Kesuma to raise SKSSR age limit to 60, says Sim

  • 6 months ago
The Human Resources Ministry (Kesuma) will raise the age eligibility for the Housewives Social Security Scheme (SKSSR) from 55 to 60 years, with the goal of allowing more women to qualify for contributions.

Minister Steven Sim Chee Keong announced this during the Kesuma Women's Day Celebration and the Women's Career Carnival in Kuala Lumpur on Thursday (March 14).

00:00 3, 2, 1
00:03 Last week, we announced the Wardah Platform Wanita My Mira
00:19 which was implemented by Talent Corp
00:22 with the aim of helping women to return to the job market
00:26 to return to their jobs
00:28 Today, we can see that we have launched the Carnival Kerjaya Wanita
00:36 where 30 employees are involved
00:40 We would like to congratulate them
00:42 with the offer of 5,000 jobs
00:46 60% of the jobs are executive-level jobs
00:50 and the majority of the jobs are for female employees
00:57 This is our commitment to women
01:00 We want to provide protection to our target
01:05 500,000 women who are protected
01:10 under the Social Security Scheme Suri Rumah Perkeso
01:14 compared to 200,000 years ago
01:17 This is our aim, our target
01:19 To implement this, we are holding various activities
01:23 including the campaign today
01:24 I would like to announce
01:27 We will make some improvements
01:29 to the Social Security Scheme Suri Rumah Perkeso
01:34 Today, I would like to announce two things
01:36 First, the sum of the benefits will increase
01:39 the age of the beneficiaries of the Social Security Scheme Suri Rumah
01:43 from 55 years to 60 years
01:47 We want to be as fast as possible
01:49 Because when we promote this scheme
01:51 we are only allowed to work for 55 years
01:54 whereas the beneficiaries of the Social Security Scheme Perkeso
01:56 are allowed to work for 60 years
01:58 The age of the beneficiaries of the Social Security Scheme Suri Rumah
02:00 is not included in the retirement age
02:02 We want to be as fast as possible
02:04 so that we can be as fast as possible
02:06 with the benefits of the Social Security Scheme Perkeso
02:08 under the Acta IV
02:10 from 55 years to 60 years
02:12 This step will provide opportunities
02:15 to more than 720,000 women in Malaysia
02:19 to be protected under the Social Security Scheme Suri Rumah
02:24 Second, to add benefits to our beneficiaries
02:30 Perkeso will also increase the payment of the funeral
02:34 from RM2,000 to RM3,000
02:38 But I would like to remind you
02:42 that this scheme is not only for the full-time Suri Rumah
02:47 It is also for the women who are not married yet
02:52 whether they are married or single
02:54 full-time Suri Rumah
02:56 or those who are not full-time Suri Rumah
03:00 promise to be a woman
03:02 In our efforts to ensure that
03:04 the Social Security Scheme Suri Rumah
03:06 can reach more women
03:08 I am very happy today
03:10 Earlier, YB Dato Sri Nancy has explained to me
03:14 I don't want to continue
03:16 but I am very happy
03:17 because the suma through Perkeso
03:19 and the Women's Development Ministry
03:21 the community and families
03:23 through the National Charter of Goodwill
03:25 will present the Memorandum of Understanding
03:29 of the Cooperation Programme
03:30 of the Social Security Scheme Suri Rumah
03:34 Through the two years of MOU
03:36 Corporate bodies, private companies
03:38 GLC, NGOs and individuals
03:41 who donated this scheme
03:44 to women from the B40 group
03:47 will be given a tax exemption
03:50 as in Section 44.6
03:53 of the Tax Revenue Act, 1967
03:56 I hope this effort, this MOU
03:59 will encourage more parties
04:02 to show their support
04:04 for the Social Security Scheme Suri Rumah Perkeso
04:07 Today, we will witness
04:10 10 companies that have donated
04:13 almost RM560,000
04:15 to buy the protection of the SKSSR
04:18 to almost 5,000 women
04:21 We are planning a campaign
04:24 to expand the protection of the Social Security Scheme Suri Rumah Perkeso
04:28 with a target of 500,000 donors
04:32 We want to start
04:35 We want to start at home
04:37 We want to start at home
04:39 I am happy to announce
04:41 that the Ministry of Human Resources Kesuma
04:44 will provide the Social Security Scheme Suri Rumah Perkeso
04:48 for free
04:50 to all 12,500 staff
04:54 in 9 departments and 5 Kesuma agencies
04:58 For female staff, you will get it for free
05:06 depending on your age and so on
05:08 For male staff, they can nominate their wives
05:14 For more information, visit
05:20 For more information, visit
