is she?
00:27:48 I don't know. Something new.
00:27:53 She's scared.
00:27:54 How can you tell?
00:27:55 Have a look. If you look deep enough, you can tell what she's feeling.
00:27:58 She's asleep.
00:27:59 She's all alone in the galaxy. She's hurt.
00:28:02 She's been taken to a strange place by strange creatures.
00:28:05 Wouldn't you be scared?
00:28:07 Nothing will happen to you here. I promise.
00:28:11 I should get back to work.
00:28:13 I'm staying here for a while.
00:28:18 I'm due for a break.
00:28:26 How long did you say that tranquilizer lasts?
00:28:37 Hmm.
00:28:49 This computer simulation was delivered to us by a renowned insect expert.
00:28:54 As you can see, the destructive potential of the bug is far beyond what Dex Hamilton originally claimed.
00:29:00 Could he be putting us all in danger?
00:29:03 Guys, you better come in here.
00:29:09 Please, please. One question at a time.
00:29:11 Tell me, Mr. Hamilton, why should we allow such a deadly bug in our city?
00:29:16 I just want to reassure everyone that the bug, um, all of our bugs, are completely contained.
00:29:22 Oh, really? It didn't seem under control when it crashed your ship.
00:29:26 Well, bugs can be unpredictable, but--
00:29:27 Isn't unpredictable just another word for dangerous?
00:29:32 Look at this.
00:29:34 This is a gravity beetle.
00:29:36 They have an amazing ability to float above the ground without wings, as if in zero gravity.
00:29:42 We don't know how, and we never will, because the last one was hunted down 17 years ago and sold for its pretty shell.
00:29:49 This one is a spindle bee.
00:29:51 The natives on its planet used its honey to cure any disease.
00:29:54 Now they can't, and neither can we, because the last spindle bee hive was demolished by human strip mining.
00:30:00 I was there. I couldn't stop it.
00:30:02 We don't know anything about this new bug.
00:30:05 Don't you think we should find out everything we can instead of just leaving her to die?
00:30:09 I'll tell you what we know about that bug.
00:30:11 It's a monster.
00:30:13 Hunter.
00:30:15 Hartley Hunter. Hunter Extermination Services.
00:30:18 Whether they creep or crawl, we kill them all.
00:30:21 I've hunted every kind of bug that crawled or buzzed, and I've never seen one as fearsome as this.
00:30:26 That insect is nothing less than a hideous weapon of mass destruction, and it's just one of many within this habitat.
00:30:33 She's just a bug, and she's actually beautiful if you can't look.
00:30:37 I've already proposed to the mayor that we deal with this bug before it breaks loose and kills us all.
00:30:43 Come in and see it.
00:30:47 That's what the habitat is all about, right?
00:30:49 Tomorrow, I invite Sally Keener with her cameras to come in and see the bug and show you just how amazing it really is.
00:30:57 Just the press. Why not the mayor?
00:30:59 Fine. I'll invite the mayor, too.
00:31:01 Why not children?
00:31:03 I invite the mayor and his kids.
00:31:05 Ooh.
00:31:08 Well played.
00:31:10 [chatter]
00:31:18 [gasp]
00:31:20 They've been trying to put a bioscience transponder on it for four hours.
00:31:24 The bottom line is, we don't have control of this bug.
00:31:30 If we have a public show now, somebody's gonna get hurt.
00:31:33 [grunt]
00:31:35 [laugh]
00:31:36 I got her!
00:31:39 Stay here.
00:31:41 [scream]
00:31:42 Hey!
00:31:45 Don't show fear. Stand your ground.
00:31:48 No fear. No fear.
00:31:50 No fear. No fear.
00:31:54 [scream]
00:31:56 I'm done with this.
00:31:59 Ah, mandibles. Yeah, you showed them to me already. Nice.
00:32:10 How does he do that? We've been trying all day.
00:32:14 We try not to show fear. He's actually not scared.
00:32:18 Oh, she's starving. Did you guys feed her?
00:32:20 We tried every kind of bug food we could find.
