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00:00 to kick off the second run at the Fever Broom Pro 2024 right now sitting on a 71.3 first run
00:08 all right here we go Liam Rivera i mean you can't overstate how gnarly this is at the very top Liam
00:20 having to squeeze past the frame of the start gate to make his way down the ridge top and then
00:25 straight into it hopping into his run catching some air time there looks like he's hitting in
00:32 the same direction of his first run where he took a little tumble and he wants to clean it up
00:37 spinning in there well love that approach for Liam Rivera so aggressive spinning above the exposure
00:44 and now he had such a great section here Liam Rivera gonna look to back it up as he releases
00:51 off the edges throws the 360 and another perfect landing for Liam Rivera the tracks definitely
00:57 starting to have an effect on the riders on the run out but he's managing those bomb holes really
01:00 well and looking strong as he makes his way over to the lookers right of the venue lining up his
01:07 next feature catching the grab there and riding out strong opting for the four line option out
01:14 of that feature making quick work of the middle section yeah Liam Rivera now coming through this
01:21 section getting a little bit of a break as he's going to approach this this run or this jump
01:26 that we've seen i have a feeling we're going to see a backflip and we do and Liam Rivera lands it
01:31 perfectly so that lip in much better shape than it was on the first run and Liam's got another
01:36 feature here where he's able to tweak out the grab so really solid run here from Liam Rivera
01:42 as he gets down into this lower section where the snow is a little wonky earlier on i wonder
01:47 if now we maybe get into a point where it's a bit softer and starts to be more rideable i think we're
01:52 seeing a bit more release there and he's holding it together riding out super fast so he certainly
01:57 tidied that one up what do you think well i liked it i liked it a lot that was a really really strong
02:03 top section and then the backflip was perfect a strong way to kick off and it looks like the body
02:08 language there Liam Rivera might be feeling pretty stoked about that one himself yeah less of the
02:12 shaking head more of the stoke as he comes through the finish gate so we we have the ghost of Jon
02:24 Pow in the hot seat as we take a look back here at Liam's run the approach to that really rocky
02:29 but tossing the frontside three and landing it beautifully yeah handling those bomb holes super
02:34 well and catching some super nice air time here as well yeah getting the grab ramping up the air
02:42 and style you can see that's his highest bar from Dodo our video judge and then this beautiful laying
02:48 it out slowing the rotation down and stomping Liam Rivera making short work of the Vilsi loader
02:54 so they got to compare that now to all of the first runs and the judges have their work cut
02:59 out for them as i said we've got to imagine the ghost of Jon Penfield sit well the spirit of Jon
03:05 Penfield uh sitting in that hot seat as his run currently is the run to beat that is our our hot
03:12 seat sitter although Jon is back up at the top of the face so we'll see what the judges do with that
03:19 complicated moments to be a judge at the at the at the second run stage of the FIBA Brune Pro
03:25 definitely feeling for the judges there as they are reviewing all the action that's already gone
03:31 down thank you pretty stoked finally landed it well you can hear Liam in the background he is
03:43 stoked he said it finally landed it so happy times for the young verbier rider
03:49 all bunch of rocks that i hadn't seen yeah yeah the approach to that heusel cliff 360 was super
03:56 rocky and we did see a fair few athletes kind of take that same approach so the snow way more
04:02 stripped out especially considering the snowboard men were the first riders to go so they had a
04:06 relatively clean canvas to work with on on run one definitely less so now
04:10 the snowboard men did an awesome job to get the vibes high kicking things off early this morning
04:19 but a lot has happened since then a lot has happened absolutely we've seen four categories
04:25 blazing runs in well in all of them and some extremely strong hot seat runs in all four
04:35 categories so we'll see if the if the backup of getting a second run will outweigh the the sort
04:42 of downside of a deteriorating and just deteriorating by more tracks uh competition
04:47 uh competition venue so lots of interesting questions to be answered here as Liam now
04:54 really being forced to wait by the judges for this score to come in and it comes in in first
04:59 he knocks Jonathan Penfield out of the hot seat in the first rider down the face so that is a
05:05 huge statement from the verbier man Liam Rivera putting himself and now we have a real
