• last year
LA CHA CHA Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Set against a stunning Welsh backdrop, the story follows the mild-mannered Irishman, Solti Buttering (played by Liam Hourican), on his quest to scatter his grandfather's ashes, leading him to the quirky caravan park, La Cha Cha. This haven for off-grid living is brimming with nudists, a diverse LGBTQ+ community, musicians, and a tapestry of vivid characters, all embracing life to the fullest with activities like paintballing, edibles, yoga, and, of course, dancing.

As Solti becomes entwined with the park's lively inhabitants and its young proprietors, Libby and Damien Rees (portrayed by Ruby and Sonny Ashbourne Serkis, the offspring of Andy Serkis), he is drawn into their efforts to preserve their unique sanctuary. This film is a celebration of joy, resilience, and the spirit of community, packed with humor, eccentricity, and the undeniable charm of Wales.