00:32:23 The thing won't touch any of them. Tung even bought it a lasagna.
00:32:28 Yes. For the bug.
00:32:30 Picky eater, eh?
00:32:32 Well, we need her calm for the showing, and that's not gonna happen while she's hungry.
00:32:35 Jenny, fire up the ship. We've got less than 12 hours.
00:32:38 Let's hope the planet Shibata does take out.
00:32:41 Zap, Tung, try to keep her calm while we're gone.
00:32:43 How?
00:32:44 Just use your natural charm.
00:32:46 Didn't we just leave this party? I didn't like it the first time.
00:32:56 Based on my analysis of the bug's droppings...
00:32:58 Which you enjoy way too much, by the way.
00:33:00 Here's what we're looking for. They should be easy to find.
00:33:02 Well, that's something.
00:33:04 As long as we're at least 20 meters underground, it's freezing cold,
00:33:07 and there's lots of nutrient-rich slime that smells like rotten meat.
00:33:14 She may be the last of her species, but from the looks of these tunnels,
00:33:35 there used to be hundreds down here.
00:33:37 You can tell from the striations on the walls.
00:33:40 Yeah, striations. Cool.
00:33:42 How do we find these mushrooms?
00:33:44 Follow your nose.
00:33:46 Go the way it smells worst. I love my job.
00:33:49 Um, Dex, how sure are we that that bug was the only one left down here?
00:33:55 Pretty sure.
00:33:56 Why?
00:33:57 Because we've been here for five minutes, and we're still alive.
00:34:00 Great.
00:34:09 Aha! There's a fungus among us.
00:34:17 (GROANS)
00:34:19 You weren't kidding about the smell. That's like tongues feet on a really bad day.
00:34:23 Okay, we don't need the whole patch.
00:34:30 If we just grab one or two, we can use the replicator back home to make more.
00:34:35 (FOOTSTEPS)
00:34:37 Jenny, give me a hand!
00:34:44 Jenny, I need you!
00:34:47 Both together. Come on.
00:34:51 Is this never a good sound?
00:35:03 Remember when I said that bug might be the last of its species?
00:35:07 Yeah.
00:35:08 It's not.
00:35:12 Jenny, grab it!
00:35:30 This hand. You want this hand?
00:35:33 (GRUNTS)
00:35:42 Oh, no.
00:35:44 Can we go now?
00:35:46 Yes. Yes, we can.
00:35:53 Sorry about that. You'll be fine in a minute.
00:35:59 What's their problem?
00:36:01 It's actually kind of amazing. Just like hornets back on Earth.
00:36:04 Is this really the time for education?
00:36:07 When a hornet is attacked, it emits a pheromone that draws other hornets in the area to its defence.
00:36:12 When I pulled that harpoon out of the bugger to habitat, I probably got some pheromones on this hand.
00:36:16 So we just stirred up the hornet's nest?
00:36:18 Yeah, something like that, yeah. Pretty cool, eh?
00:36:21 No, not cool.
00:36:23 Into the ship. Go!
00:36:28 30 seconds.
00:36:34 OK, that wasn't so bad.
00:36:41 A queen! Look at the size of her!
00:36:45 You know what? Forget the 30 seconds. We go now!
00:36:51 Climb!
00:37:03 We took off before the engines were primed. We don't have enough lift!
00:37:06 Climb!
00:37:11 It's just what we need. Hold on!
00:37:21 We're in the clear. She's too big to fly.
00:37:35 You know, for a long time, people thought there was no way bees should be able to...
00:37:38 Again with the education? Really?
00:37:40 Whoa!
00:37:44 Just get us out of the atmosphere. She won't go into space.
00:37:52 Whoa!
00:38:00 How many times are you going to be wrong today?
00:38:02 Turn around! Are you nuts?
00:38:04 She flies with her wings, but there's no air out here, so she doesn't exactly turn on a dime.
00:38:08 Phew!
00:38:25 Hey, guys. How'd it go?
00:38:27 Great! Yeah, great.
00:38:29 Good. Because you're going to have to get home fast.
00:38:32 I wish I was here early.
