Meg Ryan stunned on the red carpet at Vanity Fair's post-Oscars celebration, captivating attendees with her rare appearance. The Sleepless in Seattle star donned a mesmerizing semi-sheer gown adorned with intricate gold and silver flowers, complemented by floral embroidery and a peplum skirt. Ryan accessorized elegantly with a Briony Raymond diamond cuff and rings, radiating timeless glamour. Her return to the spotlight after a hiatus reflects her balanced approach to fame, emphasizing personal growth alongside her career.
#MegRyan #Oscars2024 #VanityFairParty #RedCarpetFashion #HollywoodGlamour
#MegRyan #Oscars2024 #VanityFairParty #RedCarpetFashion #HollywoodGlamour