बाजार में कई तरह की डिजाइन वाली प्लास्टिक बोतल मिलने लगी है, जिसे देख बच्चे, बड़े सभी लोग खरीद लेते हैं और उसी से दिनभर पानी पीते हैं. ये डिजाइन वाली बोतलें कब शरीर के लिए खतरनाक बन जाती हैं पता ही नहीं चलता. इससे कई बिमारियों का खतरा है वहीं प्लास्टिक बोतल से पानी पीने से पथरी भी हो सकती है चलिए बताते हैं
Plastic bottles with various designs have started becoming available in the market, seeing which children and adults buy them and drink water from them throughout the day. It is never known when these designed bottles become dangerous for the body. There is a risk of many diseases due to this, while drinking water from a plastic bottle can also cause stones. Let us tell you.
#PlasticBottle #PlasticBottledisadvantage #PlasticBottleDrinkWaterSideEffect #PlasticBottleSideEffect
Plastic bottles with various designs have started becoming available in the market, seeing which children and adults buy them and drink water from them throughout the day. It is never known when these designed bottles become dangerous for the body. There is a risk of many diseases due to this, while drinking water from a plastic bottle can also cause stones. Let us tell you.
#PlasticBottle #PlasticBottledisadvantage #PlasticBottleDrinkWaterSideEffect #PlasticBottleSideEffect