00:38:34 And with the first public viewing of the bug about to begin,
00:38:37 the question on everybody's mind is, "How much danger are we really in?"
00:38:41 I intend to find out.
00:38:43 Mr. Mayor, what about the voters who don't think Dex Hamilton can contain this bug?
00:38:51 I intend to see for myself exactly how unsafe this place is and take the necessary action.
00:38:58 Hooray!
00:39:01 There you go, girl. I hope you're feeling better, because here we go.
00:39:05 Welcome to Hamilton's Habitat.
00:39:18 Come on in, kids. Miss Kina, Mr. Mayor, the bugs are excited to see you.
00:39:26 Room for one more? You weren't invited.
00:39:31 I'm here as a member of the public. Surely you don't turn anyone away.
00:39:35 Of course not. Come in.
00:39:38 What's the bug doing?
00:39:41 Eating. Seems like that made it happy. Let's hope it stays that way.
00:39:44 You guys better get into position.
00:39:46 In the shop basement? Aw, man.
00:39:50 Dex, I hope you know what you're doing.
00:39:53 Kids, right here.
00:39:56 [Squeaking]
00:39:58 I'm not picking up anything at all.
00:40:05 She comes from a planet with very little direct sunlight.
00:40:08 She doesn't like it bright, especially when she's sleeping.
00:40:12 There's a bug in there? I want to see. Please.
00:40:16 Get it over with, Hamilton.
00:40:18 First I'd like to tell you some things we've discovered about her.
00:40:21 She weighs about 1,700 kilograms.
00:40:23 Oh, who cares? Wake it up!
00:40:25 Jenny?
00:40:27 Lights at 50%, please.
00:40:29 Zap, Tongue, you ready?
00:40:31 We're right under the emergency hatch.
00:40:33 We think. Have you been in the shop basement?
00:40:36 Up, down, left, right, these words have no meaning down here.
00:40:41 If that thing goes buggy, don't waste any time.
00:40:44 Here we go.
00:40:47 [Splashing]
00:40:49 Isn't she awesome?
00:40:55 [Sniffing]
00:40:57 I can put the scariest music in the world over this, and it's still going to be boring.
00:41:02 But she's not scary. She's beautiful.
00:41:05 Whoa!
00:41:11 Yeah. Whoa.
00:41:15 [Splashing]
00:41:17 Well, I'll be.
00:41:20 Hamilton!
00:41:22 Doomsday bug or gentle giant?
00:41:26 Somebody get a picture of me with that beautiful thing for the morning news.
00:41:32 [Groaning]
00:41:36 [Beeping]
00:41:38 [Splashing]
00:41:40 What's happening?
00:41:42 [Beeping]
00:41:44 [Screaming]
00:41:46 Zap, Tongue, get in there.
00:41:50 That thing's gone cuckoo.
00:41:55 It's okay. This happens all the time.
00:41:57 But, um, hey, kids, let's play a game.
00:42:00 It's called Don't Make Any Sudden Movements.
00:42:03 Finally. This is cold.
00:42:08 It's okay. As you can see, the emergency force field is very strong.
00:42:12 Nothing can get through that.
00:42:14 [Splashing]
00:42:15 [Screaming]
00:42:17 [Laughing]
00:42:19 Hey, over here. Remember me?
00:42:21 [Grunting]
00:42:29 Zap's just hugging her as a precaution.
00:42:32 [Grunting]
00:42:34 [Screaming]
00:42:35 Not to worry. Tongue and Zap are expert wranglers.
00:42:38 They can handle this.
00:42:40 Excuse me. Everything's under control.
00:42:43 Tell that to the guy who's being eaten.
00:42:46 Zap, stop struggling.
00:42:49 Easy for you to say.
00:42:51 Hey there, girl. It's okay.
00:42:54 You don't want to hurt that guy. It's all right. You're safe here.
00:42:58 There you go. That's a good girl.
00:43:04 There, you see? She's like a puppy once he gets to know her.
00:43:09 Even puppies bite.
00:43:12 [Growling]
00:43:14 [Grunting]
00:43:16 [Screaming]
00:43:18 Zaps, you all right?
00:43:20 I've got to stop this.
00:43:22 Calm down. What's the matter?
00:43:25 Why is it doing that?
00:43:26 What in the world?
00:43:28 Zap, get the kids out of there.
00:43:30 Come on, everybody. Show's over.
00:43:33 Hey, over here.
00:43:35 Dex, let's go.
00:43:37 Dex, please. You can't stay.
00:43:40 Tongue, I can handle this. Just go.
00:43:42 It's okay. Shh. Settle down.
00:43:45 Tongue!
00:43:58 [Screaming]
00:44:00 Zap? Tongue? Dex?
00:44:24 Somebody make a noise.
00:44:27 Jenny.
00:44:29 Zap!
00:44:31 Kids, are you okay?
00:44:33 Yeah.
00:44:34 Zap, what happened?
00:44:36 I don't-- I don't know. I can't move my wings. Weird.
00:44:40 Come on, we've got to find the others.
00:44:43 Dex?
00:44:56 Dex, are you--?
00:44:58 Where's Tongue?
00:45:00 [Gasps]
00:45:05 Dex?
00:45:18 Shut that thing off.
00:45:25 Mr. Mayor, we need to secure this bug.
00:45:28 Forget the bug. This man put kids in danger for Pete's sake.
00:45:32 My kids! The man has no compassion.
00:45:35 I need my medicine.
00:45:37 Hush. Grown-ups are talking.
00:45:39 You're in charge now. Take over this place.
00:45:41 What? You can't do that.
00:45:43 Excellent call, Mr. Mayor.
00:45:45 And I don't want Hamilton letting any more of his bugs loose.
00:45:49 Until I can get some arresting officers in here, detain him.
00:45:52 With great pleasure, sir.
00:45:55 Spanner, send in the troops.
00:45:58 Access the Habitat computer systems as soon as you're inside.
00:46:01 And I'll make sure you have expert help.
00:46:06 [Hissing]
00:46:08 [Grunts]
00:46:27 [Sighs]
00:46:32 I've always despised you.
00:46:34 You're a traitor, because you sided with them.
00:46:37 The bugs. The disgusting, foul things.
00:46:41 They infest this planet. They outnumber us two billion to one.
00:46:45 And you want to protect them?
00:46:48 I'm about to destroy everything you've spent your whole life building.
00:46:52 And it's gonna feel good.
00:46:55 Congratulations. You're public enemy number one.
00:47:01 [Laughs]
00:47:04 [Grunts]
00:47:15 Where's the central uplink?
00:47:20 In your butt. And it's boot activated.
00:47:23 Here, let me show you.
00:47:25 Not cooperating will only make it more difficult for you.
00:47:29 I'll figure it out myself.
00:47:32 You'll never get through my encryption.
00:47:42 Says you. I'm in!
00:47:45 How did you--
00:47:47 Accessing central uplink.
00:47:49 Stop that!
00:47:53 What are you doing?
00:47:56 Understand something, sister. You're not in control here anymore.
00:48:00 I am!
00:48:02 [Screams]
00:48:05 Booby traps?
00:48:07 The boot butt option's looking pretty good now, isn't it?
00:48:10 Get her out of here!
00:48:12 Right away, sir.
00:48:20 Okay, the boss wants us to fan out and contain these bugs.
00:48:23 Let's move!
00:48:26 I gotta stop these guys.
00:48:29 Hey, dirtbags! Let's see what you got!
00:48:33 Get 'em!
00:48:35 What?
00:48:43 Sit tight, bug boy.
00:48:48 [Laughs]
00:48:53 [♪♪♪]
00:48:57 [♪♪♪]
00:49:00 [♪♪♪]
00:49:04 [♪♪♪]
00:49:07 [♪♪♪]
00:49:20 [♪♪♪]
00:49:23 [♪♪♪]
00:49:46 [♪♪♪]
00:49:49 Hello again, my precious.
00:50:00 Bring in the harnesses.
00:50:13 [Laughs]
00:50:15 Thanks for cooperating.
00:50:18 [Screams]
00:50:20 [♪♪♪]
00:50:24 [♪♪♪]
00:50:27 [♪♪♪]
00:50:31 [♪♪♪]
00:50:34 [♪♪♪]
00:50:43 [♪♪♪]
00:50:55 [♪♪♪]
00:50:58 [♪♪♪]
00:51:23 Tung, I'm sorry.
00:51:26 Dex? Is that you?
00:51:28 Remember I used to catch Tung sniffing the squid-o-pillars some mornings?
00:51:32 He always said he was just checking to see if they needed a bath.
00:51:35 He never ate one. Give him credit for that.
00:51:38 After a while, he even named them all.
00:51:41 When the little one got sick, Tung kept it in his bunk all night, keeping it warm.
00:51:45 He did put salt and pepper on it, though.
00:51:48 He said it was a home remedy, but I always wondered.
00:51:51 [Laughs]
00:51:54 It's all my fault. You guys are better off without me.
00:51:58 That's the first sensible thing I've heard you say all day.
00:52:01 Zach!
00:52:02 Somebody's got to say it!
00:52:04 Tung would still be alive if it wasn't for Dex.
00:52:06 He's right.
00:52:08 We don't have time for this. What happened to Tung? We can't change that.
00:52:12 But Hunter's still out there taking apart everything we've worked for, and we can't stop him.
00:52:17 Don't give up on me now!
00:52:19 [Razor blade cutting through trees]
00:52:21 What's that?
00:52:22 Section 14.
00:52:24 Huh?
00:52:25 The razor flea is in Section 14, two habitats down.
00:52:28 Sounds like she's putting up a fight. I hope she tears them apart.
00:52:32 Tears them apart? That's it!
00:52:34 What's it?
00:52:36 Let's hope these walls carry vibrations as well as the trees.
00:52:39 If she hears this, she'll be hearing a flash and cut us right out of here!
00:52:42 Dex, wait! She's two habitats down. She'll come through Zach's cell first.
00:52:46 You're right! I already lost Tung. I'm not losing Zach too.
00:52:50 I'll handle it.
00:52:52 Forget it!
00:52:54 My bug half may be gone, but I'm not a total wuss.
00:52:57 [Hammering]
00:53:01 [Zach screaming]
00:53:03 She's coming!
00:53:05 [Zach screaming]
00:53:07 No!
00:53:09 Zach! Zach!
00:53:15 Oh no!
00:53:17 Cover the spiracles on its abdomen to make its wings stop.
00:53:27 That's what you said, right?
00:53:29 Don't ever scare me like that again!
00:53:36 Come on, we gotta move.
00:53:38 Guys, wait.
00:53:42 I'm sorry for everything.
00:53:45 Okay, so what's the plan?
00:53:53 Spanner's got control of all the doors.
00:54:08 I need to get him out of Central Command or we'll never get anywhere.
00:54:11 Shh! Guys, check out what's on the news.
00:54:14 It is not yet known where the bugs came from or what they want, but it's a safe bet Dex Hamilton has something to do with it.
00:54:20 She must have followed the pheromone trail all the way back here. Very aggressive.
00:54:24 Earth Defense has now launched an armed response and they are expected to intercept the bugs within minutes.
00:54:30 Use of lethal force has been authorized.
00:54:34 [Train sounds]
00:54:41 I don't get it. Where are they taking all the bugs?
00:54:44 That's what we're gonna find out.
00:54:46 There's some really old emergency consoles in the sub-basement. I might be able to hack one.
00:54:53 Good, try that. Engage the emergency lockdown so nothing gets out.
00:54:56 Zap and I will find out where they're taking the bugs.
00:54:59 How?
00:55:00 The express route.
00:55:03 Clinch.
00:55:05 What?
00:55:06 You know how bugs bug humans, right?
00:55:08 Well, do you think humans human bugs?
00:55:11 Shut up, cougher!
00:55:13 You couldn't have found an empty one, could you?
00:55:18 Shh!
00:55:19 Hmm, somebody left this here.
00:55:21 Probably those losers from B Squad.
00:55:23 Aren't we B Squad?
00:55:25 Then it was probably those losers from A Squad.
00:55:30 Yeah, A Squad.
00:55:33 A Squad requesting...
00:55:36 B! B!
00:55:37 Uh, I mean B Squad requesting access to the lockdown. We have a... bug of some kind.
00:55:46 Access granted with annoyance. You're supposed to be done your sweep by now.
00:55:51 We're on our way.
00:55:53 [Door opens]
00:55:56 [Door closes]
00:55:58 Please work, please work, please work, please work!
00:56:09 You've got to be kidding me!
00:56:12 What is it with these bugs?
00:56:23 Go quiet them down or they're going to tip over the crate.
00:56:26 Me? But I'm driving.
00:56:28 Ha ha! Still got it.
00:56:34 Go on, little man, show those bugs who's boss.
00:56:37 Hurry up, okay? I want to go on break soon.
00:56:44 Cougher?
00:56:51 Hey, Cougher!
00:56:53 What's going on?
00:56:55 What? Whoa!
00:56:57 Sweet dreams, fellas.
00:57:04 They'll be okay in there, right?
00:57:10 Sure. Let's go.
00:57:13 Yes!
00:57:16 Crawly, are you awake?
00:57:20 Good. I think it's time for a little payback. What do you say, buddy?
00:57:24 Get down!
00:57:47 Get those bugs stacked. There's plenty of room there on the right.
00:57:50 That's right. Get them all together for the...
00:57:53 Oh, stop complaining.
00:57:57 I'm only asking you to do what you're made for.
00:58:00 Why, you...
00:58:03 You dirty, disgusting bug, you!
00:58:08 These are the last ones, Mr. Hunter.
00:58:10 Finally. Tell everyone to get clear.
00:58:13 Things are about to get messy.
00:58:17 Spanner, all systems are go.
00:58:20 Then I suggest you clear out of there.
00:58:23 With pleasure.
00:58:25 Come on, let's get down there and save those bugs.
00:58:35 What are they going to do?
00:58:44 They're going to cause another explosion, using her to exterminate all the other bugs.
00:58:48 Come on, we've got to get that bug out of the light before it blows.
00:58:54 Uh-oh. I'm guessing that's not good.
00:58:58 Crawly, hurry it up!
00:59:00 And... done!
00:59:02 Ha ha ha ha!
00:59:04 That's good, but let him know that we're mad.
00:59:28 Oh, aah!
00:59:30 Open this door! Let me in!
00:59:46 You can't do this to me!
00:59:48 That's it, Crawly. Give me full access to all systems.
00:59:51 [♪♪♪]
00:59:54 Calm down, we're going to help you.
01:00:04 Come on, come on. Huh?
01:00:07 Yes, I've got control. Thank you, Crawly.
01:00:14 Now go help Vex.
01:00:16 [♪♪♪]
01:00:19 [growling]
01:00:28 [grunting]
01:00:30 [screaming]
01:00:32 That's it, Zap.
01:00:34 Get them out of here!
01:00:36 [grunting]
01:00:39 [♪♪♪]
01:00:42 Freeze!
01:00:49 Hey, over here. How about a little payback, guys?
01:00:54 [grunting]
01:00:56 Oh! Ah!
01:00:58 [screaming]
01:01:00 [grunting]
01:01:03 [grunting]
01:01:08 [grunting]
01:01:10 [laughing]
01:01:15 That was good, but the bug in you isn't what it used to be.
01:01:22 [chuckles]
01:01:29 What are you going to do, set this bug free?
01:01:32 You can't stop it now.
01:01:34 We know your plan, Hunter, and we're not going to let you get away with it.
01:01:38 [laughing]
01:01:40 Let me get away with it? You handed it to me.
01:01:43 You captured the bug for me.
01:01:45 You brought it right into your habitat where I needed it.
01:01:49 You made the Mayor put your entire collection under my control.
01:01:54 And now your environment simulator is charging that bug
01:01:57 with enough power to annihilate itself and every living insect in the habitat.
01:02:03 Everything exactly as I planned.
01:02:07 Word of advice, stop caring about these bugs.
01:02:10 Makes you predictable.
01:02:13 [grunting]
01:02:15 [grunting]
01:02:21 Jenny, come in. Are you there?
01:02:26 I'm here, Dex.
01:02:28 I need you to shut off the sun of the containment unit.
01:02:30 You got it.
01:02:33 [whirring]
01:02:35 Yeah!
01:02:37 Yes!
01:02:39 [grumbling]
01:02:41 [whirring]
01:02:43 [grunts]
01:02:47 Nice try.
01:02:49 Hunter, listen to me.
01:02:54 The Queen is in orbit right now.
01:02:56 If her child dies, she'll attack the city.
01:02:58 There will be destruction like even you don't want.
01:03:00 Nonsense. When this bug dies, the Queen will fly home.
01:03:04 In a way, by killing it, I'm saving the city.
01:03:07 I'll probably get a medal.
01:03:09 [laughing]
01:03:13 Hey, Hunter!
01:03:18 Zack, you got your strength back.
01:03:24 Not exactly.
01:03:27 [roars]
01:03:29 It wasn't a very heavy crate.
01:03:34 Let's try that again.
01:03:36 [whirring]
01:03:38 [roaring]
01:03:40 [thudding]
01:03:42 [beeping]
01:03:47 [beeping]
01:03:49 [grunts]
01:04:08 Get off me, you bug freak!
01:04:10 [grunts]
01:04:12 [gasps]
01:04:16 Ready.
01:04:18 Missing something?
01:04:24 It's time to go.
01:04:29 Hey.
01:04:38 Hey, boys, look who I found.
01:04:40 Technically, I found her.
01:04:42 Where have you been?
01:04:44 I was trying to get the floor into the sub-basement.
01:04:46 Couldn't you guys hear me calling?
01:04:48 It's like a parallel dimension down there.
01:04:51 You promised me you were going to be more careful.
01:04:54 Don't ever do that to me again, you slimy toad.
01:04:57 You're gonna get frog smell all over you.
01:05:00 I can take it.
01:05:02 Let me out of here!
01:05:04 Let me out of here!
01:05:06 Bugs! Bugs!
01:05:08 [laughing]
01:05:12 Try not to show fear.
01:05:14 Jenny, quick, go to night mode.
01:05:23 Night mode.
01:05:25 That's not helping.
01:05:30 She's overloaded, and I bet she's putting out pheromones like a beacon.
01:05:33 The Queen's not gonna like that.
01:05:35 [music]
01:05:37 The Queen's gotta see she's okay before things get ugly down here.
01:06:00 Then let's go.
01:06:02 Hey, that thing almost killed you, twice, and you're still ready to help it?
01:06:06 It's worth it, right?
01:06:08 I'm not letting you guys do this.
01:06:10 This one's all me.
01:06:12 Hey, girl, down here.
01:06:14 [music]
01:06:17 [roaring]
01:06:19 Zap, I'm gonna need a new window, quickly.
01:06:40 Here goes nothing.
01:06:46 [music]
01:06:48 You can do it, girl. You're free. Just go.
01:06:55 Dex, you're gonna need to take her into the upper stratosphere.
01:07:01 You can't ride that high.
01:07:03 She won't do it without me.
01:07:04 You can't breathe up there. You'll pass out and you'll fall.
01:07:07 Just as long as she gets in range of the Queen.
01:07:09 At least let us follow in the ship. I need five minutes to warm it up.
01:07:12 No time.
01:07:13 You won't make it back.
01:07:14 Maybe, but it's gonna be awesome.
01:07:17 Thanks, guys, for everything.
01:07:20 Let's go, girl.
01:07:25 [music]
01:07:27 Well, what are you standing there for? Get the ship warmed up.
01:07:37 You think I'm just gonna let him fall?
01:07:41 We're receiving word now that the first wave of defenses has proven ineffective.
01:07:45 Citizens are now being advised to evacuate the city.
01:07:48 I repeat, get out of the city while you still can.
01:07:51 There may be nobody to save us now.
01:07:53 Higher, girl. You have to go higher.
01:07:57 You've got friends looking for you.
01:07:59 Keep going. Higher.
01:08:03 Whoa.
01:08:09 [music]
01:08:11 Your Queen is on the other side of that.
01:08:16 We have to get through. Are you ready?
01:08:19 [screams]
01:08:37 [music]
01:08:39 Keep going. Higher.
01:08:51 Don't stop.
01:09:05 Don't stop. Don't stop.
01:09:08 Come on. Come on. Power up.
01:09:11 Don't stop.
01:09:19 Don't stop. It's gonna be okay.
01:09:22 Going to be okay.
01:09:31 There they are. You made it, girl. You made it.
01:09:36 [screams]
01:09:46 [grunts]
01:10:00 The bug boy is back.
01:10:02 Yeah, the bug boy is back.
01:10:05 Come on. We've got a family reunion to get to.
01:10:10 There she is.
01:10:17 Once the Queen knows they're not in danger...
01:10:27 ...the defensive instinct goes away.
01:10:30 It's nice when families look out for each other.
01:10:33 Yeah, isn't it?
01:10:35 Go on. Go ahead.
01:10:44 All this work fighting to keep the bug in the habitat and you're letting her go? That's it?
01:10:54 Letting her go, yeah, but we're far from done with her.
01:10:57 These bugs are going to need protection, and I think I know someone who can help them get it.
01:11:02 Good afternoon. It's been three days since the events involving the newly discovered beetle,
01:11:07 and the world is aching to hear what has happened to our favorite bug-loving team.
01:11:12 To learn more, I had an interview with the man responsible for the attack,
01:11:16 recently disgraced exterminator Hartley Hunter.
01:11:19 Mr. Hunter, do you have any comment on the events that happened three days ago?
01:11:23 Bugs! Bugs! Bugs! Bugs! Bugs! Bugs! Bugs! Bugs! Bugs! Bugs!
01:11:28 It's pretty much all like that.
01:11:30 But first, my top story begins on the planet Shibata,
01:11:33 where Dex Hamilton announced a new breakthrough that could revolutionize the planet.
01:11:38 He'll be...
01:11:39 Hey, everyone! This way!
01:11:41 Slow down!
01:11:43 Come on, come on!
01:11:45 Hey, girl! Show the nice people your wings.
01:11:50 You see what she's doing?
01:11:52 Her wings are highly specialized cells that collect every bit of sunlight and store it.
01:11:57 A thousand times more efficient than any man-made solar collector.
01:12:00 Incredible!
01:12:02 Our brilliant engineer Jenny has already started studying how they work.
01:12:06 With a little luck, we'll be able to synthesize something like them.
01:12:09 That'll beat the end of the Earth's power troubles forever.
01:12:12 Think what would have happened if we destroyed her.
01:12:14 It's always better to learn.
01:12:16 Bugs have a lot to teach us if we only--
01:12:18 Thank you, Dex Hamilton.
01:12:20 I'm Sally Keener, and these are the facts about Dex Hamilton.
01:12:25 Okay, let's wrap it up.
01:12:27 Actually, I think we need more B-roll of the other members of the team.
01:12:32 Zap, why don't you tell us about your social life?
01:12:35 Friends? Girlfriend?
01:12:37 Oh, awesome! I love to talk about my social life.
01:12:41 Just tell me what a social life is.
01:12:44 Oh, is there a better light over there?
01:12:46 Okay, I'll make sure you shoot my good side.
01:12:49 But they're all good.
01:12:51 So, what's next, Dex Hamilton? Vacation?
01:12:57 Absolutely! I think we've earned a break.
01:13:00 That's why we're going to the Nazeeling Zone.
01:13:03 The methane pits there are home to a new species of dung beetle,
01:13:06 and I was hoping to get a mucus sample.
01:13:08 It's gonna be awesome!
01:13:10 Sounds great, Dex. Sounds great.
01:16:02 [BLANK_AUDIO]
